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> HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd)

post Oct 26 2017, 19:15
Post #5341

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QUOTE(Mantra64 @ Oct 26 2017, 14:29) *

If I understand the script right, it should stop and should show me the drop through a popup window, right?

Is there another required setting I have to change? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

the popup only shows drops at the end of battle, but it should stop and give you a chance to look at the drops in the battle log

you also need to set stopOnEquipDrop = true, a separate setting for those who want the drop list at the end without interrupting battle at drops
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post Oct 26 2017, 20:05
Post #5342

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QUOTE(sickentide @ Oct 26 2017, 19:15) *

the popup only shows drops at the end of battle, but it should stop and give you a chance to look at the drops in the battle log

you also need to set stopOnEquipDrop = true, a separate setting for those who want the drop list at the end without interrupting battle at drops

In what line can I do that sine I can't find stopOnEquipDrop = true(false) in the new version of monsterbation? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
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post Oct 26 2017, 20:28
Post #5343

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QUOTE(Mantra64 @ Oct 26 2017, 21:05) *

In what line can I do that sine I can't find stopOnEquipDrop = true(false) in the new version of monsterbation? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

should be line 64
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post Oct 26 2017, 21:36
Post #5344

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How could I have overlooked that! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

Thank you very much for your help. Everything works just as it should now. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Oct 30 2017, 06:23
Post #5345

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I can't use monsterbation with battle stats ex
after every round, the stats will hidden, i must refresh page to load stats

set ajaxRound = false solved this problem, but every round will refresh (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

This post has been edited by Dk2017: Oct 30 2017, 07:00
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post Nov 1 2017, 04:25
Post #5346

☆ My hearts are ←~(Ψ▼ー▼)∈ pitch black! ☆
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Is there any option to disable attacking on left-click?

I set it for full/cure and when both get useds I ends up givving that gently tap (*´∇`)┌θ☆(`皿´҂)ノ with staff and then me dead
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post Nov 1 2017, 11:07
Post #5347

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QUOTE(Dk2017 @ Oct 30 2017, 07:23) *

set ajaxRound = false solved this problem, but every round will refresh (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

take line 44 in Battle Stats Ex:
    if (flag === "firstrun"){

and replace it with this:
    if (flag === "firstrun")
        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){main("reload");}, false);
    if (flag === "firstrun" || flag === "reload"){

now you can set ajaxRound = true again

QUOTE(reality_marble @ Nov 1 2017, 05:25) *

Is there any option to disable attacking on left-click?

not with left click, but with any other click or scroll, you can set clickEverywhere = true or wheelEverywhere = true and click/scroll anywhere that isn't a live monster to execute the binding without the risk of attacking

the mouse binding system is mainly intended for offensive actions, but you can add exceptions for anything other than left click by taking lines 713 and 726 that look like this:
if ( i || i === 0 )

and adding exclusion conditions like these, in this case examples for right click and scroll up:
if ( (i || i === 0) && e.which != 3 )
if ( (i || i === 0) && e.deltaY >= 0 )

another option depending on the mouse/os you're using is to assign a mouse button to a keystroke and bind that to cure
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post Nov 1 2017, 14:24
Post #5348

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Thanks, worked
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post Nov 1 2017, 15:00
Post #5349

☆ My hearts are ←~(Ψ▼ー▼)∈ pitch black! ☆
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thanks for answers will do this way
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post Nov 2 2017, 07:21
Post #5350

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First of all, amazing stuff. Thanks for the Monsterbation features.

Also, any clue why setting ```maxVitals = true``` on line 51 breaks the end-of-round pop-up skipper? It doesn't show the pop-up but acts like it's still there (I can still hit space to move on).

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/jd3rQvo.png)

I'm playing on a fresh chrome profile so shouldn't be an issue with extensions/scripts/other browsing data. I've also went through various combinations and verified that it only quits skipping when that feature is turned on.

Moreover, the default script works, but if I change only that line, then it's quits working.

Perhaps it's just something on my end?
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post Nov 2 2017, 07:59
Post #5351

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QUOTE(Frotag @ Nov 2 2017, 05:21) *


have the same problem here...
script version &

[i.loli.net] maxVitals = false,

[i.loli.net] maxVitals = true,
[i.loli.net] maxVitals = true,

    // ui settings
var mpboost = 100, spboost = 70,       // set to match player stats. add up all bonuses from abilities and capacitor
    mppot = 70, sppot = 70,            // set to percentages restored by mana/spirit potions
    showCooldowns = true,              // show cooldowns on the quickbar
    cdTopAdjust = 8, cdFontSize = 200, // set to match font
    effectsAboveMonsters = false,      // move player effects to above monsters
    showDurations = true,              // show effect durations
    stackBorder = true,                // show effect stacks as border thickness or numbers
    alertColours = true,               // change background colours according to alert conditions
    alertBackground = false,           // whole background or only relevant area for alert colours
    alertBuffs = /(healthpot.png|manapot.png|scroll.png|regen.png|heartseeker.png|arcanemeditation.png)/,
    // change colour of player effects area if any of these buffs has less than 2 turns left
    // add the icon filename of any critical buff. this also affects stopOnBuffsExpiring
    // to get the filename, activate the buff in battle, right click its icon and inspect element
    // some examples: spiritpot.png darkinfusion.png protection_scroll.png flowers.png gum.png
    colours = { 'default':     '#EDEBDF',           // alert colours
                'spark':       'magenta',           // set to any valid html colour, or '#EDEBDF' to disable
                'lowhp':       'deeppink',
                'lowmp':       'darkslateblue',
                'lowsp':       'indigo',
                'ocfull':      'mediumspringgreen',
                'expiring':    'lightblue',
                'channelling': 'aquamarine',
                'usable':      'mediumspringgreen', // set to false to disable
                'miss':        'gray',              // log colours
                'damage':      'red',               // set to any valid html colour, or '#5C0D11' to disable
                'item':        '#00B000',
                'attack':      'blue',
                'spell':       'darkslateblue',
                'recovery':    'mediumseagreen',
                'effect':      'seagreen',
                'spirit':      'indigo',
                'proficiency': 'darkolivegreen',
                'scan':        'lightcoral',        // highlight colour for monsters that have not been scanned in a while
                'monster':     'springgreen' },     // highlight colour for monsters that match your keywords
    usableBlink = false,                // mana and spirit gems and potions on the quickbar blink when usable to their full effect
    logColours = false,                // add colour highlights to the ballte log
    turnDividers = false,              // add horizontal row between turns
    hideLog = false,                   // hide the battle log
    maxVitals = true,                 // show maximum player vitals
    showMonsterHP = true,             // display current and max hp of monsters
    shortenHPbars = false,             // shorten monster hp bars relative to their max hp
    monsterNumbers = true,            // show monster numbers instead of letters
    monsterInfo = true,                // show monster data from jenga's database
    submitScans = true,                // automatically submit data to jenga's database when scanning
    scanTime = 62,                     // monsters that haven't been scanned in this number of days will be highlighted
    monsterHighlight = false,          // highlight monsters where the info (name, trainer, id, etc.) contains one of the keywords specified below
    monsterKeywords = /(Meiling|"plvl":2250|"monsterId":70699|Undead.*Crushing)/,
    ajaxRound = true,                  // advance to next round using ajax. set to false if you use other scripts that do not support this
    ajaxIntervals = 100,               // set to false or a higher number if you experience weird flashing of expiring effects
    noPopup = true,                    // skip end of round popup
    stopAtBattleEnd = true,            // do not dismiss popup at end of battle
    stopOnEquipDrop = true,           // do not dismiss popup if equipment drops, quality specified by cutoff below
    clickableRiddlemaster = true,      // add links to the riddlemaster to directly submit an answer
    edConfirm = true,                 // ask for confirmation before using energy drink
    fleeConfirm = true,               // ask for confirmation before fleeing
    raiseGem = false,                  // raise gem icon above quickbar
    hoverGem = false,                  // activate gem by hovering over the icon
    hoverSpirit = false,               // activate spirit stance by hovering over the icon
    quickbarExtend = [ 1,'ikey_1','ikey_2','ikey_3','ikey_4','ikey_5','ikey_6' ],
    // id for skills/spells/items (in quotes), 0 for space, 1 for gem
    // to get an id, during battle, open the skills/spells/items pane, right click the action you want to assign and inspect element
    // set to [1] if you just want the gem icon or [] if you do not want to use this feature

    // mouse binding and hover settings
    // it is best to use mouse bindings in conjunction with hoverArea, as mouse actions always target the whole monster
    clickEverywhere = false, // by default, click actions are only performed when the cursor is over a live monster
                             // setting this to true will enable middle and right click bindings and disable the context menu everywhere
    wheelEverywhere = false, // same as above, but for the wheel
    mouseEngage = false,     // hold mouse buttons to modify hover behaviour, rather than performing the bound action only once
    clickLeft = Nothing,     // Attack
    clickMiddle = Strongest([Cast('Ragnarok'), Cast('Disintegrate'), Cast('Corruption')]),
    clickRight = Strongest([Cast('Paradise Lost'), Cast('Banishment'), Cast('Smite')]),
    wheelUp = Cast('Imperil'),
    wheelDown = Cast('Weaken'),
    wheelLeft = Cast('Silence'),
    wheelRight = Cast('Sleep'),
    hoverAction = Nothing,   // Attack
    hoverShiftAction = Strongest([Cast('Flames of Loki'), Cast('Inferno'), Cast('Fiery Blast')]), // alternate hover action when holding shift
    // these can be set to any bindable action that can be followed up with targeting a monster,
    // as explained in the keybind section, or to false to disable
    // examples:
    // hoverAction = false,   // disable hover
    // hoverAction = Nothing, // Attack
    // hoverAction = Strongest([Cast('Ragnarok'), Cast('Disintegrate'), Cast('Corruption')]), // Dark spell rotation
    // hoverShiftAction = Strongest([ToggleHover, Cast('Imperil')]), // single cast of Imperil
    // with the above example, you can hold shift, hover and hit Z to cast Imperil while being protected by the usual hover safeguards
    hoverArea = 1, // slect which part of the monster activates hover
                   // 1: whole box, 2: icon, 3: name, 4: status, 6: effects

    // hoverplay interrupt settings
    // if hoverplay is interrupted for whatever reason,
    // it has to be reactivated with the bindable ToggleHover function
    startRoundWithHover = true,   // have hoverplay active at the beginning of each round
                                  // or require a kepress to start, in case you want to imperil first
    hoverAutoresume = false,      // reactivate hover after releasing any key
    minHP = 0.44,
    minMP = 0.33,
    minSP = 0.5-0.5*spboost/(spboost+100),
    stopOnEmergency = true,       // sparked or low vitals
    stopOnBuffsExpiring = true,   // buff expiring in 1 turn or less
    stopOnChannelling = true,    // gained the channelling effect
    stopOnUsableGem = false,      // mana or spirit gem can be used to their full effect
    stopOnFullOvercharge = true,  // overcharge full

    // tracking settings
    trackDrops = true,          // show total numbers of drops and exp at end of battle
    detailedDroplog = true,     // list each drop type individually, excluding crystals and equipment below your quality cutoff
    detailedCrystlog = false,   // list each crystal type individually
    equipmentTrackCutoff = 3,   // 0 to track all equipment combined,
                                // 1 to track Peerless separateley,
                                // 2 to track Peerless and Legendary separateley, etc.
    trackProficiency = false,   // show total proficiency gains at end of battle
    proficiencySidebar = false, // show live proficiency gains during battle
    profbarInMainpane = false,  // set to false to avoid overlap with showMonsterHP and monsterInfo
    deleteLog = 2,              // 0: never, 1: when navigating away from battle section, 2: at end of battle
    dropFontSize = 100,         // adjust font size of drop and proficiency log
    trackSpeed = true,          // show turn count and speed statistic at end of battle
    speedFontSize = 100,        // adjust font size of the speed statistic
    showRound = true,           // show the current round number during battle
    bigRoundCounter = true;    // bigger round counter, placed in top right

// ^^^ SETTINGS ^^^ //

This post has been edited by TakanashiRi: Nov 2 2017, 08:00
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post Nov 2 2017, 09:27
Post #5352

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QUOTE(Frotag @ Nov 2 2017, 08:21) *

Moreover, the default script works, but if I change only that line, then it's quits working.

QUOTE(TakanashiRi @ Nov 2 2017, 08:59) *

have the same problem here...

i can't reproduce this error in either chrome or firefox, but looking through the code i suspect that it may be conflicting variable names that cause some browsers to shit the bathtub. can you try replacing the MaxVitals function starting at line 868 with this?
function MaxVitals() {
    if ( !maxVitals ) return;
    var hpd, mpd, spd, changed = false, vitals = JSON.parse(localStorage.HVvitals || '{ "hp":0, "mp":0, "sp":0 }');
    if ( (hpd = document.getElementById('dvrhd')) ) {
        mpd = document.getElementById('dvrm');
        spd = document.getElementById('dvrs'); }
    else {
        hpd = document.getElementById('vrhd');
        mpd = document.getElementById('vrm');
        spd = document.getElementById('vrs'); }
    var hpv = parseInt(hpd.innerHTML), mpv = parseInt(mpd.innerHTML), spv = parseInt(spd.innerHTML);
    if ( hpv > vitals.hp ) { vitals.hp = hpv; changed = true; }
    if ( mpv > vitals.mp ) { vitals.mp = mpv; changed = true; }
    if ( spv > vitals.sp ) { vitals.sp = spv; changed = true; }
    hpd.innerHTML = hpv + '/' + vitals.hp;
    mpd.innerHTML = mpv + '/' + vitals.mp;
    spd.innerHTML = spv + '/' + vitals.sp;
    if ( changed ) localStorage.HVvitals = JSON.stringify(vitals); }
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post Nov 2 2017, 15:03
Post #5353

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QUOTE(sickentide @ Nov 2 2017, 03:27) *


Nope. Tried it with the defaults and still doesn't fix it.

(btw, it's not at all an issue for me. Just thought I should report it.)
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post Nov 2 2017, 20:47
Post #5354

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QUOTE(sickentide @ Nov 2 2017, 07:27) *

i can't reproduce this error in either chrome or firefox, but looking through the code i suspect that it may be conflicting variable names that cause some browsers to shit the bathtub. can you try replacing the MaxVitals function starting at line 868 with this?
function MaxVitals() {
    if ( !maxVitals ) return;
    var hpd, mpd, spd, changed = false, vitals = JSON.parse(localStorage.HVvitals || '{ "hp":0, "mp":0, "sp":0 }');
    if ( (hpd = document.getElementById('dvrhd')) ) {
        mpd = document.getElementById('dvrm');
        spd = document.getElementById('dvrs'); }
    else {
        hpd = document.getElementById('vrhd');
        mpd = document.getElementById('vrm');
        spd = document.getElementById('vrs'); }
    var hpv = parseInt(hpd.innerHTML), mpv = parseInt(mpd.innerHTML), spv = parseInt(spd.innerHTML);
    if ( hpv > vitals.hp ) { vitals.hp = hpv; changed = true; }
    if ( mpv > vitals.mp ) { vitals.mp = mpv; changed = true; }
    if ( spv > vitals.sp ) { vitals.sp = spv; changed = true; }
    hpd.innerHTML = hpv + '/' + vitals.hp;
    mpd.innerHTML = mpv + '/' + vitals.mp;
    spd.innerHTML = spv + '/' + vitals.sp;
    if ( changed ) localStorage.HVvitals = JSON.stringify(vitals); }

after replace this maxvital works correctly thanks!

profbarInMainpane = false, // set to false to avoid overlap with showMonsterHP and monsterInfo
Firefox 56.0.2+GreaseMonkey still get it overlap after setting this to false...bug?..
[i.loli.net] https://i.loli.net/2017/10/27/59f350bfad282.png

This post has been edited by TakanashiRi: Nov 2 2017, 20:47
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post Nov 2 2017, 22:18
Post #5355

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QUOTE(sickentide @ Nov 1 2017, 06:07) *

take line 44 in Battle Stats Ex:
    if (flag === "firstrun"){

and replace it with this:
    if (flag === "firstrun")
        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){main("reload");}, false);
    if (flag === "firstrun" || flag === "reload"){

now you can set ajaxRound = true again

Thank you! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wub.gif)
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post Nov 2 2017, 23:03
Post #5356

Extra Hissy
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Can someone make a script to change the forum skin colors? We were talking about it here.


Something that's made especially for E-H and is easy to use for people who aren't good at this sort of thing.
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post Nov 3 2017, 01:26
Post #5357
Ass Spanker

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QUOTE(Sesshomaru Moon @ Nov 3 2017, 05:03) *

Can someone make a script to change the forum skin colors? We were talking about it here.


Something that's made especially for E-H and is easy to use for people who aren't good at this sort of thing.

Doesn't boulay already have a skin for E-H? I'm using it, the choco color one. You can do some tweak to change it to your desired color.
It's CSS. You can just install Stylish (or its alternatives), copy the code inside and you're done.

This post has been edited by as013: Nov 3 2017, 01:27
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post Nov 3 2017, 12:49
Post #5358
hc br

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QUOTE(Sesshomaru Moon @ Nov 3 2017, 05:03) *

Can someone make a script to change the forum skin colors? We were talking about it here.


Something that's made especially for E-H and is easy to use for people who aren't good at this sort of thing.


Forums + Galleries themes

WsUs.03 E-Hentai Forums - Ambience Series
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post Nov 3 2017, 12:52
Post #5359

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QUOTE(TakanashiRi @ Nov 2 2017, 21:47) *

profbarInMainpane = false, // set to false to avoid overlap with showMonsterHP and monsterInfo
Firefox 56.0.2+GreaseMonkey still get it overlap after setting this to false...bug?..
[i.loli.net] https://i.loli.net/2017/10/27/59f350bfad282.png

there is more spacing between the lines in the monster info boxes than there should be, causing the overlap. can you post your font settings and check if setting them to Arial/8pt fixes it?
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post Nov 3 2017, 13:06
Post #5360

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QUOTE(sickentide @ Nov 3 2017, 10:52) *

there is more spacing between the lines in the monster info boxes than there should be, causing the overlap. can you post your font settings and check if setting them to Arial/8pt fixes it?

this is my current font setting and it still overlap.
[i.loli.net] https://i.loli.net/2017/11/03/59fc4cd26cf24.png
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