Hello everyone! I need some help figuring out some sentences on a postscript for a doujin I'm working on.
The doujin is called "Douki no Sakura" and is an Hikaru no Go parody story. I won't link it because I'm not sure if it's allowed here. The photo here is a capture of the afterword.
The parts I'm having trouble figuring out the meaning are:
Talking about school uniforms the author is looking at some figures at hand says that this specif school's uniforms are not "split" in the back?? I'm not really familiar with uniforms, so I have no idea if that's an actual characterstic they can have or not or if I misunderstood the sentence.
The second bit I need help with is:
Frankly, most of this eludes me ahah. The first part I somewhat get, "Talking about clothes (???), Mitani wore a white shirt during the period when he and Hikaru were getting to know each other." But from there on I don't really get the proper meaning of it (IMG:[
I hope somebody here'll be able to help out (IMG:[