QUOTE(Ichy @ Dec 26 2012, 10:19)
thanks this works but only if I turn Minor Additions off (IMG:[
if you're wanting melee skills and fus ro dah mapped to +, dont think it'll work, but if you just want fus ro dah, edit minor additions and put "false" for skillHotkey: in var settings, or just change the key setting for skillHotkey to something other than 107.
(you can disable any of the stuff you dont want in hvma by setting the appropriate setting to false)
@thot it works for skills; sure other people in thread mentioned it, but you can bind all in the chain to same key. Probably not as convenient as Tiaps skill script though, since you have to map the specific name of the skill (ie changes based on weapon)
I had random issue w/ keybinds at first. nothing worked. cut and pasted my custom bindings into a freshly dled version, and then it worked (IMG:[
This post has been edited by etothex: Dec 26 2012, 20:38