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> Random translation help

post Jan 21 2018, 12:46
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Can someone figure out what's written here?
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This is the guy talking after a girl dragged him because she wanted to eat sushi.
First line seems to be おりづめじゃ
But I can't make sense of the second line.

QUOTE(sauerkraut @ Jan 20 2018, 19:29) *

Help with this sentence please:


(Bottom right)

Also this one:


(Also bottom right)

Not sure about the first one.
Romanticが止まらない is a single from C-C-B, though. Could be a reference, but it escapes me.
The second is just the girl thanking the guy for choosing her.

QUOTE(Zakamutt @ Jan 21 2018, 04:11) *

FWIW I sort of disagree with this, though you definitely could be right. I based my interpretation off of [www.weblio.jp] https://www.weblio.jp/content/%E3%81%9A%E3%...%81%B7%E3%82%8A this entry, ultimately from daijirin.

Used with と, so a good candidate for being turned into SFX
①水や湯に全身ひたるさま。どっぷり。 「 -(と)湯につかる」
1. The state [a body] of being fully immersed in water / hot water
②雨で全身ぬれるさま。ずっぽり。 「夕立で-(と)ぬれた」
2. Being soaked through by the rain.
3. The state of the sun having completely set.

Which is why I went with *completely submerged* and flung a few insults at the nearest wall.

It's not really conducive to the english language either way though, so I don't have strong opinions on what to do with the sound - turning it into a generic schlk or something could work.

Seems to have been used as a SFX. I'd go for a SFX that represents the sound of a penis being completely inside a pussy (which doesn't seem to exist in English, as far as I can tell).
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post Jan 21 2018, 15:54
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QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Jan 21 2018, 12:46) *

Can someone figure out what's written here?
Attached Image
This is the guy talking after a girl dragged him because she wanted to eat sushi.
First line seems to be おりづめじゃ
But I can't make sense of the second line.

Hard to give an exact translation without more context, but in kana it's ゆるされないか. The whole thing would be something like, "The lunch in your lunch box wasn't good enough?" Or more literally and Engrishy, "Your packed lunch wasn't approved (by you)?" since ゆるす is in the passive form.

This post has been edited by jeddite-eht: Jan 22 2018, 00:06
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post Jan 21 2018, 18:03
Post #5183

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QUOTE(Comoop @ Jan 7 2018, 21:58) *

Yosh, could someone help me on this one please: (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
context: a girl speaking about her first time having sex with her boyfriend which was a bad experience
Is it something like:
"We could have done it seriously if we were in his renting."
I'm specially struggling about the meaning of "お店の人”.

Thanks (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

QUOTE(@Inkblot @ Jan 8 2018, 08:53) *

Any chance you could link to the page? I'm seeing grammar structures in the original Japanese that aren't at all present in your translation, which makes me think there's contextual information in previous dialogue that I'm missing.

Thanks for your answer, it was some time ago, I don't come here very often , so here's the page:
[nhentai.net] https://nhentai.net/g/212589/88/
Last box, penultimate speech
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post Jan 21 2018, 18:25
Post #5184

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QUOTE(jeddite-eht @ Jan 21 2018, 16:54) *

Hard to give an exact translation without more context, but in kana it's ゆれされないか. The whole thing would be something like, "The lunch in your lunch box wasn't good enough?" Or more literally and Engrishy, "Your packed lunch wasn't approved (by you)?" since ゆるす is in the passive form.

To me, it seems more やるされないか ... ?
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post Jan 22 2018, 00:07
Post #5185

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QUOTE(mundomuñeca @ Jan 21 2018, 18:25) *

To me, it seems more やるされないか ... ?

Oh, whoops. That was a stupid typo on my part. Typoed it on the first line, but got it right on the second. Thanks for catching that! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jan 22 2018, 11:03
Post #5186

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QUOTE(sauerkraut @ Jan 20 2018, 17:29) *


(Also bottom right)

That's a stereotyped phrase to express one's thanks to the customer.
"Thank you for doing (using, choosing, etc.) me/us today."

QUOTE(Comoop @ Jan 21 2018, 16:03) *

Thanks for your answer, it was some time ago, I don't come here very often , so here's the page:
[nhentai.net] https://nhentai.net/g/212589/88/
Last box, penultimate speech

The "shop" is definitely a brothel, as N04h already said.
お店の人: person who is/works in the shop (brothel) = pro(fessionalstitute)
"... , he said I was like a pro..."

QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Jan 21 2018, 10:46) *

Can someone figure out what's written here?
Attached Image

もう折り詰め(寿司, =寿司折)じゃ許されないか…

This post has been edited by nonotan: Jan 22 2018, 11:47
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post Jan 23 2018, 03:59
Post #5187

I posted a bunch of Tables of Contents in 2018.
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Thanks for everyone who helped me in my last post.

I need help for something bigger now.

The whole narration in both pages is confusing the shit out of me.
I can make sense of what the author wants to say but I can't actually see the _grammatical_ sense of it.

If anyone could just tell me where one sentence ends and the next one starts, that would be enough.






Here is the magazine version, the text is grouped a bit differently.
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post Jan 23 2018, 21:03
Post #5188

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Another handwritten text that I can't even read.
Attached Image

And there's this author's notes with some weird parts.
Attached Image
What's ちょべっち? (second line).
(4th-5th lines) 澪がインフレ起こしてたから - Is インフレ here inflation (as in, economic inflation, things becoming more expensive)? Mio caused inflation?
(5th-6th lines) 線がとんでる - What I understand is that something happened with the outlines of the drawings because of how the drafts were made or something. Is that correct?
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post Jan 23 2018, 21:21
Post #5189

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QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Jan 23 2018, 19:03) *

Another handwritten text that I can't even read.
Attached Image

My guess is いやプレイヤー助にね...
Does that make sense in context?
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post Jan 24 2018, 07:10
Post #5190

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Can someone translate this for me?Attached Image
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post Jan 24 2018, 12:40
Post #5191

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QUOTE(sauerkraut @ Jan 23 2018, 01:59) *



It can be splitted between 私は and ただ. (and of course it's also possible to regard it as one sentence.)
In the former case, "分から ... 私は" is an inverted sentence. The subject of 分からなかった(predicate verb) is 私.

QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Jan 23 2018, 19:03) *
Another handwritten text that I can't even read.
Attached Image

Attached ImageWhat's ちょべっち? (second line).
It's probably a regional dialect of ちょこっと/少し(だけ).

(4th-5th lines) 澪がインフレ起こしてたから
The aritst might have drawn the scenes about 澪 too much, or done it with excessive representation.
[dic.nicovideo.jp] http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%...%83%A7%E3%83%B3 <= "またスラングとして、「無駄に増え過ぎ」"

The outlines have (almost) vanished.

This post has been edited by nonotan: Jan 24 2018, 12:44
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post Jan 24 2018, 18:57
Post #5192

I posted a bunch of Tables of Contents in 2018.
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QUOTE(nonotan @ Jan 24 2018, 10:40) *

It can be splitted between 私は and ただ. (and of course it's also possible to regard it as one sentence.)
In the former case, "分から ... 私は" is an inverted sentence. The subject of 分からなかった(predicate verb) is 私.

So she's saying she doesn't understand herself? as in "I don't know why I said that, when I..."

And in the latter half,

ただ動けず 父の荒々しい愛撫に 鼓動が高ぶり全身感じていた

what function does that に exactly have?

Yet another question, unrelated to the previous one (I hope).


In panel 2, she says


Does そういう行為 unambiguously mean sex? Or is it like "you haven't done that", or something else entirely?

This post has been edited by sauerkraut: Jan 24 2018, 19:01
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post Jan 26 2018, 03:56
Post #5193

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QUOTE(sauerkraut @ Jan 24 2018, 16:57) *

So she's saying she doesn't understand herself? as in "I don't know why I said that, when I..."
The text doesn't directly say what she doesn't know; however, it could be guessed from the later parts "経験が ... 無かった" (reason) and "ただ動けず" (result).
It's something like "I didn't know how to do it".
(The following clause "自分で慰めると言ったが" means "(even) though I had said that I would comfort you".)

ただ動けず 父の荒々しい愛撫に 鼓動が高ぶり全身感じていた

what function does that に exactly have?
I can't explain that in a grammatical sense. I interpret that line as "something made my heart beat faster" or "my heartbeat became ... because of ...".


Does そういう行為 unambiguously mean sex? Or is it like "you haven't done that", or something else entirely?
"you haven't done that"
Because, the thing has not been revealed at that point. The phrase itself does not mean sex and its meaning depends on what will happen in the rest of story.

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post Jan 26 2018, 05:49
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Attached Image

What's that line at the bottom left?

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post Jan 26 2018, 06:44
Post #5195

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 26 2018, 03:49) *

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What's that line at the bottom left?

さぶいぼ (鳥肌)
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post Jan 26 2018, 06:44
Post #5196

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 26 2018, 14:49) *


Seems like it. ほい might be a dialect or a custom gobi or something? さぶい is probably さむい?

Edit: Could also be a dakuten like nonotan suggested (though it looks a little low down for that). I guess ぼ would be a slurred よ in that instance?

This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Jan 26 2018, 06:48
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post Jan 26 2018, 10:18
Post #5197

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QUOTE(nonotan @ Jan 26 2018, 17:44) *

さぶいぼ (鳥肌)

Ah I didn't know that thanks..

[www.weblio.jp] https://www.weblio.jp/content/%E3%82%B5%E3%...%82%A4%E3%83%9C

This post has been edited by N04h: Jan 26 2018, 10:19
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post Jan 26 2018, 12:04
Post #5198

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Oh, cool. I'm not too familiar with Kansaiben. Makes me interested in finding out the etymology of that.
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post Jan 27 2018, 01:17
Post #5199

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What does 芋子 mean?

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post Jan 27 2018, 01:40
Post #5200

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 27 2018, 01:17) *

What does 芋子 mean?

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From reading these,
[detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp] https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/qu...ail/q1440644809
[zokugo-dict.com] http://zokugo-dict.com/02i/imoi.htm

It looks like いもい and いも女 mean something like, "lacks good taste", "no sense of fashion", "dull", "lame", "uncool", etc. So it looks like it's something like,

Other person: "Whoa, you used to be the girl who lived next door to me that dressed so dull and boring. But wow, look at you now!"
Natsumi: "This is my debut. Don't I look so cool and fashionable now?"
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