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> Random translation help

post Mar 25 2018, 06:19
Post #5341

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Hi guys, can anyone help me with this:
On this page,

あーー いやっ それは ほら… 勃起(た)てわね
Uh… No, that’s because… You know… If this can make me erect (not sure)

まっ 沙織だけでも楽しみよ

is this something like:
nvm, enjoy yourself, Saori.

Didn't really understand what's this mean, any help are appreciated, thanks.

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post Mar 25 2018, 10:25
Post #5342

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QUOTE(bcmbbucks @ Mar 24 2018, 14:09) *

Hey guys, I need help.

Typing the japanese characters takes too much time. Is there a OCR software that doesn't need a phone to identify the japanese characters? I want something that can convert the words in pictures into text so I can copy and paste the japanese sentence.

Seconded. An OCR software will save lots of time. I want one that runs natively on PC and works offline.


あーー いやっ それは ほら… 勃起(た)てわね
Uh… No, that’s because… You know… If this can make me erect (not sure)

That's correct.

まっ 沙織だけでも楽しみよ

is this something like:
nvm, enjoy yourself, Saori.

Yep, this one's plainly obvious; he's telling her to have fun in a swingers' club.

This post has been edited by Vexxille: Mar 25 2018, 10:34
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post Mar 25 2018, 14:48
Post #5343

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There are some OCR softwares, you can find them just by googling, but I would advise against it since they are very unreliable and i haven't found one that works with only an acceptable amount of mistakes. They may even not work at all depending on the font.
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post Mar 26 2018, 00:49
Post #5344

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Hello! I need a second translation for this line:
Context: Girl admiring a guy who already has a lover.
Thank you!

QUOTE(bcmbbucks @ Mar 24 2018, 07:09) *

Hey guys, I need help.

Typing the japanese characters takes too much time. Is there a OCR software that doesn't need a phone to identify the japanese characters? I want something that can convert the words in pictures into text so I can copy and paste the japanese sentence.

Capture2Text. I use it and never really had a problem with it. It may not be able to capture smaller particles though but it is the best OCR you can get right now. It works offline and very lightweight. It can OCR on the fly too.

This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Mar 26 2018, 21:09
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post Mar 26 2018, 08:18
Post #5345

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I need a help with the afterwords of a work I'm translating.

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/arq0FRG.jpg)

I can translate most of this text, except for the part which says


Thanks in advance.
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post Mar 26 2018, 14:52
Post #5346

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QUOTE(zzyzzyxx @ Mar 26 2018, 08:18) *

I need a help with the afterwords of a work I'm translating.

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/arq0FRG.jpg)

I can translate most of this text, except for the part which says


Thanks in advance.

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post Mar 26 2018, 17:21
Post #5347

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Thanks a lot for your help.
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post Mar 26 2018, 23:22
Post #5348

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Can someone help me with [i.nhentai.net] this one, and [i.nhentai.net] these [i.nhentai.net] two, please?

(IMG:[i.nhentai.net] https://i.nhentai.net/galleries/976100/1.jpg)

(IMG:[i.nhentai.net] https://i.nhentai.net/galleries/976057/1.jpg)

[i.nhentai.net] https://i.nhentai.net/galleries/976057/4.jpg

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post Mar 27 2018, 03:10
Post #5349

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I have a few questions about a particular work (ordered starting with the one I'd like to be answered the most; help with any of these would be appreciated):

1) In the fourth panel of this page, I am confused by the line 「彼氏になれってか?そんでどうしろって言うんだよ」. I am guessing it means "Are you telling me to be your boyfriend? I am saying "And then what?". ", but I am very unsure on that and it seems to be a weird dialogue if that were the case.
2) In the middle panel of this page, what does 「するかも分からん相手に毎晩て…ちょっとひくわ」 mean? Is it "It’s a little bit off-putting…having a partner who I didn’t even know does that every night.", or is that wrong? And I take it the following line means "Even though I actually should be happy you said that stuff…", yes?
3) In the second panel of this page, the sentence 「上司が弛んでるってうっせーんだよ…」confuses me. Does it mean "I’ll get an earful from my boss if I slack off… ", or "It’s be annoying if my boss says I’m slacking off…" or something else? I’d normally interpret this sentence as “It’s annoying when my boss is slacking off”, but that doesn’t seem to make sense here.
4) In the second panel of this page, am I mistaken in thinking that 「ビクビクしながらいじってたのがバカみたい…」 refers to her playing with her hymen, with the meaning of "It was idiotic of me to play around with it while being worried about it…" ?
5) In the bottom right panel of this page, I normally would interpret 「俺がサッカーやめてから何年経ったと思ってるんだ」 to mean "I think it’s been a few years since I quit playing soccer.". I know he means that 「俺がサッカーやめてから何年経った」 is the reason why he is out of shape, but I am confused by the use of と思ってるんだ here. Does it not mean "think" here?
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post Mar 27 2018, 15:33
Post #5350

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QUOTE(Crystalium @ Mar 27 2018, 03:10) *

I have a few questions about a particular work (ordered starting with the one I'd like to be answered the most; help with any of these would be appreciated):

1) In the fourth panel of this page, I am confused by the line 「彼氏になれってか?そんでどうしろって言うんだよ」. I am guessing it means "Are you telling me to be your boyfriend? I am saying "And then what?". ", but I am very unsure on that and it seems to be a weird dialogue if that were the case.
2) In the middle panel of this page, what does 「するかも分からん相手に毎晩て…ちょっとひくわ」 mean? Is it "It’s a little bit off-putting…having a partner who I didn’t even know does that every night.", or is that wrong? And I take it the following line means "Even though I actually should be happy you said that stuff…", yes?
3) In the second panel of this page, the sentence 「上司が弛んでるってうっせーんだよ…」confuses me. Does it mean "I’ll get an earful from my boss if I slack off… ", or "It’s be annoying if my boss says I’m slacking off…" or something else? I’d normally interpret this sentence as “It’s annoying when my boss is slacking off”, but that doesn’t seem to make sense here.
4) In the second panel of this page, am I mistaken in thinking that 「ビクビクしながらいじってたのがバカみたい…」 refers to her playing with her hymen, with the meaning of "It was idiotic of me to play around with it while being worried about it…" ?
5) In the bottom right panel of this page, I normally would interpret 「俺がサッカーやめてから何年経ったと思ってるんだ」 to mean "I think it’s been a few years since I quit playing soccer.". I know he means that 「俺がサッカーやめてから何年経った」 is the reason why he is out of shape, but I am confused by the use of と思ってるんだ here. Does it not mean "think" here?

1. 「彼氏になれってか?そんでどうしろって言うんだよ」"Should I become your boyfriend? And what are you saying I should do?" (As in, how should I have reacted to that kiss)

2. I think this is right.

3. I think this is right. 「上司が弛んでるってうっせーんだよ…」I think the main clause here is 上司がうるさいだ. I think the って at the end of 弛む is being used to introduce the topic here (in the same way は is used), so "As for slacking off, boss is noisy".

4. I think this is right.

5. 「俺がサッカーやめてから何年経ったと思ってるんだ」 "How many years do you think it's been since I quit playing soccer?"
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post Mar 27 2018, 20:12
Post #5351

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Attached Image
I need help with this.

Is it something like "The woman with no common sense is the real monster" or "That woman with no common sense is a bigger issue than the origin of the monsters!".

Thanks in advanced.
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post Mar 27 2018, 21:26
Post #5352

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QUOTE(bcmbbucks @ Mar 27 2018, 20:12) *

Attached Image
I need help with this.

Is it something like "The woman with no common sense is the real monster" or "That woman with no common sense is a bigger issue than the origin of the monsters!".

Thanks in advanced.

Your second translation is pretty much right. Most of the time I would say "identity" or "True colors" etc. would be a better translation for 正体 but some context may help.
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post Mar 28 2018, 03:36
Post #5353

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Any pointers as to what the underlined part means?
So far I'm guessing it's something along the lines of how she feels good when they're together, like they're great friends. I thought I'd ask just in case I totally butchered it though.
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post Mar 28 2018, 06:24
Post #5354

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QUOTE(Nenio @ Mar 27 2018, 21:36) *


Any pointers as to what the underlined part means?
So far I'm guessing it's something along the lines of how she feels good when they're together, like they're great friends. I thought I'd ask just in case I totally butchered it though.

Breaking it down into pieces, it becomes:
一緒にきもちい事した - we did things that feel good together
くらい - to the extent of
仲良しさん - get along
Putting it together, it becomes something like "we got along well enough to do things that feel good together".
So rather than her saying they're great friends, it sounds more like she's trying to persuade someone that the two of them are closer than the other person considers them to be. Though the specifics depend on the context.
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post Mar 28 2018, 10:18
Post #5355

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QUOTE(snapte @ Mar 27 2018, 21:26) *

Your second translation is pretty much right. Most of the time I would say "identity" or "True colors" etc. would be a better translation for 正体 but some context may help.

Thanks! I got one more that I need help with :
Attached Image

Is it more like "If we only do it once...No, what I want to say is it has been a while so let's do it!" or "If we only do it once...No, I was thinking maybe we could do it for a long time tonight!"
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post Mar 28 2018, 17:17
Post #5356

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Need help again.Attached Image

ま せいぜいうちがエナジー満夕ンになるまで働いてもらいまひょ

Is it like "as long as you keep me full of energy, I will be happy" or "We only need to do this until my energy is full"?

Thanks in advance.
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post Mar 28 2018, 23:18
Post #5357

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QUOTE(bcmbbucks @ Mar 29 2018, 04:17) *

Need help again.Attached Image

ま せいぜいうちがエナジー満夕ンになるまで働いてもらいまひょ

Is it like "as long as you keep me full of energy, I will be happy" or "We only need to do this until my energy is full"?

Thanks in advance.

these are a bit hard without context
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post Mar 29 2018, 03:28
Post #5358

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QUOTE(miceder @ Mar 27 2018, 23:24) *

Breaking it down into pieces, it becomes:
一緒にきもちい事した - we did things that feel good together
くらい - to the extent of
仲良しさん - get along
Putting it together, it becomes something like "we got along well enough to do things that feel good together".
So rather than her saying they're great friends, it sounds more like she's trying to persuade someone that the two of them are closer than the other person considers them to be. Though the specifics depend on the context.

Many thanks, especially for the breakdown
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post Mar 29 2018, 03:39
Post #5359

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QUOTE(bcmbbucks @ Mar 28 2018, 17:17) *

Need help again.Attached Image

ま せいぜいうちがエナジー満夕ンになるまで働いてもらいまひょ

Is it like "as long as you keep me full of energy, I will be happy" or "We only need to do this until my energy is full"?

Thanks in advance.

Seems to be saying
"At best, let's have him/her/it working until we have full energy" or something like that (adapt to whatever the context is).
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post Mar 29 2018, 03:45
Post #5360

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QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Mar 29 2018, 03:39) *

Seems to be saying
"At best, let's have him/her/it working until we have full energy" or something like that (adapt to whatever the context is).

I think that's it! Thank you very much!

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