I'm troubling with some sentences on this page:
[nhentai.net] [
https://nhentai.net/g/178658/41I have something for the first 4 sentences of the guy but if you could give me your translation since these large sentences are still complicated for me, that would be great !
Every thought bubble of her.
That's a lot, but I can't seem to get something coherent. Having your help would be great ! Thanks !
The least thing you could do would be to try. Transcribe all the kanjis, break the sentence down in smaller parts and look all the terms up. Like this:
既婚者なのは 承知の上ですっ
married person / well aware
since left university / the thing is
being able to have to do with women / non-existence
anyway / in this appearance / being partner
a long problem / the result
with a communication disability /
若干 引き篭もり気味で
a little bit / hikikomori-like /
meeting with girls / itself
wish for / not even close
to be said
overflowing lust / can't restrain
lived distressed days present condition
to speak frankly
please let me do you
This shouldn't be too much trouble, kanji-reader and dictionary should cover you here.
Now that you have the buildings blocks, look at the connections, the particles and verb-endings. See which part specifies what, where are full stops, where are sub-clauses, and so on. This is the hard part. This is where you need your grammar skills. Use your prior knowledge, the context. Does it make sense? If not try something else. When you get a basic understanding (partly through trial-and-error), write an english sentence. Does it make sense? Did you cover every Japanese word? First try to do so, later you'll have to drop the words that don't fit into English. In the end it's only important that you convey the meaning.
I'm well aware that you are a married person, but please…
Since I left university I did not meet a single woman, well in the first place, nobody would choose me as partner with my body,
and with my communication disability, and with the fact that I look somewhat like a shut-in, so I can't even dream to go out with a woman,
and in that sense, with all the accumulated lust overflowing me, I live my days in agony,
to make it short, please let me fuck you!!
Feel free to improve the English text, you get the gist now.
PS: If you ask for help, first show that you put some effort into your request yourself. At least you should provide a copyable transcription (why should I have to type all the kanjis for you?) and a first try on the translation.