My gosh, people really put no effort into this! I can't blame them though, in the end, all will be for nothing anyway!
I mean, how have we deserved to be rewarded like that? And how in the world could all the different prizes be weeded out? Who's gonna notice that I wrote "Vinyl Scratch is Best Pony!"
Geez, computers nowadays... And with all those people standing in line I'm being more and more reminded of them old days back in the sovjet union....
Man, people were all like "Isn't it exciting?" over a pound of sugar and a slice of bread. "OOh, the leadership has been generous again!" FUCK YOU GUYS DO YOU GET AT ALL WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON AROUND YOU!!?? YOU'RE ALL HYPOCRITES, MOTHERFUCKING HYPOCRITES.
.... And then they brought me into a detention camp. They'd almost have cut out a piece of my brain... or did they? NAH, I can't remember... But, man, these times werereally depressing..... geez.... *sigh*
This post has been edited by Benjiro: Dec 28 2011, 05:21