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E-Hentai Presents The Fourth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery, Also pony-themed presents |
Dec 24 2011, 12:24

Well, we do this every year, right? So it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone...
*pulls out last year's speech*
Ehem.. "as is customary in E-Hentai tradition, we always hand out a little something to our loyal members and contributors this time of year. Everyone who has reached the Member status on the forums should now have received a few trinkets of appreciation, namely:"
10 Hath 1x Decorative Pony Sled (unique artifact) 1x Gift Pony (unique trophy) 3x Stocking Stuffers (trophy)
This year we're up to 2608 lucky recipients, up from 1700 last year.
In a repeat from the last three years, everyone who makes a post in this thread can also participate in the E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery. But this year there is a cheesy twist - we're doing both a standard Giftmas contest, and a super-special Hearth's Warming Eve contest for the brony folk.
To participate in the former, write Isn't it exciting? exactly as written somewhere in your post.
To participate in the latter, write x is Best Pony where the x is replaced with a pony of your choice. Note that the prize depends on the pony chosen, so if you want to win it, it has to be one that's established in the canon or fanon.
You can participate in both contests. Posting more than once does not make you ineligible to win, but neither does it increase the chance of winning.
Make sure to enter before 23:59:59 (Midnight) UTC, December 31st.
As usual, The Yuletide Lottery Drawings will be done by the PHP Mersenne-Twister Random Number Generator. The winner will be announced on January 1st, 2012. Ish.
Dec 24 2011, 12:31
Death Grunty
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 2,788
Joined: 18-November 09

I noticed the Gift Pony and figured this was up. I don't really get what the pony yuletide is but Isn't it exciting? Pinkie Pie is Best Pony.
Thanks by the way and Merry Christmas everyone.
This post has been edited by Death Grunty: Dec 24 2011, 12:33
Dec 24 2011, 12:35
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 11,785
Joined: 23-January 08

Ah yes, the usual end of year drawing. Isn't it exciting? I got lucky last year, can I pull two in a row?
Now for the pony portion. On one hand I really don't like encouraging the pony craze but on the other hand I like free stuff. Decisions decisions.
Fuck it, Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony (shouldn't it be is THE best pony?).
This post has been edited by cptkleenex: Dec 24 2011, 12:36
Dec 24 2011, 12:39
Group: Members
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Just got 10 hath and those trophy,isn't it exciting ?
And Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony
Dec 24 2011, 12:46
Group: Gold Star Club
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Oh, you. Might as well join now that I am no longer a lurker. QUOTE(cptkleenex @ Dec 24 2011, 11:35)  Decisions decisions. I'm a complete hypocrite but Isn't it exciting?And since I have to pick one if I want a chance at this, Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony.
Dec 24 2011, 12:53
Group: Members
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prizes and the update, Isn't it exciting?
and if a I have to choose... I suppose Rainbow Dash is Best Pony
Dec 24 2011, 12:55
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Dec 24 2011, 05:42)  We have different loves but we aren't so different You and I.
Dec 24 2011, 12:57
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We got Xmas today, Isn't it exciting? Yea, I think Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony.
Dec 24 2011, 12:59
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Entering the contest. Isn't it exciting?
Also, Fluttershy is Best Pony
Dec 24 2011, 13:00
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The new HV patch is so broken... Isn't it exciting? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Don't know much about ponies, but since I kinda find his rise to stardom amusing, Derpy Hooves is Best Pony.
Dec 24 2011, 13:01
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Participating. Isn't it exciting? Pinkamena Diane Pie is Best Pony. Morons./
Dec 24 2011, 13:08
Holy Pledge
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Pony!! Pony!!!
Dec 24 2011, 13:08
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lottery, isn't it exciting ?
Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony
This post has been edited by MT666888: Dec 24 2011, 13:10
Dec 24 2011, 13:09
Group: Gold Star Club
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I can upgrade my max base equipment now, Isn't it exciting?
Gummy is my best pony
Dec 24 2011, 13:13
Group: Members
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yes yes yes, first the hv update, now this. Isn't it exciting? ok, back to the topic, applejack is Best Pony, reason is simple, becaus i love apple!
This post has been edited by wchx_1989: Dec 24 2011, 13:15
Dec 24 2011, 13:16
 Group: Members
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Christmas eve with pony in the bed - Isn't it exciting? Twilight Sparkle is Best Porn.
Dec 24 2011, 13:19
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 16-December 09

Hmmm, haven't been around here in a while. But I heard about a lottery and ponies, so of course I'll come check it out. Isn't it exciting?
Had a change of heart, Maredowell is Best Pony!
This post has been edited by Bloodmare: Dec 24 2011, 22:04
Dec 24 2011, 13:21
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 131
Joined: 12-August 09

Regular presents under the tree, and sexy presents in bed, Isn't it exciting? Btw Fluttershy is Best Pony.
Dec 24 2011, 13:21
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 9
Joined: 25-April 09

Post with no meaning, Isn't it exciting? Not really a brony, but I guess I'll still say Rainbow Dash is Best Pony.
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