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> Random translation help

post Dec 26 2017, 14:37
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Well, the girl has a fear of men (also present in the manga this is taken from), and the janitor is just after her as well (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Dec 27 2017, 11:13
Post #5122

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Hello, I would like to ask someone to translate or at least give me an idea what does he write :

[karen.saiin.net] http://karen.saiin.net/~mitosupa/


一周して大学生のころの生態に戻っただけでしたね(´‐` )



Thank you in advance (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) !
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post Dec 28 2017, 08:37
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I'm having trouble with something from an author's notes page.


The thing I don't know is 布数. It's not in my dictionary, and I can't find anything online on it relating to doujinshi or manga. It might be a misspelling of 部数, but I'm not really sure.

Thanks in advance.

This post has been edited by Quilloasa: Dec 28 2017, 08:39
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post Dec 28 2017, 08:37
Post #5124

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How do you translate the bottom part of this eroge song?

The maiden's heart is enchanted

Her closed hips spread

She doesn't need "guts", her pose is enough


♂♀いすいす わいわい騒いで踊り明かすの

大変 大変! 生殖態すらきゅんきゅんするのー!
Oh no, oh no! ????????? makes me excited!

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post Dec 30 2017, 20:32
Post #5125

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[ptpimg.me] https://ptpimg.me/9li765.jpg
anyone know what any of these mean?
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post Dec 30 2017, 20:57
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QUOTE(knightmarepilot @ Dec 30 2017, 10:32) *

[ptpimg.me] https://ptpimg.me/9li765.jpg
anyone know what any of these mean?

It's the sound of semen being pumped into their vaginas/uteri.

This post has been edited by Quilloasa: Dec 30 2017, 20:58
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post Dec 31 2017, 19:10
Post #5127

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QUOTE(Quilloasa @ Dec 30 2017, 13:57) *

It's the sound of semen being pumped into their vaginas/uteri.

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post Jan 1 2018, 20:40
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QUOTE(sensualaoi @ Dec 28 2017, 06:37) *
eroge song
Those raw lyrics seem to be incorrect. Here is the proper one:
[www.joysound.com] https://www.joysound.com/web/search/song/126969

This post has been edited by nonotan: Jan 1 2018, 20:41
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post Jan 1 2018, 22:05
Post #5129

最高経営責任者, CEO of Sensualaoi enterprises
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Wow thanks, good find. It turns out the other lyrics came from a Chinese guy who was just trying his best to transliterate it. I think I get the song now, except for this part:


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post Jan 2 2018, 10:05
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QUOTE(sensualaoi @ Jan 1 2018, 20:05) *

If the kanji and roman number character are nonsense and used just phonetically, that would be a Sailor Moon reference, I guess.
[en.wiktionary.org] https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%81%8B%E3...%89#Etymology_1
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post Jan 2 2018, 21:42
Post #5131

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Thanks. I'm just going to translate it with the Sailor Moon line, and ignore whatever pun it's trying to make about salt and skins, or skinsuit fetishism.

I think the main joke is that "She might not have the guts, but she can do the pose" (And then she says the sailor moon catch phrase, but in a wimpier way.)
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post Jan 3 2018, 01:09
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is 魔族 a typo in the last panel
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post Jan 3 2018, 03:02
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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 3 2018, 01:09) *


is 魔族 a typo in the last panel

Isn't that just a word play?
"You're not 魔族, you're 家族"
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post Jan 3 2018, 06:00
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QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Jan 3 2018, 14:02) *

Isn't that just a word play?
"You're not 魔族, you're 家族"

But in the previous panel she calls her a guest (お客さま).
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post Jan 3 2018, 10:03
Post #5135

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 2 2018, 23:09) *
It's probably a typo, because it's pretty strange that such a fanciful word suddenly appears in that scene, and it does not fit the story at all.... but I can't detect the word the artist really wanted to type.
However, I think it's almost safe to regard a typo as guest/お客/お客さま for translation, and it would not harm the story/TL.

QUOTE(Quilloasa @ Dec 28 2017, 06:37) *
Propagation (of 元ネタ/the source of parody)
The artist afraids that the readers might not know the original story of the parody, and at the same time he hopes his work let the readers know the original story.

QUOTE(q91 @ Dec 26 2017, 11:01) *


Context: The Janitor is consulting a molester victim from a previous page. From what I get from the text is that she should've made her voice heard (ちゃんと声出して), and イカン here might mean 移管 (transfer of control)
おっぱわらなきゃ is a typo. It should be おっぱらわなきゃ.
おっぱら(う) = 追い払(う) (you should have already seen this in [www.pixiv.net] previous story.)
おっぱらわなきゃ = 追い払わなくては
いかん = いけない
おっぱらわななきゃイカンぞ! = 追い払わなくてはいけないぞ! (= 追い払わなくてはいけません!)
You should (shout to) drive (the molester guy) away!

QUOTE(sensualaoi @ Dec 25 2017, 10:42) *
"You're too cute, even though you're a boy I hugged you without thinking."
This. Because that line/panel should be a counterpart of "俺はどうしても先輩が男だって割り切れないのに".

This post has been edited by nonotan: Jan 4 2018, 10:02
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post Jan 3 2018, 10:52
Post #5136

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QUOTE(nonotan @ Jan 3 2018, 00:03) *

Propagation (of 元ネタ/the source of parody)
The artist afraids that the readers might not know the original story of the parody, and at the same time he hopes his work let the readers know the original story.

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post Jan 3 2018, 11:21
Post #5137

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 3 2018, 06:00) *

But in the previous panel she calls her a guest (お客さま).

QUOTE(nonotan @ Jan 3 2018, 10:03) *

It's probably a typo, because it's pretty strange that such a fanciful word suddenly appears in that scene, and it does not fit the story at all.... but I can't detect the word the artist really wanted to type.
However, I think it's almost safe to regard a typo as guest/お客/お客さま for translation, and it would not harm the story/TL.

Then it's probably just a type.
Because the first is Mazoku and the second is Kazoku. The 'M' and 'K' keys are neighbors and that's the only difference between the two works.
If we follow this, the guy could be saying that she's not just a family member, she's an important family member, though I don't know if this fits with what happens/is spoken later.

This post has been edited by shadow_moon: Jan 3 2018, 11:22
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post Jan 5 2018, 00:55
Post #5138

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One more:

What is english word for 感応 here?

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post Jan 5 2018, 08:08
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I was just trying to parse the second to last panel of https://e-hentai.org/s/3ac61b5d31/150210-5, so I could look up the words.

However, I just can't figure out the correct word divisions. The problem sentence is:

ガマンしなきや いーじゃん.

Looking at the available Spanish translation, I think the phrase should mean something like "Well, don't do it/ you don't do it"?

Finally, does this phrase have anything to do with either patience/self control or Cowper's fluid?

Thank you.

This post has been edited by ru4: Jan 5 2018, 08:12
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post Jan 5 2018, 10:40
Post #5140

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 5 2018, 07:55) *

What is english word for 感応 here?


The dictionary would tell you that it means "induction" (none of the other readings make sense in this case) but even induction isn't right here. Knowing the context of the bubbles-- that she's explaining to this guy why she's telling him to forget about her-- I'd probably personally TL the bubbles like, "You've seen the truth about me, right? About my past..." The word "induction" can also mean "to bring forward", so while the English definition is a bit awkward, you could say it means something like introduced information, particularly since the と particle is in there. (Bolded segment is the word in question as I've chosen to interpret it.)

QUOTE(ru4 @ Jan 5 2018, 15:08) *

I was just trying to parse the second to last panel of https://e-hentai.org/s/3ac61b5d31/150210-5, so I could look up the words. [Snip]

The Spanish translation ignores a bit of what the guy's saying in those preceding panels. 「ガマンしなきゃいーじゃん」 in that context looks like her response to what the guy said in the previous panel, and I'd probably translate it as "So don't, then." You're right in that it has to do with self-control, which is what 「我慢(ガマン)」is doing there.
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