two questions:
1) simple title translation
the TL who did the script seems inactive, can anyone help by translating to English the title of this dojin: マキマキの花びらペロペロしてもいいんだよ ? Not romaji, I need a nice English title to put in the gallery I am about to release, but Google Translate fails here with "It is okay to petal petals of Makimaki", lol...
if you need to look at the cover or whatever, to be clear, we have the dojin translated and edited, we are just missing the title to put in the gallery, as soon as I get a reply this will hit the galleries
2) more challenging, it's a pain to figure out who's saying what, and there are few strange words here that add to the confusion
what do you think about the following (I've IDed the speakers, that was not in the TLed script), I've bolded the confusing parts, more context under the script
あ・・・ あの ネコネさん
Kiuru: Ah...umm, Nekone-san
姉上 お顔に
Ougi: Sister, your face...
あ すまんね
Nosuri: Ah, sorry.
な・・・な・・・ なんていうか あの二人・・・
Kiuru: S...S...Somehow those two look so...
仲のいい姉弟を そういう目で 見てるですか
presumably Nosuri or Ougi (doesn't matter which one): Do we look like really close siblings to you?
あれぐらい 兄様にも してもらうです
Nekone: My brother is willing to do that to me too.
???? presumably not Nekone: That's so impure (filthy? dirty?).兄様とは 健全 なのです
Nekone: Doing that with my brother is nothing weird/cruel.
そんな!? ネコネさああん
Kiuru: Really!? That's cruel, Nekone-san!the text is from bottom of page 28 on am rather unsure about the impure and weird/cruel parts at the end.
For context, Nosuri and Ougi are the incest siblings featured in the dojin and panel above. Their friends are the ones talking on the confusing panels below. Nekone is implied to have incest feelings for her older brother (who's not present there). Kiuru is not related by blood to Nekone, but he has a crush on her AND respects her older brother who is a role model for him (but I don't think he is implied to be bi or have a crush on him).
Anyway, the most confusing thing is - who's making the comment about impure, and how to properly translate Kiuru's last remark.
This post has been edited by Red_Piotrus: Apr 13 2018, 08:14