Hi guys! Been months! (gotten a lot better at translating, but still not fluent)
A year ago i took a commission to translate the following work by piyotycho:
https://e-hentai.org/s/976df85cba/865899-4so it's a collection of short stories, but with different font. Most i can Do, p. 8-15 & 16-33
but the p. 4-7 part has a VERY poorly written "font". A fluent/native Japanese reader could probably figure which are the right symbols
on p. 6, upper right panel, the Tan Tomboy girl says "コッ千もこの角虫手をググブッとね‥"?
but the "千", "こ" & "手" i can't tell them from 千,干,こ,ニ,二
The shouting in the last chapter also uses this scribbling, like p. 27 bottom left.
p. 28 middle right might be 'ちょっとぉ・ぉ・ッ"
p.28 middle right "へへーんだ" or "ヘヘーんだ"? (don't know how to get REALLY looong hyphen)
I don't need it Translated, just converted to a font i can read. esp since one of the issues is hiragana/katakana size (in Handwritten the text size can change, so it's hard to tell a 'お' from a 'ぉ')
though some katakana substitutions may try to confer something i'm missing
p. 33: ジャックのやつヤケに短いバカンスだったな……
"Jack had an awfully short vacation"
ヤケに is separate has 2 katakana
turning it to "やけに" give it 2 possible words "やけ" & "やけに"
p. 35 has a triangle X O Z!! which i'm guessing is Japanese swearing censor?
Thx and Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year!