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> Approved Scripts, Script compendium - start here

post Nov 27 2020, 20:59
Post #1

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 3,930
Joined: 29-January 12
Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

This is a list of HentaiVerse scripts that have been checked for legality. I'll try to keep it up to date and remove scripts that don't work anymore. There are a handful of older scripts that are still technically legal (like HVStat) but are now deprecated because they don't work with the current game version.

Be aware that scripts which aren't listed in this thread may not have been checked. Use them at your own risk.

If you aren't sure if something a script does is legal, check the Rules for Script Authors thread.

You can also find these scripts here on the wiki.


Battle Scripts

Monsterbation by sickentide
- This is the only up-to-date, legal script for battles.
- Allows attacking by hovering, adds keybinds, restructures the combat interface, enhances combat logs and more.
Monsterbation Configuration Linter by OnceForAll
- Validates Monsterbation settings.
- If you are struggling with errors in your config, try running it through this for an explanation!


HVUtils by sssss2
- Enhances most aspects of the non-combat interface. Protects valuables in the shops, tools for bulk sell, salvage, shrine & monster lab, and more.
- Also contains a Random Encounter timer.
HVToolbox by f4tal
- Alternative to HVUtils. Has extensive GUI for settings, tools for shop threads, and MoogleMail tools.
- May not work perfectly and may not get future updates, as the original writer is inactive. Some volunteers have contributed.

Statistics & Logging

Battle Stats by firew
- Good for data analysis. Requires Monsterbation and HVUtils.


SmartSearch by Superlatanium
- Utility for indexing and searching the forums. Useful for WTS/WTB (see this thread for simple usage instructions).
Live Percentile Ranges by Superlatanium
- Utility for seeing how good equipment stats are compared to the minimum and maximum possible rolls.

This post has been edited by Nezu: Dec 20 2021, 06:51
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