QUOTE(Tenboro @ Mar 26 2023, 16:01)
I've added some more potential items to the PAs. It can now award one of these:
- Last Elixir
- Flower Vase
- Bubble-Gum
- Chaos Token
With the same chance for each of those.
As for EDs, I'll consider adding some other sources for them, they just can't be farmable.
Artifactを捧げたときに、いろいろ手に入るようになったみたいね(Stats Bonus MAX)
Before Crystal:40% 2Hath:20% Last Elixir:20% Energy Drink:20%
After Crystal:40% 2Hath:20% Last Elixir:10% Flower Vase:10% Bubble-Gum:10% Chaos Token:10%
400+1200+90+800+900=3390C がベースで、Chaos Tokenをいくらで計算するかって感じ
Monster LAB勢がChaos Token目当てに大量購入するかも?しばらく様子見