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> Userscript index, For non-HV scripts

post Nov 28 2016, 22:31
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blue penguin

in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
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This is a thread that I plan on updating with the Non-HV scripts. For HV scripts you can check the HV script thread and the wiki. The wiki will also be updated with this list (at some point). What is here in this thread that is not on the wiki are script request. If you have 3 hours to kill, come to this thread and check if you want to write one of those.

Posting scripts and requests

There are three reasons to post into this thread:

1. One of the scripts does not work. This does not mean that someone will come to your home and teach you how to use a computer. Provide information about what you are using (i.e. browser and version) and test the script after scrapping the browser cache and disabling all other scripts. The only case where that is not appropriate is when you suspect a namespace clash between two scripts, i.e. that specific two script fail when you run them together. You can still narrow the problem down to two specific scripts.

2. You wrote a script you want to share. For the time being, it is wise to create a separate thread for the script and then post here linking to the thread. The final plan of this thread is to organise the scripts in some form of source control (e.g. a github organisation), yet that is a task for another day.

3. You have a script request. In other words, you have an idea for a script but do not have the time or skill to perform it. Note that you need to be specific, "I want to be able to shoot rockets from my browser" will be killed straight away. Posting an idea about which you are unsure on feasibility is fine, but, if someone arguments against it, do not insist. This is a script thread not a thread about teaching computers. General help with JavaScript is better asked on the Tech Chat.

Script Index

For Firefox you will need [addons.mozilla.org] Greasemonkey and/or and alternative to [userstyles.org] Stylish (e.g. [addons.mozilla.org] stylrrr) to run the scripts.
For Chrome you can use [tampermonkey.net] Tampermonkey or place the script into Tools -> Extensions (chrome://extensions).


API middleware and cache - by hzqr. This is actually a cache for several scripts to use a cached API interface and not flood requests at the same time.


Hide Gallery Comment Section - by hzqr (formerly tiap).
Clear "NEW" symbol next to gallery names - by hzqr (formerly tiap)
[github.com] Shows number of pages in minimal list view - by blue penguin
[gist.github.com] Old gallery layout, non-mobile friendly - by Maximum_Joe
Quick Favourite - by FabulousCupcake

Tag Check - remembers what you downvoted so you can check whether you're doing it right - by Superlatanium
Downvote Requestor - generates downvote requests - by blue penguin
Tag View -by Rikis
[sleazyfork.org] EH Higlighter - Custom highlights with and without tag flagging by hzqr (formerly tiap)
EH Highlighter mods (API instead of tag flagging) - by Simpleton8
Custom gallery display (single page app) - by Tsuzuriko

Select gallery categories for MPV - by bobjoephil
[sleazyfork.org] Quick Voting - on gallery tags - by FabulousCupcake
Gallery search mode - by blue penguin
Balcklister based on tag flags, titles and uploaders -by Luna_Flina
Gallery info and tag search booru style - by Superlatanium

Unread gallery highlighter - by FabulousCupcake
Gallery dark theme (including HV) - by chriseras
MPV OSX normal scroll - by FabulousCupcake
MPV - fit images to window size - by fyxie
Fixed tagfield and tag autocomplete - by blue penguin

EH Nightly - dark styles - by boulay
Improved gallery overview - by boulay
Popus to regular links - by JukanX
Normal sort in Thumbnail mode - by hzqr
Rename/Expunge drop-down list - by TeaAndBiscuits

Rename Helper - by Superlatanium
Language flag near gallery name - by Extiandr
No cover previews - by Luna_Flina
AJAX Pages for search and galleries - by Extiandr
MPV Slideshow - by kutabe

Rename Helper - better style and rename title order - by Superlatanium
Download all torrents for query - by ezdiy
Open tag definition in a new tab (instead of new window) - by dragontamer8740
Extra Keyboard Navigation - by somebody_cares
search for similar covers on current search page - by hzqr

Tag search completion - by ciccabanana
ehx direct download - by consistent_chaos
ehx link color - by consistent_chaos
ehx torrent text - by consistent_chaos
E-Hentai Automated Downloads - by hzqr (formerly tiap)

Random button for galleries list - by uareader
Multi-Page Viewer CG-Mode and Autoplayer - by Gilgamesch
Image Lazy Load (extra keybindings) - by Felipons
Hash Comparison Between Galleries - by Dnkz
Tag Field Completion - by atasitian

Gallery hash compare by atasitian
Maximised file search by atasitian
Dark Theme for EH (for Stylus) by InternetAnon
Timeskip Navigation by atasitian
EH-Page-Scrobbler by waringer

Alternative Search Range Look by FabulousCupcake
E-Hentai In-Gallery Resolution Change by OnceForAll
EH Gallery GIF Indicator by Mayriad
https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=276325 Gallery filtering by 프레이
Terry's Vigilante Scripts by -terry-


BBCode Highlight - by hzqr (formerly tiap)
Improved Forum Style - by hzqr (formerly tiap)
Addition to Improved Forum Style - by Lement
Control panel with subscriptions and previews - by Superlatanium
See the avatar and name of the recipient on sent PMs - by gianfrix94

[github.com] Auto fjord changer for Vigs by Linius
News page and simpler dark colours - by dragontamer8740

Script Requests

Gallery date on thumbnails
Unread gallery highlight - complete, left here as an example request thread.

Galleries (more-or-less) Outdated Scripts

Favourites Thumbnail View - by ctxl. Outdated by the fact that the favourites do have a thumbnail view since Galleries 0.305
Easy movement scripts - by AnonyBob. Outdated since the galleries implemented their own hotkeys.

This post has been edited by Shank: Mar 4 2025, 14:38
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post Nov 29 2016, 18:01
Post #2

Savagely Still
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The original highlighter script still works
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post Nov 29 2016, 18:13
Post #3
blue penguin

in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
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QUOTE(hzqr @ Nov 29 2016, 16:01) *
The original highlighter script still works
I just do not know where the code for it is (hint: give me a link and i'll include it). I don't really use many scripts, just want to put some order into this.

This post has been edited by blue penguin: Nov 29 2016, 18:13
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post Nov 29 2016, 19:21
Post #4

Savagely Still
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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Nov 29 2016, 17:13) *
I just do not know where the code for it is (hint: give me a link and i'll include it). I don't really use many scripts, just want to put some order into this.

[sleazyfork.org] https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/1605-e-hentai-highlighter
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post Nov 29 2016, 20:22
Post #5

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Here's another one that I made a few months ago

EH Gallery Quick Tag Voting
Quick Vote
[sleazyfork.org] https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/16450-eh-...uick-tag-voting
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post Nov 30 2016, 06:44
Post #6
blue penguin

in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
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Thanks guys, I've updated the text for both of them.
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post Dec 5 2016, 12:30
Post #7

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EHBlacklister draft version (vanilla JS in silly mode)

Not gist'd or SF'd because the code is short and dirty. Feel free to reuse it and upload it somewhere people can modify it, though.
It's under [www.wtfpl.net] DWTFYW Public License (see also [en.wikipedia.org] WTFPL) because Euroceaniafricasiamerica, fuck yeah.
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post Dec 17 2016, 10:18
Post #8

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I've attached a version of a Stylish Stylus theme to make the galleries more suitable for troglodytes (dark theme for galleries).

  • Dark theme for the entire gallery site.
  • Dark theme for Hentaiverse.
  • Modification to highlight the timestamp of expunged galleries with red following the March 2019 UI updates.
  • Adding in the scroll bar in the multi-page viewer.
Note: It will affect the front page, galleries, and hentaiverse. Free for the public to modify in any way, shape, or form. It is also developed for Mozilla. Because I hate Chrome.

Attached File  E_Hentai_Dark_v1.13.css ( 21.03k ) Number of downloads: 79

Attached File  E_Hentai_Dark_v1.12.css ( 19.62k ) Number of downloads: 363

Attached File  E_Hentai_Dark_v1.11.css ( 18.82k ) Number of downloads: 121

Attached File  E_Hentai_Dark_v1.10.css ( 14.96k ) Number of downloads: 129

Attached File  E_Hentai_Dark_v1.02.css ( 22.56k ) Number of downloads: 226

Attached File  E_Hentai_Dark_v0.08.css ( 19.57k ) Number of downloads: 222

v1.13 - Fixed inner background for individual pages, added url match for upload page (site changed from upload.e-hentai.org to upld.e-hentai.org), and changed content warning popup background (white font on yellow hurts the eyes).
v1.12 - Fixed login bouncer page.
v1.11 - Changed news banner bar to dark version and embedded the images in the CSS in base64 form.
v1.10 - Updated for the March 2019 UI updates. Minimized CSS rules and improved URL regex matching to take advantage of site overlaps. Settings other than thumbnails have not been tested yet.
v1.02 - Updated to match the new Hentaiverse update. Fixed ability popup tree and system message colors.
v0.08 - Individual gallery stat graph background color fix.
v0.07 - Added further fixes due to new page changes.
v0.06 - Added changes for the new homepage update.
v0.05 - Fixed background color for image viewing and text color for tools.php > taggroup.
v0.04 - Added domain for alternate hentaiverse, made CSS selectors more specific in stats, removed black boxes showing everywhere in overview, changed some red lines, added more helpful comments.
v0.03 - Fixed donations level none.
v0.02 - Fixed for repo.e-hentai.org, bounty's div#x.
v0.01 - Original.

This post has been edited by chriseras: Jun 10 2022, 02:48
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post Dec 17 2016, 19:23
Post #9
blue penguin

in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
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QUOTE(chriseras @ Dec 17 2016, 08:18) *

I've attached a version of a Stylish theme to make the galleries more suitable for troglodytes (dark theme for galleries).

Note: It will affect the front page, galleries, and hentaiverse. Free for the public to modify in any way, shape, or form. It is also developed for Mozilla. Because I hate Chrome.

Edit: Fixed for repo.e-hentai.org, bounty's div#x, and donations level none.

Thanks, I've added it above. That was some good deal of work alright.

But let me add one more fix suggestion:
@-moz-document domain("hentaiverse.org"), domain(alt.hentaiverse.org) {
(i.e. we also have the alt. version with a different routing)
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post Dec 18 2016, 04:47
Post #10

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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Dec 17 2016, 09:23) *
Thanks, I've added it above. That was some good deal of work alright.

But let me add one more fix suggestion:
@-moz-document domain("hentaiverse.org"), domain(alt.hentaiverse.org) {
(i.e. we also have the alt. version with a different routing)

Awesome! Thanks for your suggestion! Added it in mine.
It took a while to remake after my old one from a year or 2 ago was lost due to HDD failure.

There's also another fix that should be noted as well, particularly to credit transaction history to allow the CSS change to show on previous pages. Before, it only showed on the first page.
@-moz-document regexp("(http|https)://g\\.e-hentai\\.org/logs\\.php\\?t=credits.*")

There's lots of nooks and crannies on e-hentai for sure. The annoying parts were those specified inline.
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post Jan 22 2017, 00:22
Post #11
blue penguin

in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
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Bumping this as a reminder to the script writers that do want to maintain their scripts that the URL needs to be changed.

Tenb, did a couple of changes to the URL mappings and the @include lines need an update.

Thanks to everyone that already updated the scripts.

Also, if you find that a script is not working change
@include http://g.e-hentai.org/

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post May 3 2017, 10:42
Post #12

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Superlatanium made a very useful and very underused script for decensoring. It does not fully automate the process, but makes it easier by saving you most of the work and allows applying decensoring to all languages using the same gallery version (quoting the author here, I know absolutely nothing about redrawing).


(Apparently Superlat forgot to bring it up here; it's in the Cove of Scanlators.)

EDIT: I'm an idiot. Sorry for bumping bp.

This post has been edited by Luna_Flina: May 4 2017, 07:33
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post May 4 2017, 04:04
Post #13
blue penguin

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QUOTE(Luna_Flina @ May 3 2017, 09:42) *
Well, that ain't a userscript. It is a photoshop script (ew...), so it can't be used inside a browser (which would defeat the installation instructions in this thread).
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post Jul 28 2017, 22:46
Post #14

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An old request: https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showt...p;#entry4867234
Any script for EHG toplist (e.g., for this page https://e-hentai.org/toplist.php?tl=13)? Features I'm most interested in:

1) Search, highlight, or filter tags especially language:english (similar to EH highlighter)
2) Thumbnail mode
3) Unread gallery highlighter (similar to https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showt...script+request)

This post has been edited by Simpleton8: Jul 28 2017, 22:46
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post Sep 23 2017, 09:49
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Changes default click on torrent to grab redist instead of non-redist, dont have to click more info->get redist


// ==UserScript==
// @name        GetRedistTorrentEh
// @namespace   dis
// @include     https://e-hentai.org/gallerytorrents.php*
// @version     1
// @require     http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

    $("#torrentinfo a").unbind();
    $("#torrentinfo a").removeAttr('onclick');
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post Nov 11 2017, 18:09
Post #16
blue penguin

in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
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Firefox stylish was bought, and people suspect that it will now be used to collect data from browsers. The suspicion is valid since a couple of days after it was bought stylish 3.0.0 was released and it now uses the FF Extension API instead the old legacy API, and it (the new API) asks whether you want to give it access to history & etc at install, something the old stylish never did.

If you are concerned about your privacy, or simply live in a place where browsing EH may be considered an offence, you should stop using stylish. A crude alternative is [addons.mozilla.org] stylrr. I have tested a handful of scripts on this page with stylrr and they appear to work alright. Chrome has inbuilt support so, if you are giving data to google anyway you may as well decide to not give it to someone else too.


[www.reddit.com] Reddit dicussion
[addons.mozilla.org] New version (3.0.1) of stylish, arguing that the new API is "better"
[addons.mozilla.org] LOL comments about reverting to 2.x.x and disabling updates

This post has been edited by blue penguin: Nov 11 2017, 18:09
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post Nov 11 2017, 18:24
Post #17

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They announced that partnership back in January, and the dev says you can opt out. But yeah I'll find some alternatives for the wiki.

[addons.mozilla.org] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/styl-us/

This post has been edited by Maximum_Joe: Nov 11 2017, 18:27
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post Jan 12 2018, 21:44
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Hi, i wrote a script to see who you sent PMs to instead of seeing yourself, in the forum control panel when you open a specific PM.
Here is it:
Attached File  PM_Sent_1.0.0.user.js.txt ( 4.78k ) Number of downloads: 209

This post has been edited by gianfrix94: Jan 13 2018, 02:00
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post Jan 13 2018, 18:56
Post #19
blue penguin

in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
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And updated. Took a while, sorry, forgot about this yesterday.
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post Apr 19 2018, 06:57
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PENGUIN EDIT: Cannot be here on EH

This post has been edited by blue penguin: Apr 19 2018, 21:45
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