This script displays the percentile of all of your equipment stats compared to other equips of the same type.
Live_Percentile_Ranges_1.1.0.s3.user.js.txt ( 84.21k )
Number of downloads: 277482 Newest version, by sssss2
You can also see a graphical view of the min/max stats for each quality, as well as compare two equipments.

There are many display options:
Q to show Unforged Percentiles
W to show Forged Percentiles
A to show Unforged Base
S to show Forged Base
Z to show Forged Scaled to your level
X to show Forged Scaled to a custom level
F to show Forged Scaled to the equip's current level (the default display style without any scripts)
E to show absolute percentiles (0 - lmax)
D to show Fully forged base
C to show Fully Forged Scaled to a custom level
L to show equip's link for the forum ( [url=... )
If you want to have buttons for these functions rather than just keybinds, set the "mobile" variable at the top to true.
If you click the display style line, or the summary line, a few more options will appear. By default, the percentiles displayed are for the quality of your equip (eg Legendary), but you can see how their stats look compared to Magnificent/Exquisite/Superior ranges too.
Why/what is a percentile?A []
statistical term indicating where a number falls in a distribution. For example, something in the 99th percentile is better than nearly everything else in its category; something in the 75th percentile is better than 75%; something in the 25th percentile is better than 25%.
The default display style of equipment shows its scaled stats, which doesn't give you much of an idea of how good the stat actually is compared to other equipments: you have to hover over the stat to see its base value, and then you can compare its base value to the range of base values on the wiki. But this is tedious, and the base values themselves often don't hold much meaning until you reference the wiki, which is too big to memorize. Thus, percentiles: if you haven't memorized ADB ranges, but know that an equipment's ADB is in the 90th percentile, you know that it's well above average.
To calculate: Given a statValue, a statMinimum, and a statMaximum:
percentile = 100 * (statValue - statMinimum) / (statMaximum - statMinimum)
How it works:The
equipment ranges data on the wiki is generated from data stored on Jenga's server (on Jenga's server is sent equipment links, the equips are parsed, and their stats are recorded. To find the minimums and maximums for a given equip type/quality/prefix/suffix combination, the database has to loop through all of its (many) items to find the minimum and maximum... for every stat. This script asks my server on [] for the ranges for a given equip type. If the equip type hasn't been requested before, my server will ask Jenga's server to go through all its items and generate minimums and maximums for me -
this process takes a while, don't be surprised if it takes 60 seconds or so. But once my server has the response, it'll cache the minimums and maximums, so that whenever that equip type is requested in the future, my server can respond very quickly rather than after a long delay.
You can see the current database here: [] your browser gets ranges for an equip type back, it saves it in your own local database, so server requests are only made if you don't already have the range info for an equip type. Ranges on reasoningtheory and on your local database both expire after 2 weeks: after that, they both have to ask for fresh range data. This ensures that the percentiles and stat ranges we all use are up-to-date.
If you have an unforged and un-IWd equip which has a percentile
greater than 100% or
less than 0, please open the options and press "Send Range" to send the equipment's link to Jenga's server, so the database can be updated.
If you see a forged or IWd modern equip with stats above 100% or below 0%
on a stat unaffected by forging and IW, Jenga's database won't parse it: please PM me instead, and I'll add it to the database manually.
You can change what summary information is displayed via "shortSummaryStatsConfig" and "extendedSummaryStatsConfig" near the top of the script.
Script writers:This script was intentionally designed to be modular: it should be very easy to integrate it into your own script. See the commented out section at the very bottom of the script for an example.
sssss2 made an update for this script:
I made a patch of Live Percentile Range script.
Release notes:
1. Absolute Percentiles (E key): the percentile point between 0 and lmax (legendary maximum value)
- Normal Percentile Ranges are very useful, but the values such as lmin/mmax/mmin are not always correct. This means that the Normal Percentile Ranges can have errors.
- Absolute Percentiles use 0 and pmax (equal to lmax) only, so those values are solid.
2. Fully Forged Base (D key) and Fully Forged Scaled to a custom level (C key)
- Attack Damage Lv.100 for melee weapons, Power armors and Shade armors
- Butcher Lv.5 for weapon of Slaughter (main hand only)
- Magic Damage Lv.100 for staves
- Magic Damage Lv.50 for Radiant Phase armors
- Archmage is disabled by default, but it can be enabled by editing script.
- Lv.50 for all other stats
3. manualRanges
- Some values of the server data are incorrect (even some lmax values are wrong). With this feature, you can overwrite them with the correct values.
- Default uses the lmax values of staves and the special stat values of phases.
4. Calculate more accurate unforged bases
- Better calculation of the effects of Butcher and Archmage
- Assign an average pxp0 to IW 10 equipment
- Important change: ADB/MDB forge factor from 0.278875 to 0.279575
5. Other fixes and changes
- Fixed the bug that prevented the range data from updating
- Changed the browser title to the name of the equipment, and add it to the browser history for searching
- Display pxp0 of the equipment in the summary text
- Display the percentiles of Spell Crit Damage (Mystic Phases)
This post has been edited by Nezu: Jan 6 2022, 12:00