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HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd) |
Feb 5 2016, 01:17
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Superlatanium @ Feb 5 2016, 00:20) In a userscript, what I do is something like Or is there a better way? I wouldn't know.
QUOTE(simrock87 @ Feb 5 2016, 01:02) cssStyle.innerHTML = cssSource;
Oh, I didn't know `(Template literal). I use css in SmartMonsterLab like this: CODE var d = document; var css = d.createElement("style"); css.textContent = ["#cfg_back_sml {", "position: fixed;", "width: 100%;", "height: 100%;", "}"].join("");
I think textContent is faster then innerHTML. node.property = hoge; ... appendChild(node); is faster then appendChild(node); ... node.property = hoge; And if you use "@run-at document-start" in Chrome/Iron, "head" will return undefined. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) CODE if (d.head) d.head.appendChild(css); else d.lastChild.appendChild(css); I use this way. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) This post has been edited by tatarime: Feb 5 2016, 01:20
Feb 5 2016, 02:35
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 490
Joined: 15-April 14
QUOTE Oh, I didn't know `(Template literal). `` allows multi line strings. It also allows inserting variables in it with ${var}, e.g.: CODE foo = 'bar'; baz = `${foo} bar`; // "bar bar" Why not useGM_addStyle? CODE // @grant GM_addStyle var css = ` some { th: ing; } `;
Feb 5 2016, 03:02
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QUOTE(FabulousCupcake @ Feb 5 2016, 00:35) Why not useGM_addStyle? CODE // @grant GM_addStyle var css = ` some { th: ing; } `;
a ) using GreaseMonkey requires GreaseMonkey b ) GM_addStyle resolves to CODE function GM_addStyle(doc, css) { var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (head) { var style = doc.createElement("style"); style.textContent = css; style.type = "text/css"; head.appendChild(style); return style; } return null; }
Feb 5 2016, 03:08
Group: Gold Star Club
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GM_addStyle works in Tampermonkey. If you're not using that or greasemonkey, I don't know what you're using unsigned chrome extension?
This post has been edited by FabulousCupcake: Feb 5 2016, 03:08
Feb 5 2016, 03:35
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 802
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QUOTE(FabulousCupcake @ Feb 5 2016, 02:35) `` allows multi line strings. It also allows inserting variables in it with ${var}, e.g.: Why not useGM_addStyle?
Thank you! I don't like GM function... Previously, GM_setValue troubled me in Chrome (now I use localStorage). But I know that GM_addStyle works in unsigned Chrome extension. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Feb 5 2016, 03:39
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QUOTE(FabulousCupcake @ Feb 5 2016, 01:08) GM_addStyle works in Tampermonkey. If you're not using that or greasemonkey, I don't know what you're using unsigned chrome extension?
Not even that, you can just directly drag 'n' drop user scripts into chrome if they're written correctly (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif) That saves you from running around with an additional 400K of script from GM/TM. Granted, since middle of last year there was a patch that deletes all extensions not from chrome store, but HV actually runs better on old versions anyway, at least in regards to eye cancer through flickering.
Feb 5 2016, 04:12
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QUOTE(simrock87 @ Feb 4 2016, 23:02) Why don't you just use CODE cssStyle.innerHTML = cssSource; Seems vastly easier than looping and regexing. At least if you have your style in one String. Oh so insertRule isn't needed? All the (few) scripts I saw used them so I copied it but I guess it's not necessary. Thanks! I don't like GM_addStyle much because it doesn't work with built-in userscripts.
Feb 5 2016, 10:20
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QUOTE newbie here smile.gif , please tell me how to use css file on firefox without stylish addon, I will really appreciate it smile.gif Guys provide you many hardcore solutions to do so, I will tell you a easy one. 1. Move to [ greasyfork.org] THIS PAGE2. Download little soft to convert CSS to SCRIPT. 3. Launch it and put your CSS into upper window 4. Do not forget to add http://hentaiverse.org/* in include string 5. Then select "chrome" radial (EVEN IF YOU USE FIREFOX!) 6. Click "Generate Script" 7. Then copy text from below window and paste in in text file. 8. Save this text file with extension *.user.js, for example Battlecompact.user.js 9. Then just install this script with Greasymonkey. That's all [ s017.radikal.ru] (IMG:[s017.radikal.ru] http://s017.radikal.ru/i422/1602/b4/484bc1d2611ft.jpg) QUOTE D&D is good idea! I have plans for the next update: Give Crystal Awesome! If you add a little notification "how many crystals you need for next update", like in Mini Monster lab Addition: [ i068.radikal.ru] (IMG:[i068.radikal.ru] http://i068.radikal.ru/1601/12/73da7ec03f5dt.jpg) This will even awesome =) QUOTE And your Scripts Compendium is a very great work! ^^ thanks! This post has been edited by f4tal: Feb 5 2016, 10:21
Feb 5 2016, 15:09
Group: Gold Star Club
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Feb 5 2016, 16:09
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QUOTE HV_SmartMonsterLab This is even MORE badass Monster Lab O__OYou did extremely good work, you know? I think, you should start new thread, dedicated to this script. It is very powerful and more people around should know about that. I have only 4 monsters and I cant check it myself, so so I want to ask you, - what happened if all user's monsters are not fitted in one screen? Whats your pagination style? Is it slider or classic page1/page2/page3? QUOTE * Sorry, D&D is next update. sob-sob ="( P.S. Looked at your scripts and I got myself on idea that this screen looks more like some space shuttle monitor or stack market, not monster lab in mmorpg xD
Feb 5 2016, 21:44
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This thread originally was design as [en.wikipedia.org] Digital Preservation project. Place where all scripts released for all this time are located and storaged, free to download and check. For all this years of HentaiVerse running so many scripts were released by many authors - we can't count them all. This thread designed as museum, as encyclopedia of all scripts we had and have now.For those who have problem with MediaFire or don't want to download scripts one by one - that's the reason why I put script Megapack in first post. You can download a single archive which already contain ALL scripts possibly. Don't waste your time on downloading script after script from MediaFire if you want download many of themContent: - Big scripts (HV Stat Slim Mod, Minor Additions (a.k.a. HVMA), Reloader, Equipment Comparison, MagicScores)
- Scripts for random encounter
- Scripts for battle, during and before
- Scripts for HP, MP and SP during and after battle
- Scripts for spells, skills and quickbar
- Scripts for potions and items
- Scripts for quick-use spells
- Scripts for controlling
- Scripts for "You are the Victorious popup"
- Scripts for item management
- Scripts for bbcodes, eids, forum integration
- Scripts for highlighting equipment and items
- Scripts for images, design and layouts, scripts for fonts
- Skins
- Scripts for backend, menus, screens, accessibility, enchantment
- Scripts for monsterLab and MoogleMail
- Scripts for forge and Shrine
- Scripts for logs, statistic and drops-counter
- Obsolete scripts
If some scripts are not working for you, or you have problems with installing them,
visit THIS FAQ
for help Script Megapack You can download ALL scripts presented in this thread in one single archive I am novice, which script I exactly should download first? or else - this thread is huge, complicated and confusing Before you download and install any scripts, please play HentaiVerse at least to level 50. This way you will understand rules of the game and will feel it good without any modification. Then, you can download scripts to sue your needs. - [www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.4.1] (if you want sound beep) or [www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [] (if you don't want sound beep) or[www.mediafire.com] Countdown Timer for the Random Encounter Event [1.0] or both. Former script will add 30:00 timer which will notify you when you can do another Random Encounter, while latter will count how many Random Encounter you already had and store links to them you can see by pressing "L" button on e-hentai.org.
- [www.mediafire.com] Item Manager [1.5.0] - Beware! The most complex script for item management, filtering and sorting. You can even create your personal shop with it! Multi-repair, multi-bazaar, multi-salvage and even more. You need a little time to understand how it is work, but benefits are outstanding!
- [www.mediafire.com] Smart Search [1.2.2] - If you visit WTS and WTB section of forum a lot- you need this script. This one will provide you option to quickly check different shops and compare prices and assortment. It is not technically "game script" more "forum script", but you should try it. Before use, please READ INSTRUCTION
- [www.mediafire.com] HV Items [0.01a] - This script pull data from equipment you have and send it to centralized server to help community to keep wiki's range page up to date. Please install this script - this will very help community to make this game better.
- [www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] - You absolutely need this script, because it allow you to compare weapon/armor you equipped with other (in bazaar or inventory). Before use, please READ THIS INSTRUCTION
- [www.mediafire.com] PotNot [1.0] - During the battle you can quickly use items without entering items menu. Useful? Yes.
- [www.mediafire.com] State HP [0.5] - Show enemies's HP in numeric pattern (Reloader already has it)
- [www.mediafire.com] No You are Victorious Popup[1.6] or [www.mediafire.com] Skip Popup [] - Automatically click on this popup which after round end (Reloader already has it)
- [www.mediafire.com] Show Gems[1.3.0] - Add a little icon, show which gem you have in possession and add feature to click on it to use (Reloader already has it)
- [www.mediafire.com] Round Counter [1.1.0] or [www.mediafire.com] Round Counter [] - which show how many rounds you have beat and how many left (Reloader already has it)
- [www.mediafire.com] Counter Plus [3.6] - This script show you how much EXP and credits you have collected due the battle mode (Reloader already has it)
- [www.mediafire.com] Income Summary [1.4.5] - Very powerful statistic script, tell you how many drop you have collected and your total profit.
- [www.mediafire.com] Track Drops [2.1.1] - One more statistic script, which count how many items you on different difficulties. Use it by pressing on your stamina icon (that smiley face).
- [www.mediafire.com] Monster Letter to Numbers [] - Convert monster's letters to numbers, make using numpad easily.
- [www.mediafire.com] Conditioner [1.7] - This script add feature to easy repair all your equipment on "inventory" page.
- [www.mediafire.com] Inline Difficulty Changer [1.0.1] - Change difficulty often and tired about every time lurking in setting screen to change it? Now you can change your difficulty right on any page - just click the difficulty string (text) and choose one.
- [www.mediafire.com] 2 Pane Moogle [2.1] or [www.mediafire.com] Open MoogleMail in New Tab [0.0.1] - If you using MoogleMail a lot, one of this can save you a lot time and enhance your mailing experience.
- [www.mediafire.com] Smart Monster Lab [2.0.3] - very good script for monster's breeding, show how many crystals and tokens you need for next update, sorting, filtring nd bulk-options with new flat-like style.
Can I help? Of course! And you should! Please, do one of this thing - If you have coder's skill and know how JavaScript works, - check one of the nonworking scrips and check whats wrong with them and can you fix them.
- If you have script that not posted in this thread or different build not presented in this thread - post it below or PM me.
- If you know English well, do a proof-reading and PM me about typos, errors, gramma, e.t.c. There are a alot of them!
- If you can provide better description, can tell about more features or other text-based works - post it below or PM me.
- If you can provide better screenshot, you are welcome too.
- If you know author of one of this script, - name them please.
- And of course you can donate some credits, hath, rare items and good equips (1H or heavy) as gratitude. And you can even donate me real-life money for internet-payment (PM for details).
Version of the thread: 2.7. Last update: 11.05.2016 Scripts Compendium is trademark, registered by Void Domain. © Thanks for great name for thread! ^^And thanks to Tenboro for letting me update this thread even after forum-rules restricted to do this ^^This post has been edited by DJNoni: Nov 21 2017, 22:08
Feb 5 2016, 21:45
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Mega Scripts Features:- This script design for quick browsing in WTS and WTB sections of forum, allow to compare different price, find gears, check when price was updated last time, do price monitoring, search for best offer. Okay, listen - this is Swiss knife for trading. If you ever buy something from WTS or selling in WTB - install it right now.
Screenshots: Download:[ www.mediafire.com] Smart Search [1.2.2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.84) Name: Equipment Comparison Author: ctxl (original author), atest1 (build 5.2.0) [Link to original thread/post], aided (build ex0.6.2) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], Gasior (Build - [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], simplesimon32 (Build - [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], hansvar92 (since build [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Allows to compare pieces of equipment with this hotkeys: "f": forum link, "h": HTML link, "r": open Wiki page, "t": original base, "b": current base (original + forge/IW), "y": original base vs. {SEMLP}Max, "i": original base lv scale, "o": original base compare, "p": original base lv scale compare, "e": level 0 stat compare, +forge/IW, "q": direct stat compare, +forge/IW, "u": stat scale with your level, "w": compare stats (+forge/IW) vs. {SEMLP}Max, "n": switch wiki base data 21 January 2015 and 6 April 2016
- Older build do have different hotkey or do not have them at all. Beware!
Screenshots:Download: versions older then are archived and availably in megapack in first post [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) - Added " N " & " P "hotkeys ; default use new data and option is not stored. If page reloaded, base data will use new data ; work only on pages where you can see "Upgrades and Enchantments" [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed bug none effect Damage Mitigations by forge base. Change EHWiki URL to https. (for 'R' key) [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Update to Wiki Ranges data (13 February 2016), Added "Counter-Resist", "Attack Crit Damage" and "Spell Crit Damage", Fixed Wiki Table highlight and scope extends, Fixed Weapon procs level scaling, e.t.c. [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed bug for parsing issue section 'Upgrades and Enchantments' [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [][Fixed] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed some bugs [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Further tweaked the parser; script still face-planted when parsing the Character Equipment page [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixes to 0.82 build [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed a bunch of regressions in the form of missing/misplaced data [ www.mediafire.com] Equipment Comparison [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Update to Wiki Ranges data (21 January 2015) Name: MagicScores Author: tiap [Link to original thread/post], Midori (build [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], ChosenUno (build 2.0.0) [Link to original thread/post], atest1 (build 2.0.2, 2.3.1b) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], varst (build [Link to original thread/post], simplesimon32 (build [Link to original thread/post], freakerup (build Fontfix) [Link to original thread/post], hansvar92 (since build [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Add option to compare pieces of equipment with this hotkeys: "a" - calculate approximate magic scores values, and then scale with your level, "d" - calculate approximate base magic scores values before forge|iw, "z" -calculate approximate base magic scores values before forge|iw and then scale with your level.
Screenshots:Download: versions older then are archived and availably in megapack in first post [ www.mediafire.com] MagicScores [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) MS use same forge code, but MS does not use Damage Mitigations. This change will not affect. [ www.mediafire.com] MagicScores [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Bug fixed [ www.mediafire.com] MagicScores [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed bug for parsing issue section 'Upgrades and Enchantments' [ www.mediafire.com] MagicScores [][Fixed] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed some bugs [ www.mediafire.com] MagicScores [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] MagicScores [] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Fixes to HV 0.82Name: HV Stat Slim Mod Author: Mewtty (Build [4.0]) [Link to original thread/post], firepen (Build Total Pack [9.9], KAI [1.0]) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], OMP (Build 1.8, 1.9) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], tatarime (since 0.2.5) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- This script provide many interesting features and additions, which make your game easy and interesting. See settings for details
Screenshots:Settings:CODE var settings = { effectDurations : false, // Show how long effects of skill would stay both on your and enemies bars. effectStacks : false, // Display stacks of the spells. gemIcon : false, // Display in separate window gem that you have and add feature to quickly use it by clicking on. skillHotkey : false, // Press "num+" to use your powerful skill. roundCounter : false, // Show your current round and how many left. noPopup : false, // Automatically advance to next battle without popping up "you are victorious" message. popupTime : 200, // "You are victorious" popup will stay only this milliseconds. sparkAlert : false, // Notificate user when spark of life is end (seems not working anymore). HPalert : false, // Notificate user when health is low. HPpercentage : 40, // Notification said above will show on when HP depleted below this percentages. channeling : false, // Notificate user when channelling effect is obtained. turnEndborder : false, // Add a line in your log when one round is over and next started. equippedSet : false, // Display in left sidebar your current equip set. overchargeColor : false, // Add a border around monsters to represent status of your overcharge bar and change colour to adjust it. spiritmodeColor : false, // When user hit spirit mode - background around monsters turn into grey. riddleMaster : false, // Provide easy way to answer riddleMaster's questions (seems not working anymore). mouserighHoykey : false, // Press right button to quickly Cure you or use different spell by changing this string: "var spell = document.querySelector('.bts>div[onmouseover *= "Cure"]');" mousewheelHoykey : false, // Press wheel button to quickly use Weaken spell or use different spell by changing this string: "var spell = document.querySelector('.bts>div[onmouseover *= "Weaken"]');" dblcikHoykey : false // Double click to enter spirit mode.
Download:[ www.mediafire.com] HV STAT Slim Mod [0.2.17] [#Reloader] (Work perfectly on HV 0.84) [ www.mediafire.com] HV STAT Slim Mod [0.2.5] [#Reloader] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Now it is displaying Monster HP and Support Latest Reloader [ www.mediafire.com] HV Stat Slim Mod [2016 Feb] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This build combine all previous build together [ www.mediafire.com] HV Stat Slim Mod [1.9] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Remove function, adjust key, alert function, equips set display [ www.mediafire.com] HV Stat Slim Mod [1.8] [NoAdjustKey] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] HV Stat Slim Mod [1.8] [AdjustKey] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Alert more than once modified. Adjust key event handling not to overrun when an alert is shown [ www.mediafire.com] HV Stat Slim Total Pack KAI [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This the same build as HV Stat Slim Total Pack [9.9], but it is "editorial edition" [ www.mediafire.com] HV Stat Slim Total Pack [9.9] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] HV Stat Slim [4.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) It is a little no-intuitive, but build named 4.0 is latest of all, this one was developed before anything, even before build 1.8. Yeah, this is strange, but this how it is...Name: Minor Additions (a.k.a. HVMA) Author: tiap [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], ctxl [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- This script provide many interesting features and additions, which make your game easy and interesting. Sad, but true, HV Stat Slim Mod superb it.
Screenshots:Settings:CODE var settings = { monsterNumbers : false, // Convert enemies letters to numbers. effectDurations : false,// Show how long effects of skill would stay both on your and enemies's bars. gemIcon : false, // Display in separate window gem you have and add feature to quickly use it by clicking on it. skillHotkey : false, // Press "num+" to use your powerful skill. turnDivider : false, // Add a line in your log when one round is over and next started. roundCounter : false, // Show your current round and how, many left. channelingAlert : false, // Notificate user when channelling effect is obtained. monsterData : false, // Collect information about monsters in bestiary-style (seems not working anymore). sparkAlert : false, // Notificate user when spark of life is end (seems not working anymore).
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Minor Additions EX [3.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) with bugfixing [ www.mediafire.com] Minor Additions Mini [3.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Minor Additions [2.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This build has a channeling [ www.mediafire.com] Minor Additions [3.0gemfix] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This build has a monster scan and a a fixed gem code [ www.mediafire.com] Minor Additions [1.00gemfix] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This build has a fixed gem code [ www.mediafire.com] Minor Additions [3.0gembug] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This build has a monster scan [ www.mediafire.com] Minor Additions [1.00gembug] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Original releaseThis post has been edited by DJNoni: Nov 21 2017, 21:57
Feb 5 2016, 21:45
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Scripts for Random Encounter Name: Countdown Timer for the Random Encounter Event Author: djackallstar Features:- Adds a little timer on a front page of e-hentai.org to keep track of your next RE and how many RE you have visit today
- Press "L" hotkey to show a little window with misc information: how many RE you visit today and links to them. This popup shown on e-hentai.org and forums.e-hentai.org. Popup stack on left-top corner of window and scrolls with you
- Audio sound playing when 30 min of awaiting is over
- When timer run to 0:00 - e-hentai.org auto-reloaded to provide you link on battle
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Countdown Timer for the Random Encounter Event [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: RED (a.k.a. Random Encounter Doge) Author: ctxl [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Adds a strings on a front page of e-hentai.org: to keep track how long last RE was been and to keep track when next DotD will be
- Adds a link to your last RE battle (if you accidentally "double click the native link" and missed battle)
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] RED [0.0.2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: REDifficulty Author: tatarime [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Alert when you start Random Encounter with lower difficulty
- Open RE in same tab / popup window
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] REDifficulty [0.4] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Random Encounter Notification Author: sigo8 (original author), LangTuTaiHoa (since build 1.0.2), kuro009 (build 1.3.3) [Link to original thread/post], Superlatanium (build 1.3.4, [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], 千石 撫子 (author of "another"-fork) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], dan31 (build 1.3.4)[Link to original thread/post], Owyn (build, [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], sddsd (build 1.4.1f) [Link to original thread/post], Superlatanium (build Features:- Adds a timer to next RE battle. Beware - older build of this scripts has a code to count 60 mis for next RE, not 30 min
- Latest build has a alarm sound to indicate when 30 min timer is ended
- You can manually reset timer if something odd happened. Older builds have separate reset button (labelled as "Reset" or simply "R"), former builds have a reset button inside timer (click on timer to nullified it)
Settings:Build 1.4.1 do have a sound notification, but it seems that sound file on which script is linking do not working anymore, you need to manually change this line: CODE var alert = new Audio('http://soundbible.com/mp3/Cat_Meow_2-Cat_Stevens-2034822903.mp3') on whatever sound you would like, or just download script 1.4.1 with soundfix. Screenshots:Download:[ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [] (Work perfectly on HV 0.84) [i]From author "with HV Random Encounter Notification, you might sometimes accidentally control-click or shift-click or alt-click on Ready. This can cause problems (such as downloading the E-H.org page and having to go to your file system to find it, open the page, open the RE, and delete the file). I added a check so that if control, shift, or alt is down when you click the timerLink, the onclick function returns without doing anything.[/i] [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification[1.4.1f + sound fix] (Work perfectly on HV 0.84) This build has a fixed sound effect for timer's end [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification[1.4.1f] (Work perfectly on HV 0.84) This build has a sound effect for timer's end, but this sound effect not longer available because link to it dead [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification[] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification[] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Reset button is removed, instead your reset timer by just clicking on the clock [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification[] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Reset button for timer is separated [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.0.2] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.1.0] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.1.1] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.1.2] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.1.3] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.2.0] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.1 ayuver fix]] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.2] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.4 another fork] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.5 another fork] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.7 another fork] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has 60-min timer [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.4] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has wrong layout [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has wrong layout [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.1 another fork] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has wrong layout [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.2 another fork] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has wrong layout [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.3 another fork] (Do not work on HV 0.83) Has wrong layout [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.0.1] (Do not work on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Random Encounter Notification [1.3.3] (Do not work on HV 0.83)Name: Difficulty Reminder Author: ctxl [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Script remember last difficulty you have in hentaiverse and show in on main page
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Difficulty Reminder[0.1] (Do not work on HV 0.83)This post has been edited by f4tal: May 11 2016, 18:24
Feb 5 2016, 21:45
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Scripts for battle Name: State HP Author: tatarime [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Show monster's health in numbered fashion
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] State_HP [0.5] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Display Effect Durations (OPTION: var COOLDOWN = true), Support Reloader [ www.mediafire.com] State_HP [0.2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Critical Monster Health Author: Dan31 [Link to original thread/post] Features:- When monster's health pass below 25% - their health will turn to red colour
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Critical_Monster_Health [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Hide Monster Name Author: holy_demon [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Hides moster's names. So, no more "spermhunter" or "pointless slave', - just a "monster 1" and "monster 2"
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Hide_Monster_Name [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Monster Letter to Numbers Author: Lement [Link to original thread/post], hansvar92 [Link to original thread/post], boulay [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Convert letter next to monster's name into numbers
- Lement, hansvar92 and Boulay did three different scripts in different time, but with the same name. Thats why they are script put together, but divide to authors names
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Monster Letter to Numbers [1.0] [Boulay-build] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Monster Letter to Numbers [] [Hansvar92-build] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Monster Letter to Numbers [] [Lament-build] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Monster Sensor Author: Jack Nicholson Features:- Colours up block with monster's label and level in pre-defined color
- Feel free to open script and add your own rule to colour up monsters
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Monster Sensor [1.9.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Recommended build, easy to add your custom rules [ www.mediafire.com] Monster Sensor [1.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Not recommended build, hard to add your custom rulesName: Damage Logging Author: coreguy [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Adds a two numbered counter after monster name: first show how much damage this enemy give to you; second tell how many times it crited you
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] DamageLogging [0.6] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Round Counter Author: holy_demon [Link to original thread/post], hansvar92 [Link to original thread/post]
Features:- Extremely useful script, that show how many rounds you have beaten and how many afar. If you the one who trying to beat high-class arenas challenge - this one for you
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Round Counter [] [#Reloader] (Work perfectly on HV 0.84) This version support Vanilla Reloader [ www.mediafire.com] Round_Counter [1.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Fabulous Notifications Author: tiap [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Adds a beautiful notification bar to tell when different effects happened, gems collected, artifacts, tokens, trophies and equipment looted. e.t.c.
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Fabulous_Notifications [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This is updated build, which supposed to run on 4:3 (or so) monitors. Somewhere around net should be another build, which design specially for widescreenName: Nope Author: ctxl [Link to original thread/post] Features:- This is joke script. After activating - all enemies will be running away from mouse cursor, preventing any damage output by clicking. You still can hit monster by using keyboard, but mouse is totally obsolete. Good for pranking if you have ability to remote control to friend's or college's PC
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Nope [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Extended Confirms Author: tiap [Link to original thread/post], sigo8 (build 1.1) [Link to original thread/post] Features:- When you click in start button, script will tell you how many rounds in this challenge, difficulty you have selected, your equipment and items
- You need to revisit "inventory", "equipment", "settings" -pages to make this script working fully
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Extended Confirm [1.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed build (something about chrome, tamper monkey and item world [ www.mediafire.com] Extended Confirm [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Original buildName: Check Enchant Author: tatarime [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Before you click on start button, script will check do your weapon have enhancement or not
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Check Enchant [0.2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: 进入gf (Go to GF) Author: noinfo Features:- Before you enter Grindfest little popup will display to tell you that you are going to start GF
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] 进入gf (Go to GF) [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Auto Arena Author: sigo8 [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- This script should somehow automate your arena experience, but not working anymore
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Auto Arena [2.0] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83) This build lets you choose which order you go visit each arena. The default path is "First Blood" then form "The Trio and the Tree" backwards. [ www.mediafire.com] Auto Arena [1.0] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83)This post has been edited by f4tal: May 11 2016, 18:11
Feb 5 2016, 21:45
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Scripts for HP, MP, SP and stamina management Name: 状态警告 (State Warning) Author: ggxxsol Features:- Warning a player when HP, MP or CP hit a critical level (you can to set which state is critical for you)
- Showing debug statistic: your HP, MP and CP in percentage, how far they increased or decreased compare to previously round and telling when enemies managed to hit your health in more than 20% in a single round (you can change this variety to any you would like)
Screenshots:Settings:CODE hp=40 // Popup will show on, when a value is below a certain minimum the default are: 40% for HP, 10% for MP, 30% for SP mp=10 sp=30 hzjg=0.2 // Red warning will show on, when enemies in one turn have take more than certain amount of HP. Default is: 0.2, stands for 20% Download: [ www.mediafire.com] State_Warning [ch] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This is Chinese build [ www.mediafire.com] State_Warning [en] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This is English buildName: Health Alert Author: sigo8 [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], holy_demon (build 2.1) Features:- Script telling user when his health is decreased very low
Screenshots:Settings:CODE var healthLimit = 35 // Popup will shown on when your health decreased below this percentage of health Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Health Alert [2.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Health Alert [2.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed the Overrun problem by stealing some code from HVStat (quadrupling the number of lines of code). [ www.mediafire.com] Health Alert [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Regen Author: coreguy [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Script that supposed to tell when regen spell is depleted. But do not work properly in HV 0.83
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Regen [0.1] (Do not work on HV 0.83)Name: Auto Recover All & AutoRecoverAll Author: djackallstar (Auto Recover All) [Link to original thread/post], cryomorph (AutoRecoverAll) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Auto Recover All and AutoRecoverAll are two different scripts, using same idea: when battle is over, script will automatically press "recover all" button. This can save you in you all time forget about healing and hit in another struggle
- Auto Recover All is working script, but AutoRecoverAll seems to be broken
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Auto Recover All [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] AutoRecoverAll [1.1] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83) Slightly corrected [ www.mediafire.com] AutoRecoverAll [1.0] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Bar Cyan Author: freakerup [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Change default MP bar's colour into cyan colour. Looks cool
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Bar Cyan [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Bar Color Changer Author: Simrock87 [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Change default HP/MP/SP/Overcharge colours
Screenshots:Settings:CODE var hpColor = "#0F0"; var mpColor = "#00F"; var spColor = "#F00"; var ocColor = "#FF0"; Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Bar Color Changer [1.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Change colours of both user and monster bars [ www.mediafire.com] Bar Color Changer [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Change colours of only user barsName: Stamina Caution and Items Detection Author: ggxxsol [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Notify user when his stamina is equal or lower than some custom amount
- As a bonus script should do logging about rare equips, but this function is not working anymore
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Stamina Caution and Items Detection [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) This build has a few fixes and more welcome way to record dropped equips [ www.mediafire.com] Stamina Caution and Items Detection [1.2] (Do not work on HV 0.83)Name: Confirmer Author: tatarime [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Provide alert when user trying to use "Energy Drink" or going to "Return Mail" or when player going to flee from battle.
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Confirmer [0.3] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Confirmer [0.2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Confirmer [0.1] (aka Energy Drink Confirmer) (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Confirm Use of Energy Drink Author: Dan31 [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Add a popup to confirm the use of an energy drink
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Confirm Use of Energy Drink [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)This post has been edited by f4tal: May 11 2016, 21:17
Feb 5 2016, 21:45
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Scripts for skills, spells and quickbars Name: Extra Quickbars Author: coredumperror [Link to original thread/post] Features:- This script, as well Multiple quickbars add an additional quickbar where you can put more spells if default one is enough for you
- You need to manually script-wise decide which script you want to put in additional quickbar
- Has two limit. First - if you add a spell you do not have in your spell book - script will not work properly. Second - layout of the script a little mess, so it need to be fixed manually script-wise via CSS or other ways. You can use PotNot script, which fixing layout of this script, which a little strange unexpected behaviour
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Extra Quickbar [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Multiple Quickbars Author: tiap [Link to original thread/post] Features:- This script, as well Extra Quickbars add an additional quickbars, but in more good-looking fashion. Sad thing is - this script do not longer work properly. You can create not one, not two, but as many you want extra quickbar. Adding spells provided via script redacting
- You can hide this extra quickbar by using "ctrl"-button
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Multiple Quickbars [1.0] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Stack Counter Author: tetron [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Displays stacks (multiplying) levels for some spells in the game. Only supports Overwhelming Strike, Ether Tap, Penetrated Armor, and Bleeding Wound
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Stack Counter [1.0.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Cooldown Author: holy_demon (with code snippets from finiteA's Keybind) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post]
Features:- Show a cooldown period for spells that have it
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Cooldown [1.1.2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Bug fixes again [ www.mediafire.com] Cooldown [1.1.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Bug fixes [ www.mediafire.com] Cooldown [1.1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Bug fixes [ www.mediafire.com] Cooldown [1.0.0] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Ignore Flicker & No Blinking Author: tatarime (Ignore Flicker) [Link to original thread/post], Dan31 (No Blinking) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- When spell effect expired - it will not blink anymore. (Disable buff/debuff blinking when they are about to end)
- Both scripts do same thing, but utilise different approach and code
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Ignore Flicker [0.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] No Blinking [1.0] [alt] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Alternative build: All it does is clearing the last "interval" by the use of a small trick [ www.mediafire.com] No Blinking [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Original buildThis post has been edited by f4tal: May 11 2016, 21:17
Feb 5 2016, 21:46
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Scripts for potions and items Name: Potion Indicator Author: simrock87 [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Add hotkeys to quickly use your items
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Potion Indicator [2.1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Potions on cooldown are now grayed out instead of lined through. Potions with active effects are displayed with an italic font [ www.mediafire.com] Potion Indicator [2.0.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Potion Bar Author: hc br [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Add hotkeys to quickly use your items
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Potion Bar [2.0] [Style #1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Potion Bar [2.0] [Style #2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: PotNot Author: ricce [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Add hotkeys to quickly use your items
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] PotNot [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Pot Reminder Author: hansvar92 [Link to original thread/post] Features:- This script provide a additional quickbar special for potions
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Pot Reminder [1.002] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Pot Reminder [1.001] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: PotionCounter Author: tatarime [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Should show item counter on the battle.
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] PotionCounter [0.2] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83) Name: Show Gems Author: tiap [Link to original thread/post], Owyn (build 1.2.0, 1.3.0) [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Showing when user has a gem and what kind of gem this is. Also add feature to quickly use it, by just single clicking on ut. Extremely useful
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Show Gems [1.3.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Now you can just hover the gem with your mouse to consume it [ www.mediafire.com] Show Gems [1.2.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Fixed icons to be contained in the script itself (quoted post has broken addresses for icons), added ability to click icon to consume the gem [ www.mediafire.com] Show Gems [1.0.1] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83) After one of event icons were placed in different place on a server. This script use new location of the icons [ www.mediafire.com] Show Gems [1.0.0] (Do not work perfectly on HV 0.83) This build was posted as a fixed one, for those who using default font engine. So, there should be even rare builds of this scriptName: Disable Chrome Hotkeys on Keyboard Fnumber Keys Author: Dameningen [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- After activation this script your Chrome's hotkeys will be disabled to provide you a way to quick-use your items by F1-F12 buttons
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Disable Chrome Hotkeys on Keyboard Fnumber Keys [2.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Updated and reworked build [ www.mediafire.com] Disable Chrome Hotkeys on Keyboard Fnumber Keys [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)This post has been edited by f4tal: May 11 2016, 21:17
Feb 5 2016, 21:46
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Scripts for quick-use spells Name: MonsterBar Author: Lement [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Add Silence, Magnet and Imperil buttons next to monsters to quickly use that spells in battle
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] MonsterBar [1.0.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Fastdebuff Author: smishe Features:- Add two buttons to quickly Imperil and Weaken your enemies
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Fastdebuff [1.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: ColorDebuff Author: tatarime [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Paint monsters in different colors (Silence: Red / Imperil: Green / Weaken: Blue)
- Support Reloader
Screenshots:Download:[ www.mediafire.com] ColorDebuff [0.2] Name: Debuff Author: noinfo Features:- This script should provide shortcut to quickly use Weaken and Silence spells. Sorry, do not working anymore
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Debuff [0.1] (Do not work on HV 0.83)Name: Cure Button Author: Lement Features:- Press "O" during the battle to cure. Sad, not working anymore
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Cure Button [1.1.1] (Do not work on HV 0.83)Name: HV "+" Key = Best Skill Author: letmegitdat [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Press Numpad + to use the strongest physical skill available
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] HV "+" Key = Best Skill [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Skill Hotkey Author: Tiap [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Press Numpad + to use the strongest physical skill available (or define wahtever you want button in 1.1 version)
- Version "Skill Hotkey + OFC [2.0]" should also have shortcode Numpad - for Orbital Friendship Cannon, but script itself seems to be not working
Settings:CODE var modifiers = { alt: false, ctrl: false, shift: false }; var key = 'h'; Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Skill Hotkey [1.0] (Do not work on HV 0.83) This is original version of the script. Press "+" to use your skills [ www.mediafire.com] Skill Hotkey [1.1] (Do not work on HV 0.83) This is modified version of the script. Your can select whatever you want key, to use your skills (with or without ctrl, shift or alt combining) [ www.mediafire.com] Skill Hotkey + OFC [2.0] (Do not work on HV 0.83)This post has been edited by f4tal: May 11 2016, 19:45
Feb 5 2016, 21:46
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edit into oblivion.
This post has been edited by DJNoni: Nov 21 2017, 22:01
Feb 5 2016, 21:46
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Scripts for "You are Victorious" popup Name: No "You are Victorious" Popup Author: GaryMcNabb, Mewtty [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Automatically advances the round by clicking the "You are Victorious" popup to make your life a little easier
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] No "You are Victorious" Popup [1.6] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Click on every popup, but final one in battle series (last popup in Arena, Item World and Ring of Blood modes [ www.mediafire.com] No "You are Victorious" Popup [1.2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Click on every popup.Name: Skip Popup Author: hansvar92 [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Automatically advances the round by clicking the "You are Victorious" popup to make your life a little easier. But supports Vanilla Reloader
Download:[ www.mediafire.com] Skip Popup [] [#Reloader] (Work perfectly on HV 0.84) [ www.mediafire.com] Skip Popup [] [#Reloader] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Name: Result Counter & Counter Plus & Counter Save Author: OMP (Result Counter) [Link to original thread/post], Counter Plus [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], [Link to original thread/post], tatarime [Link to original thread/post], Superlatanium (Counter Plus Save script) [Link to original thread/post] Features:- All three scripts do same thing - adding some stats on "You are Victorious" Popup that shown you progress and total income
- Result Counter shows total time and turns
- Counter Plus shows total time, turns, credits income and EXP
- Counter Save shows total time, turns, credits income and EXP but utilising different method for this
Screenshots:Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Counter Plus Save [1.2.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) Saves battle records at the end of a battle series so Income Summary can parse the number of rounds, number of turns, and timestamp[ www.mediafire.com] Counter Plus [3.6] [#Reloader] (Work perfectly on HV 0.84) Support Reloader [ www.mediafire.com] Counter Plus [3.6] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) IW bug fixed, display design fixed [ www.mediafire.com] Counter Plus [3.5] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) 503 error record reset bug fix, Run timing became faster(document end → document start), Not selected the track item [ www.mediafire.com] Counter Plus [3.2] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83) [ www.mediafire.com] Result Counter [2.9] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Battle Speedometer Author: FabulousCupcake [Link to original thread/post] Features:- Measures your turn/second speed and shows them at the end of the round, or game
- You can hover on this stats to receive some additional info
Screenshots:Settings:CODE const config = { "debug": false, "track_game": true, "track_round": true, "track_turn": true,} Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Battle Speedometer [1.1] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)Name: Victory Fanfare Author: noinfo Features:- Play a fanfare when you beat arena. Hope this cheer you up. May require some plugin in your browser to work properly.
Download: [ www.mediafire.com] Victory Fanfare [1.0] (Work perfectly on HV 0.83)This post has been edited by f4tal: May 11 2016, 18:51
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