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> H@H hosting comparison, VPS, Seedbox, Dedicated, etc.

post Jul 4 2012, 03:42
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Start here. It has the Hath gain chart for example. Also see this.
Arch Linux section of Tenboro's guide "The following guide, which was contributed by atomicity, explains how to install and run H@H as a daemon/service. "
*Mac OSX guide link goes here*
Raspberry PI guide hehe...
*Red Hat Linux/RPM guide link goes here*
Solaris 11 guide
Ubuntu[Debian]/Java guide Someone had some problems with Java on (headless) Ubuntu.
*Windows GUI-based guide goes here* Not exactly hard once you extract the archive and have Java installed...
Windows text-based [Cygwin] part of Tenboro's guide
LOL, anyone got a guide for setting it up on a DD-WRT/Tomato/OpenWRT/etc. router?

Some people [www.gpforums.co.nz] discussing seed boxes (similar to what H@H needs).

I'm thinking of trying [my.frantech.ca] BuyVM or [whatbox.ca] Quark Unmetered out just for a month. I know I'll get what I pay for, but even the sub-$10 service would provide decent Hath generation for HV purchases. I'll decide if to keep them or go to the ~$15 plans based on how good their bandwidth tends to be. It would be nice if I could donate instead of managing it myself, LOL.

So, anyone have any experience in VPS or similar solutions? Are seed boxes the only solution that gives 2TB+/month upload limits with the lower CPU/RAM requirements (about 5% of my Athlon 64 3500+ and 64MB of RAM for a 128KB/s UL rate) of H@H compared to some other types of hosting. I'd like to have a list for people starting up a H@H node to be able to find some good options without all the hassle of trying every one in the phone book. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

[misterhost.de] http://misterhost.de/en/products/vps/xen-small/package-s/ Hmm, interesting if you want a German VPS.

Well, they finally activated my server:
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OMG, the ponies are everywhere!!!!!

This post has been edited by lovehcomics: Jul 4 2012, 21:31
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post Jul 4 2012, 10:10
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The gotchas/some tips (some bias towards Ubuntu):

1) APT ('sudo apt-get install *insert package name*') was not working because it couldn't 'get any packages' or something along those lines. Just use 'sudo apt-get update' and allow it to download and update everything. Hey guess what works, now?! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

2) Get the Java RT's working. Just type 'sudo apt-get install java' into the terminal. It might be JRE or something instead - I used the manual installation method before I could test this.

3) Download and install H@H using Tenboro's guide.

4) It's highly optional but you can [markus.revti.com] install GDM or such, then VNC so that you can log into a remote desktop view. Just be aware that you're not actually connecting to a real video card+screen, so things might not behave like you expect. Also, this steals from your RAM and CPU so beware if you're not running on at least 512MB (1GB is better) of RAM. It also can take a GB or more of storage. Yeah, piggy GUI!

5) The 'screen' command was already installed but install it if not and use the steps here to run H@H even if you're not logged into the terminal. Otherwise, it kills the process when you log out of the terminal! Or create a daemon ('service' in Windows talk) and it'll run all the time and even restart if it crashes or the server is rebooted. Hey, I'm just learning this stuff on [help.ubuntu.com] Debian...

6) It's probably not of much real benefit to bother copying your current H@H cache (assuming there's not some built-in way to prevent it) since it's not exactly feasible for other members to download the same file from both your home server and seed box at the same time, among other reasons. Just let it build itself up with unique files.

7) Don't run your VPS in some country where the admins are likely to go do random file hashes on your cache and ban you. China, much? Not that anyone would want to use a VPS there even if available. XD

This post has been edited by lovehcomics: Jul 4 2012, 21:39
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post Jul 4 2012, 22:56
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So what's the point of this thread?
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post Jul 5 2012, 23:21
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QUOTE(Sushilicious @ Jul 4 2012, 22:56) *

So what's the point of this thread?

I guess he's trying to create a central thread where to get info about how to install the H@H client for different platforms.

@lovehcomics: the wiki is a better place for that.
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post Jul 6 2012, 06:36
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And yet, the data was already here... Since you volunteered, you can make the article sections, heh.
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post Jul 7 2012, 16:24
Post #6


Incidentally, the owner of Frantech/BuyVM happens to frequent another forum I visit. Here's his [www.webhostingtalk.com] profile. :3


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post Jul 9 2012, 00:44
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Can't see the profile until making an account there, BTW. Not like it takes more than 2 minutes to do it. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Oh heck, not even then! *rolls eyes again* (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

lovehcomics, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Well, it's always nice to have more than one source of VPS hosting. This was initially intended as a collection of VPS/related providers that are optimal for H@H.

This post has been edited by lovehcomics: Jul 9 2012, 00:50
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post Aug 14 2012, 03:12
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So far I've tried out BuyVM and Bytesized/Seednet.

If you get the ~$7 plan from BuyVM, you can get roughly 200-270KB/s UL which is an OK amount of H@H points each day.

If you get the 17Euro (~$21) plan from Bytesized, you can get roughly 1.25MB/s UL (think it's limited not by server but by H@H), which is 3x as much but you get 5x the speed in H@H and it can easily act as a proxy/seedbox, especially if you go for the ~$28 version.

Another user tells me in IRC that whatbox.ca won't allow Java but they're trying out Kimsufi. I'm asking them to reply with their results.
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post Aug 20 2012, 16:55
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QUOTE(lovehcomics @ Aug 14 2012, 09:12) *

So far I've tried out BuyVM and Bytesized/Seednet.

If you get the ~$7 plan from BuyVM, you can get roughly 200-270KB/s UL which is an OK amount of H@H points each day.

If you get the 17Euro (~$21) plan from Bytesized, you can get roughly 1.25MB/s UL (think it's limited not by server but by H@H), which is 3x as much but you get 5x the speed in H@H and it can easily act as a proxy/seedbox, especially if you go for the ~$28 version.

Another user tells me in IRC that whatbox.ca won't allow Java but they're trying out Kimsufi. I'm asking them to reply with their results.

Have you ran H@H or considered memory issue?
Memory is the most deterministic factor on current HW/SW price and VM partition and VPS selling.
With 300K UL limit, openjdk6 occupies >700MiB on my linux VPS.

I didn't analyze it because it's too much trouble to do so on a remote box.
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post Aug 20 2012, 17:12
Post #10


I'm guessing that's because you use OpenVZ on a pre-CentOS 6 node. Real memory usage is a small fraction of that (30-40 MB), but Java is kinda weird with its huge virtual memory assignments, and OpenVZ doesn't deal well with it.
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post Aug 21 2012, 07:25
Post #11
G Just G

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Use the seedboxes I use

Xirvik Torrent

What you want are the dedicated servers and ask them to set it up "configured as root". After buying you'll get contacted by their support team ask for a copy of Ubuntu and follow the Ubuntu setup guide. You can get a 1gbit/s server for $70 a month or an Essential package with 7tb of bandwidth @ 100Mb/s. Anyway some good deals at Xirvik. I've been using them for years. H@H wont even come close to using a 100Mb/s connection much less a 1Gb/s connection. I can confirm the Boston (US East) site is good for its 100Mb/s listing and the Luxembourg server is good for AT LEAST 700Mb/s I've yet to manage to get it to hit 1Gb/s but thats because you can't find torrents that fast.

Going to link my promo code in which gives you a discount on any packages you select but if you want to run H@H you must get a dedicated box so that they can setup as "Configured as Root".
[promos.xirvik.com] https://promos.xirvik.com/?claimcode=4EPT63K24S

Once you get your server you may want to look into setting up:
Webmin - an easy to use html based interface to get to your server
Transmission-Daemon (called Transmission) - An easy to use html torrent client
Apache2 - May as well host something on that server for yourself.

This post has been edited by G Just G: Aug 21 2012, 07:40
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post Aug 21 2012, 14:16
Post #12

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Aug 20 2012, 23:12) *

I'm guessing that's because you use OpenVZ on a pre-CentOS 6 node. Real memory usage is a small fraction of that (30-40 MB), but Java is kinda weird with its huge virtual memory assignments, and OpenVZ doesn't deal well with it.

Yes, it's OpenVZ. H@H RES is <60MiB
But I think there should be some reason for hotspot to ask for such a huge virtual address.

Does H@H memory usage scales with requests?
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post Aug 21 2012, 15:01
Post #13


QUOTE(fllwr @ Aug 21 2012, 14:16) *
Does H@H memory usage scales with requests?

To some extent, but the virtual size is usually the same.
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