QUOTE(N04h @ Oct 5 2017, 15:06)

Can someone help with 鎚蝗 in:
https://e-hentai.org/g/1071677/2b963eb3a6/Google says it's a species of grasshopper (Patanga japonica according to a google search of "鎚蝗の意味")
QUOTE(Shakezoola @ Oct 5 2017, 16:11)

Got something scanned, just need the title translated to English:
https://s1.postimg.org/6l6ibd2uwt/image.jpgeither an english translation, romanization, or both would do. Please and thank you.
That's... incredibly hard to come up with an accurate English translation for.
The romanization is "Man In Densha" (Man In Train), but there's two puns here.
First, man can refer both to the English word (man) and the Japanese word for pussy (manko).
Second, densha normally means "train", but here the kanji for "sha" is the same kanji you'd find in "shasei" (ejaculation).
So I dunno. Might be best just to stick with man in train and sacrifice the puns!