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> Random translation help

post Jun 16 2018, 12:12
Post #5561

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QUOTE(Hoshiboshi @ Jun 15 2018, 20:23) *

I have a bit of an issue with 二人の時 and 二人きりの時. If it's asked in this manner: "二人きりの時は?" without any other context, what exactly is being asked?

Jatrans explained it nicely, here's just one more suggestion:
"How about some quality time, just the two of us?"

I assume that "二人きりの時は?" is short for "二人きりの時はどう?".
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post Jun 16 2018, 14:18
Post #5562

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jun 16 2018, 01:55) *
Need help with top half of this page...

Presumably, he's replying to this:
https://e-hentai.org/s/a9be3b0693/692525-19 <= あいつ本気で落としていい?
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post Jun 16 2018, 18:22
Post #5563

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Someone can help me with that please ?

きやあ !
私にひっカヽけないで絵美 !!
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post Jun 17 2018, 10:41
Post #5564

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QUOTE(lelouch45770 @ Jun 16 2018, 18:22) *

Someone can help me with that please ?

きやあ !
私にひっカヽけないで絵美 !!

This is a best guess since there's no context and the text looks like it was (poorly) OCR'd.

"Aaaaah! Don't splash me Emi!" With "Emi" being a common female name.
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post Jun 17 2018, 15:57
Post #5565

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QUOTE(Comoop @ Jun 15 2018, 18:08) *

I need help with 4 phrases (yeah that's a bit much):
[nhentai.net] https://nhentai.net/g/198401/160/
They're the third and the fourth one (I mean the combined speech bubble)

Thanks !

QUOTE(jatrans @ Jun 15 2018, 20:53) *



You don't look like a local... Travelling, perhaps?

Well, yes... But it's not like that I'm here for sightseeing.

って isn't really a 1:1 translation for 'that', but rather as an explanation for what her reason (わけ) is not

Thanks for your help jatrans !
But even with the sentence you translated I can't get the second sentence of the combined speech bubble,
This one: 気が向くまに行ってみようかなって
Don't 向く and かなって roughly mean the same thing ?

Thank you both, that's perfect !

This post has been edited by Comoop: Jun 17 2018, 21:56
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post Jun 17 2018, 16:49
Post #5566

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QUOTE(Comoop @ Jun 17 2018, 09:57) *

Thanks for your help jatrans !
But even with the sentence you translated I can't get the second sentence of the combined speech bubble,
This one: 気が向くまに行ってみようかなって
Don't 向く and かなって roughly mean the same thing ?

気が向く means "to feel like doing", so 気が向くままに is "as I feel like (doing) it".
The かなって is かな + って. かな is wondering (to herself), and って is as was said earlier, a sort of explanation type of thing.
Putting it together, it's something like "I thought I'd travel to wherever as the mood strikes me..." or "I thought I'd try going wherever my whims take me..."

Added with the other half, you get
"Well, yes... But it's not like I'm here for sightseeing. I thought I'd try going wherever my whims take me..."
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post Jun 17 2018, 17:19
Post #5567

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What miceder said, basically.

I spent the last 15 minutes mulling over how to explain it

Casual Japanese can get pretty confusing as it omits a lot of detail and you have to read the context -- and apparently it's even harder to explain (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)

If you try to make the two sentence a bit more formal, the second sentence would be something like

while the first would be something like

...I hope I didn't make this even more confusing (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
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post Jun 18 2018, 02:27
Post #5568

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QUOTE(jatrans @ Jun 16 2018, 18:28) *

I'm guessing the flashback is depicting a scene of Fujisaki asking Kiritani about taking her/asking her out. So maybe something like...

Yo, Kiritani...

<flasback, Fujisaki's question is implied>
Well, if you're serious about it, then go on.

It's up to Matsuri to decide, however.

I don't think she would agree to that, though.
<flashback over>

You looked so sure back then, but...


I'm not sure if the scene in question is actually depicted in past works or not, though. Took a quick glance at zenpen and couldn't find any similar scene.

edit: see next post from nonotan

QUOTE(nonotan @ Jun 17 2018, 00:18) *

Presumably, he's replying to this:
https://e-hentai.org/s/a9be3b0693/692525-19 <= あいつ本気で落としていい?

The meaning of そういうつもりは is unclear. Meaning Matsuri going back to being siblings with him?
And after that あんときゃ is not clear what he's referring to.

Also this page https://e-hentai.org/s/7e703f5c23/692532-21
There's no line こんな所だから in the previous volume, or is it this ? https://e-hentai.org/s/f32f5c4962/692525-75

This post has been edited by N04h: Jun 18 2018, 02:35
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post Jun 18 2018, 08:18
Post #5569

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jun 18 2018, 07:27) *

The meaning of そういうつもりは is unclear. Meaning Matsuri going back to being siblings with him?
And after that あんときゃ is not clear what he's referring to.

Also this page https://e-hentai.org/s/7e703f5c23/692532-21
There's no line こんな所だから in the previous volume, or is it this ? https://e-hentai.org/s/f32f5c4962/692525-75

そういうつもり would likely refer to 本気で落と(される), with Kiritani at the time believing that Matsuri will never fall for Fujisaki, since she was all lovey dovey with him.

and あんときゃ随分余裕こいてた~ refers to how at the time Kiritani gave the answer very confidently, since again, lovey dovey, etc.

こんな所 probably refers to that, yeah. Makes sense in context.

This post has been edited by jatrans: Jun 18 2018, 08:20
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post Jun 19 2018, 00:41
Post #5570

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Ah, thanks guys.
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post Jun 20 2018, 16:45
Post #5571

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Can anyone help me please with this SE text?


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post Jun 20 2018, 17:26
Post #5572

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QUOTE(cocblockula @ Jun 20 2018, 16:45) *

Can anyone help me please with this SE text?


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post Jun 21 2018, 12:34
Post #5573

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Can anyone please help me with this text ?


"look at this, it's becoming dark" is it right ?
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post Jun 21 2018, 14:49
Post #5574

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QUOTE(lelouch45770 @ Jun 21 2018, 12:34) *

Can anyone please help me with this text ?


"look at this, it's becoming dark" is it right ?

"Look! He/she's shaking like a leaf!"
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post Jun 21 2018, 20:55
Post #5575

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Thanks (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 22 2018, 09:07
Post #5576

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need help with 体裁付ける仲
Attached Image

This is Gekkakou no ori chapter 18

This post has been edited by N04h: Jun 22 2018, 09:08
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post Jun 22 2018, 09:45
Post #5577

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jun 22 2018, 03:07) *

need help with 体裁付ける仲
Attached Image

This is Gekkakou no ori chapter 18

Something like "there's no point in putting on airs with me".
Basically, we both know you're pretending, so skip the act.
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post Jun 23 2018, 03:39
Post #5578

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Could someone tell me what the text on the right says? Also, the title is "My friend's mother" but would it be terribly inaccurate to call it "my BEST friend's mother" since that plays better into the story?

Attached Image
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post Jun 23 2018, 04:28
Post #5579

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QUOTE(Marien @ Jun 23 2018, 03:39) *

Could someone tell me what the text on the right says?

More literal: "Shall I show you something even more amazing (than this)?"

How I would translate it: "Are you ready for me to show you something that feels even better than this?"


Also, the title is "My friend's mother" but would it be terribly inaccurate to call it "my BEST friend's mother" since that plays better into the story?

Attached Image

I think either one is fine. Go with whichever fits the context better.
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post Jun 23 2018, 04:55
Post #5580

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^ Thank you kindly, sir.
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