.EH Gallery Quick Favourite
v2.2.0DescriptionVarious improvements to the [Add to Favourites] button so you can favourite with a click instead of dealing with popups.
Also adds keyboard shortcuts, initiated with
How to use:Hover on the [Add to Favourites] button area to expand it, and click on a Favourite category.
Shift+F to initiate quick favouriting with hotkeys.
ehg_quickfav_v2.2.0f.user.js.txt ( 23.66k )
Number of downloads: 25996
ehg_quickfav_v2.2.0.user.js.txt ( 23.87k )
Number of downloads: 128047
ehg_quickfav_v2.1.0.user.js.txt ( 22.3k )
Number of downloads: 173
ehg_quickfav_v2.0.3.user.js.txt ( 19.31k )
Number of downloads: 370
ehg_quickfav_v2.0.2.user.js.txt ( 19.27k )
Number of downloads: 257
ehg_quickfav_v2.0.1.user.js.txt ( 19.28k )
Number of downloads: 235
ehg_quickfav_v2.0.user.js.txt ( 19.28k )
Number of downloads: 150
ehg_quickfav.user.js.txt ( 8.06k )
Number of downloads: 198Changelog—
v2.2.0f —
Fixed Script not working in Firefox due to Greasemonkey 4 API changes.
-» ⚠️ Use this only if v2.2.0 is not working
v2.2.0 —
Added Background Favourites Label Fetching!
-» This occurs when either of these 3 conditions are fulfilled:
--» No labels are stored (e.g. during first run)
--» Last update was 1 week ago
--» Favourite label loaded in the page ≠ the one stored
Fixed Hotkey not working with 0
Fixed Hotkey hint showing for Add instead of Remove
Removed Timeout handling
— v2.1.0 —
Added Hotkeys / Shortcut support!
-» Initiate favouriting with
Shift+F-» Then add the gallery to favourites with
0-9-» Or remove from favourites with
-— v2.0 —
Added Favourite notes support!
-» Read/write/delete the notes directly from gallery page
-» Retain gallery notes when changing favourite category
Fixed UI colors in norway
Fixed `remove from favourites` as `undefined`
Fixed @include norway popup
Fixed curFavID() in norway not working due to different image servers. (v2.0.1)
Fixed Broken regexp pattern matching for galleries with 1 million ID value or above (v2.0.2)
Fixed @include new https e-hentai.org gallery (v2.0.3)
Fixed new https e-hentai gallery using exh color stylesheet (v2.0.3)
— v1.0 —
Initial versionPreviewv2.1 Hotkey cheatsheet preview:
v2.0 Preview:
A 45 seconds demonstration gifv1.0 Preview:[
https://r.kyaa.sg/rwiant.gifThis post has been edited by FabulousCupcake: Sep 24 2023, 02:01