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> Random translation help

post Jun 8 2018, 19:14
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Can I get this little bit translated?
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Please and thank you.
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post Jun 9 2018, 03:11
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QUOTE(SuperDef @ Jun 9 2018, 05:14) *

Can I get this little bit translated?
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Please and thank you.

"peck/poke it"
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post Jun 10 2018, 12:08
Post #5543

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bottom middle panel of page 5 in https://e-hentai.org/g/996567/38de68bd4a/

an inactive TL translated this for us as 'Cinque, come here de gozaru'. I googled for this and well, it's interesting but I am not sure how to tackle this. Still, I think this kind of stuff is usually translated somehow?
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post Jun 10 2018, 12:50
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QUOTE(Red_Piotrus @ Jun 10 2018, 06:08) *

bottom middle panel of page 5 in https://e-hentai.org/g/996567/38de68bd4a/

an inactive TL translated this for us as 'Cinque, come here de gozaru'. I googled for this and well, it's interesting but I am not sure how to tackle this. Still, I think this kind of stuff is usually translated somehow?

In this case, it's the character's standard sentence ending. It's an alternation of "desu" (verb 'to be') that give the characters a bit more... character. Since it doesn't really translate to anything special, some translators leave it as-is to add a bit of individuality(?) to the dialogue.

In this case, you could simply take it out and the translation would still be right. As a heads up though, I'm not sure how things were translated, but skimming through some other pages, removing it could make the dialogue a bit strange, and make it harder to figure out who's in which body.
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post Jun 10 2018, 13:57
Post #5545

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Thanks. As I am proofing the script, I found another sentence that seems off. Page 7, top large bubble, the TL gave us

"That's quite a good look he is getting there! Someone like Leo Kaka (who is almost a sister) having her secret place in such an embarrassing situation, now this is getting pretty exciting."

The beginning and the end are fine, but there are two problems in the middle. First, WTF is Kaka? The character Leo's full name is [dogdays.wikia.com] https://dogdays.wikia.com/wiki/Leonmitchell...alette_des_Rois , no Kaka anywhere. Could it be a laugh like haha? Then there is the weird parentheis is about the sister. Maybe the correct sentence would read "She/Violet is having her secret place exposed to Leo, who is almost like her brother, such an embarrassing situation, now this is getting pretty exciting."

That would sound correct, English wise, but wanted to double check if we are not missing any kind of joke or anything significant?


page 9, top leftmost of the three bubbles, there's a reference to a "Toshigami girl". Googling for that gives me a 'new year god'. Weird, as nothing in the Dog Days lore (nor google) seems to indicate what the heck can be meant by this. Is this the correct reading of the kanji there? If it is not an error, that's quite a strange reference the author put there, maybe a joke I am not getting...

This post has been edited by Red_Piotrus: Jun 10 2018, 14:07
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post Jun 10 2018, 14:32
Post #5546

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For some reason I can't open the gallery (said it's unavailable?), but I'm guessing it's probably not Leo Kaka but Leo-kakka (レオ閣下), with kakka here used similarly like "Her Excellency", or maybe since it's a bit too wordy just "Lady Leo" would suffice. Googling レオ閣下 does give me the same character so I assume this is how she's called in-series.

Can't even make a guess on the sister part or the toshigami bit without actual picture, so sorry about that (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)

This post has been edited by jatrans: Jun 10 2018, 14:34
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post Jun 10 2018, 14:56
Post #5547

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QUOTE(Red_Piotrus @ Jun 10 2018, 14:57) *

page 9, top leftmost of the three bubbles, there's a reference to a "Toshigami girl". Googling for that gives me a 'new year god'. Weird, as nothing in the Dog Days lore (nor google) seems to indicate what the heck can be meant by this. Is this the correct reading of the kanji there? If it is not an error, that's quite a strange reference the author put there, maybe a joke I am not getting...

That should be tochigami, "local goddess". It's been a while since I watched Dog Days, so I don't remember exactly who it refers to, though.

And as jatrans said, it's Leo-kakka, or Queen Leo.
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post Jun 10 2018, 22:24
Post #5548

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QUOTE(Red_Piotrus @ Jun 10 2018, 07:57) *

Thanks. As I am proofing the script, I found another sentence that seems off. Page 7, top large bubble, the TL gave us

"That's quite a good look he is getting there! Someone like Leo Kaka (who is almost a sister) having her secret place in such an embarrassing situation, now this is getting pretty exciting."

The beginning and the end are fine, but there are two problems in the middle. First, WTF is Kaka? The character Leo's full name is [dogdays.wikia.com] https://dogdays.wikia.com/wiki/Leonmitchell...alette_des_Rois , no Kaka anywhere. Could it be a laugh like haha? Then there is the weird parentheis is about the sister. Maybe the correct sentence would read "She/Violet is having her secret place exposed to Leo, who is almost like her brother, such an embarrassing situation, now this is getting pretty exciting."

That would sound correct, English wise, but wanted to double check if we are not missing any kind of joke or anything significant?

これはバッチリ見つめております! レオ閣下と並んで姉のように慕う女性の秘部を見てしまうという背徳感溢
That's quite a good look he's getting there! What an immoral situation! He's seeing the secret place of a woman he adores as an older sister as much as he does Queen Leo! Now this is getting exciting!♡

If it's not clear, he thinks of her as an older sister just as much as he does Queen Leo (his actual sister). It could probably use some tweaking to make it flow better, but that's the general idea.


page 9, top leftmost of the three bubbles, there's a reference to a "Toshigami girl". Googling for that gives me a 'new year god'. Weird, as nothing in the Dog Days lore (nor google) seems to indicate what the heck can be meant by this. Is this the correct reading of the kanji there? If it is not an error, that's quite a strange reference the author put there, maybe a joke I am not getting...

From Yukikaze's wikia entry: 'Yukki's parents are Earth Gods, making her an Earth God."
So that should be Earth God Girl.
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post Jun 11 2018, 13:17
Post #5549

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I can't get the meaning of 3 sentences:
[nhentai.net] https://nhentai.net/g/126627/128/

They're the first three of this page.
For the second one, I don't understand between what and what the comparison is made with. (Well, I guess it's a comparison.)

Thanks jatrans !

This post has been edited by Comoop: Jun 15 2018, 15:53
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post Jun 11 2018, 14:41
Post #5550

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i just too a quick look so these are not definitive, but they should give you an idea.

the first seems to be 重い (heavy) but he cuts himself off
the second is something along the lines of "they have grown so much" or "she", I didn0t really look into the context
"she has also become as tall as me"
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post Jun 12 2018, 05:46
Post #5551

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Just wanted to say thanks to all who helped figure out those ambiguities in the DD dojin - you'll get credited as proofreaders in our release as a token of our appreciation (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jun 12 2018, 08:51
Post #5552

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QUOTE(Comoop @ Jun 11 2018, 13:17) *

I can't get the meaning of 3 sentences:
[nhentai.net] https://nhentai.net/g/126627/128/

They're the first three of this page.
For the second one, I don't understand between what and what the comparison is made with. (Well, I guess it's a comparison.)

Thanks !

He speaks in an informal intonation, with おもっ and たけーし equal to 重い and 高いし

so it's something like

Whoa, so heavy! She grew up way too fast!

She's taller than me...

She have good grades, also good at sports ...
(being good at it is implied, as you can tell from the next page that he has an inferiority complex of some sorts against her)

It's always like this...

(continue to next page)

She...keeps looking down on me

This post has been edited by jatrans: Jun 12 2018, 14:39
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post Jun 12 2018, 15:33
Post #5553

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I have a translation request

What does ドエロイ (doeroi) mean?

Had a wee look online and the results were...lewd. Any idea what it means?
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post Jun 12 2018, 15:46
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えろい (eroi) is well, erotic or lewd.
ド (do) as a prefix is an informal term loosely meaning 'very'.

So doeroi pretty much means very lewd.
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post Jun 14 2018, 12:35
Post #5555

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Please, can I get this little bit translated?


Thank you

ps : if img link broken, it's here https://e-hentai.org/s/c7711bd92f/1185785-24

This post has been edited by lelouch45770: Jun 15 2018, 14:54
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post Jun 15 2018, 18:08
Post #5556

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I need help with 4 phrases (yeah that's a bit much):
[nhentai.net] https://nhentai.net/g/198401/160/
They're the third and the fourth one (I mean the combined speech bubble)
And the two lasts.
1st: I don't understand the use of でも and って here
3rd: Same for 違ったなら here
4th: Same for くらい I know it depends a lot on the context but I can't translate it properly

Thanks jatrans

This post has been edited by Comoop: Jun 17 2018, 15:18
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post Jun 15 2018, 20:23
Post #5557

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I have a bit of an issue with 二人の時 and 二人きりの時. If it's asked in this manner: "二人きりの時は?" without any other context, what exactly is being asked?
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post Jun 15 2018, 20:53
Post #5558

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QUOTE(Comoop @ Jun 15 2018, 18:08) *

I need help with 4 phrases (yeah that's a bit much):
[nhentai.net] https://nhentai.net/g/198401/160/
They're the third and the fourth one (I mean the combined speech bubble)
And the two lasts.
1st: I don't understand the use of でも and って here
3rd: Same for 違ったなら here
4th: Same for くらい I know it depends a lot on the context but I can't translate it properly

Thanks !



You don't look like a local... Travelling, perhaps?

Well, yes... But it's not like that I'm here for sightseeing.

って isn't really a 1:1 translation for 'that', but rather as an explanation for what her reason (わけ) is not




Something happened recently?

Err, um... Why do you ask?

I-It's nothing, you can ignore it if I was wrong, just a hunch.
You gave me this barley tea, so I figure I could at least listen to your story as a thank you.

I suck at explaining grammar (blame years of mostly self-taught knowledge), but I hope it helps.

QUOTE(Hoshiboshi @ Jun 15 2018, 20:23) *

I have a bit of an issue with 二人の時 and 二人きりの時. If it's asked in this manner: "二人きりの時は?" without any other context, what exactly is being asked?

二人の時 : when the two are together - applies to most general case
二人きりの時 : when the two are together, but there are noone else around. We all should know what kinda situation this usually entails (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Usually 二人きりの時は? should be presented with some context, and the question is asked to the manner of "but what if there are no one else around?"/"...and when it's just the two of us?"

This post has been edited by jatrans: Jun 15 2018, 21:16
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post Jun 16 2018, 03:55
Post #5559

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Need help with top half of this page...

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post Jun 16 2018, 08:28
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I'm guessing the flashback is depicting a scene of Fujisaki asking Kiritani about taking her/asking her out. So maybe something like...

Yo, Kiritani...

<flasback, Fujisaki's question is implied>
Well, if you're serious about it, then go on.

It's up to Matsuri to decide, however.

I don't think she would agree to that, though.
<flashback over>

You looked so sure back then, but...


I'm not sure if the scene in question is actually depicted in past works or not, though. Took a quick glance at zenpen and couldn't find any similar scene.

edit: see next post from nonotan

This post has been edited by jatrans: Jun 16 2018, 15:28
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