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> Random translation help

post Jun 30 2017, 19:12
Post #4701

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QUOTE(miceder @ Jun 30 2017, 11:41) *
First question: What does that 言っておくが我を始め part mean? It doesn't seem to really connect to the lines before or after it. My best guess is that the を始め is for listing things, but if so, what else is in that list, and what's the verb?
I think it's "Everyone would be against you choosing your own groom, Princess, and I'd be first in line (in that opposition)."

Second question: Does the 受けるや否や there mean "will you accept it or not"? Most things point me to や否や being "as soon as ~", but that didn't make sense without a second action, so I thought it might just be her style of talking.
Rikai-chan gives "whether or not" as one of the possible translations... I think it's just a variant of か否か (with the additional meaning of "as soon as").
The way I understand it, the image behind the "as soon as" construction for "Aや否やB" is something like "B happened so soon after A that it was hard to tell whether A had already happened or not." But I could be completely mistaken (and I probably am).

This post has been edited by KirbyDances: Jun 30 2017, 19:12
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post Jun 30 2017, 23:53
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Perfect, thanks!
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post Jul 1 2017, 00:05
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QUOTE(miceder @ Jun 29 2017, 22:29) *

Coming from someone who speaks absolutely no Russian...
Looking it up on google gave me предательство, which led to the word "betrayal/treason"

Edit: Actually, a name? Probably not it then...
Edit 2: Wiktionary gives this pronunciation for it: predátelʹstvo, so full name would be Predatelstvo, Preda for short?

"Traitor" makes sense in context.

Thanks for the help!
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post Jul 2 2017, 04:29
Post #4704

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I have a small problem with with this phrase:

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/x4ZSyzS.jpg)

"Unexpected! She started doing a photo session at the park ☆
Miyuki-chan cheerfully ?????? at the end"

I unfortunately don't know what なのでした means in this context. Something like "such was the cheerful Miyuki-chan at the end?
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post Jul 5 2017, 07:03
Post #4705
Vile Mk 2

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Help me with this text please:

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post Jul 5 2017, 07:04
Post #4706
Vile Mk 2

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Help me with this text please:
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post Jul 5 2017, 15:23
Post #4707

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(IMG:[puu.sh] http://puu.sh/wCbmz/17ae66a35f.jpg)

Is this a reference I'm not getting?
I've looked up Magnet Power Zenkai but it doesn't seem to produce relevant results.
His remark about it "being difficult to tell because he has a lot of brothers" escapes me too, but it seems to be intentional.
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post Jul 7 2017, 04:44
Post #4708
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Moved to my own thread here: https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=207438

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post Jul 7 2017, 23:29
Post #4709

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This is a bit nonstandard, but can anyone help me rephrase these sentences (they're from different scenes) to make them sound heavily redneck-ish? Darn tootin' and all that. (It's a serious story though, there's no comedy involved.)

Hey, Kiyo!!
So that's where you were slackin' off, huh!?
The Gedou brat again?
I'm yer father, and when I tell you somethin', you do it!
You'll catch the Gedou from him.
Git back to the fields, dammit.

This's yer punishment
for meetin' with that Gedou brat.
Say you won't see 'im again! Say it!

I won't! I promise I won't!
Please, Pa, lemme go!

I'm sorry...
I can't...look you in the eyes right now...

This post has been edited by CapableScoutMan: Jul 7 2017, 23:32
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post Jul 9 2017, 04:24
Post #4710

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I need help with this sentence:
ん~, それは人によるだろうけど
対比が好き というか…
Thank you CapableScoutMan!

This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Jul 10 2017, 23:52
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post Jul 9 2017, 05:15
Post #4711

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QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Jul 9 2017, 05:24) *

I need help with this sentence:
ん~, それは人によるだろうけど
対比が好き というか…
Thank you!

How about:

"Hmm, how should I say this...It depends on the person, but...I like the contrast between your (?) cute face and that grotesque thing between your legs."
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post Jul 9 2017, 12:32
Post #4712

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How do I translate this?
[s10.postimg.org] https://s10.postimg.org/wejf5ezeh/sigh.png

My working guess doesn't make sense:

"When you saw me your body let out a despondent sigh, but what if you were mistaken 案and it was good luck?""
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post Jul 9 2017, 19:09
Post #4713

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QUOTE(CapableScoutMan @ Jul 9 2017, 04:15) *

How about:

"Hmm, how should I say this...It depends on the person, but...I like the contrast between your (?) cute face and that grotesque thing between your legs."

It's from this page: https://e-hentai.org/s/46b62ef84b/1066846-92
Is he talking about himself or the girl?
Thank you N04h!

This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Jul 10 2017, 23:52
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post Jul 10 2017, 02:08
Post #4714

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QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Jul 10 2017, 05:09) *

It's from this page: https://e-hentai.org/s/46b62ef84b/1066846-92
Is he talking about himself or the girl?

about the girl.
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post Jul 10 2017, 20:11
Post #4715
Vile Mk 2

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Someone can tell me what say here:

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post Jul 11 2017, 00:38
Post #4716

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QUOTE(Vile Mk 2 @ Jul 11 2017, 06:11) *

Someone can tell me what say here:

Attached Image

The year's almost over.
Thanks you and I appreciate your continued support.
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post Jul 11 2017, 01:00
Post #4717
Vile Mk 2

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Thank you very much, man. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Jul 11 2017, 07:18
Post #4718

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One of the toughest things to translate: things said while giving head.


Any clue what this is supposed to be? (It's followed by the guy telling her not to talk with her mouth full: いやいや咥えたまましゃべらないで)

EDIT: page for context: https://e-hentai.org/s/5856c155b9/946571-11

This post has been edited by friggo: Jul 11 2017, 07:24
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post Jul 11 2017, 20:23
Post #4719

最高経営責任者, CEO of Sensualaoi enterprises
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So one more time...no one knows what this says?
(IMG:[s10.postimg.org] https://s10.postimg.org/wejf5ezeh/sigh.png)

It's a gender bender manga.
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post Jul 12 2017, 22:26
Post #4720

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Any advice on the bottom-left panel's two text boxes on this one?


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