QUOTE(KirbyDances @ Feb 11 2013, 16:29)
Now, what I'm wondering is: what is クリクリ?
Seems no clear meaning there.
But, some meanings in it.
Like Slobber already mentioned, it means "cute eye with a large iris".
"クリクリ" is often used for nickname of "Kuri-", "Cri-", "Chri-" or something (like "栗林", "クリステル" and so on) in Japan. Also this is often used to keep the rhythm of words like some puns.
Indirect wording of "Clitoris".
QUOTE(JBVMND @ Feb 12 2013, 00:58)
I think this means something like "Are Cattleya's breasts really nothing like anything but bullets? Ah... Bullets.... Hulk bullets... (0 Points)." The long, double negative with a question is throwing me off... and I've no idea what ハルク砲弾 is supposed to be...
Like that.
But "howitzer shells" will be fit than "bullets".
And "ハルク砲弾" is pun from name of professional wrestler "ハルク・ホーガン([
Hulk Hogan)" (also metaphor of "massive").
QUOTE(JBVMND @ Feb 12 2013, 00:58)
"ボンバイエー(BOM-BA-YE)" is also pun from "ボンボン" and "Yeah!", and came from "Boma ye" (means "beat him" or something) of [
In Japan, this words are well known as in "[
炎のファイター - INOKI BOM-BA-YE", the entrance theme of professional wrestler "Antonio-Inoki".
This post has been edited by Thira: Feb 12 2013, 05:31