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> Random translation help

post Sep 18 2017, 00:17
Post #4921

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オ蝶先輩 Ochou senpai?
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post Sep 18 2017, 00:53
Post #4922

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QUOTE(mundomuñeca @ Sep 16 2017, 22:07) *

I doubt it. They're speaking about a girl he knew, and わかんだい means flaky/abrasive or even (metaphorically) crazy/excentric, referred to her character, imho.

EDIT : No relation with わかる (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Never heard such a word, do you have a dictionary link?
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post Sep 18 2017, 02:20
Post #4923
Vile Mk 2

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excuse me, do you know the thanslation of these sound effects?:

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post Sep 18 2017, 05:52
Post #4924

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QUOTE(N04h @ Sep 15 2017, 07:18) *


わかんだい means わかんない ?

I looks to me like he's saying they took off their clothes, and then did something, but he doesn't know what to it was or what to call it. So yeah, わかんない.

QUOTE(N04h @ Sep 17 2017, 18:17) *

Seems so.
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post Sep 19 2017, 00:44
Post #4925

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Can someone please tell me what the 2 bubbles in black say. Thank you.
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post Sep 19 2017, 07:03
Post #4926

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"Can I move?"
"Yeah. Go slowly, okay?"
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post Sep 19 2017, 08:39
Post #4927

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QUOTE(miceder @ Sep 19 2017, 00:03) *

"Can I move?"
"Yeah. Go slowly, okay?"

Awesome, Thank you so much!
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post Sep 20 2017, 01:32
Post #4928

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Can someone help me out here?


I'm not getting the idea behind this pair of phrases. What is "はいてません" doing there? Is it referring to イラスト? Or 制服? Or what?
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post Sep 20 2017, 09:14
Post #4929

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I believe it's referring to not wearing panties. That's pretty much always implied with はいてない/はいてません when written on its own.

This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Sep 20 2017, 09:22
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post Sep 21 2017, 00:48
Post #4930

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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Sep 20 2017, 09:14) *

I believe it's referring to not wearing panties. That's pretty much always implied with はいてない/はいてません when written on its own.

Guess I'll go with that.

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post Sep 21 2017, 23:19
Post #4931

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I once again ask for your support.

A man is buying enkou from two sisters. He is visiting them at home while the parents are away and will sleep over for the first time.

First, for context, the big sister says

No issue here. I've translated it like this:
"When I heard that bringing dating customers home was a thing, I was a bit shocked."
"But... with you Mister, I think it's fine..."

But then the little sister says:

This is the part that's stumping me. If they do it together... then what?
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post Sep 24 2017, 04:05
Post #4932

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Something like "and if you do it with both my sister and I, even though it's one home, you get two girls."

(Essentially, getting two of the "option" even though it's one home).

This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Sep 24 2017, 05:49
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post Sep 24 2017, 08:15
Post #4933

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Hi, can anyone help me out with this katakana word?

From a KanColle doujin:


ゆー is the character's name (U-511), a German shipgirl. No clue what the bolded part means (something in German?).

EDIT: did some google-fu, probably something to do with the German word for "upgrade" (Aktualisierung).

This post has been edited by friggo: Sep 24 2017, 09:38
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post Sep 25 2017, 09:37
Post #4934

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Here's another (these radicals tho) I need help with.
Here's the raw. It's in the bottom left. https://e-hentai.org/s/4ccd20bb5f/831676-179
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post Sep 25 2017, 09:50
Post #4935

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post Sep 25 2017, 10:03
Post #4936

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Thanks miceder, that works.
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post Sep 25 2017, 20:14
Post #4937

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I have three questions. Help with any would be appreciated:

In the middle panel, should I be interpreting 「はい!このショタ設定に専用バッテリーも付けて!」 as him giving her batteries for the occasion of the "shota setup" (i.e. he's just throwing in some batteries as commemoration), or does he act like the shota is a machine that needs batteries and he is giving her the special batteries required for "setting up" the shota?

In the same panel but the previous bubble, does 友達も使ってる mean "use your friends" or "employ your friends (in a job sense)" here? [as an optional bonus question, does anyone know if 「苦天ランキング」 is a reference to something, or if 苦天 has a meaning?]

On another page, in the second panel, the latter bubble particularly confuses me. As of the moment, I am interpreting the first bubble's 「俺の友達は拗らせてる感じが」 as "My friends’ complicated feelings", and the latter bubble's 「だいぶHに出てて見ててキュンとしたいにゃー。」 as "manifested in a very perverse fashion and they had sex, nya.", but for the latter bubble, I don't know how to incorporate the 見てて, and I am not 100% sure if キュンとした means "had sex". Any ideas?

This post has been edited by Crystalium: Sep 25 2017, 20:29
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post Sep 25 2017, 22:00
Post #4938

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I have a number of SFX that I am seeking onomatopoeia suggestions for to finalize a script for typesetting. They all come from (C88) [Nekohigetei (Nekohige)] Ai Love Okachii (Yuyushiki) https://e-hentai.org/g/964082/dd87024899/

I need SFX/onomatopoeia suggestions for the following:

# SFX for heavy rain (ザァー..)

# SFX for dead-silence (シーン...)

# SFX for water-spraying from shower nozzle (シャアアアアア)

# SFX for creamy/syrupy[?] (トロォー...)
# Entering water splash SFX (チャポン)

# SFX for wind blowing[From Fan] (ぶおー)
# SFX falling/landing [on bed], whump, pomf (ドサッ)

# SFX for arms locking in, snap[?] (プチン)

# SFX for grabbing (グイッ)

If someone has input on these, please let me know. Anyone who does will be credited on the translated gallery for assisting me.
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post Sep 26 2017, 00:33
Post #4939

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I am hoping to update the vndb page of a work with some improved character descriptions. Any help would be appreciated.



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post Sep 26 2017, 06:06
Post #4940

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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Sep 24 2017, 04:05) *

Something like "and if you do it with both my sister and I, even though it's one home, you get two girls."

(Essentially, getting two of the "option" even though it's one home).

Thank you for the help, rqwrqw!

QUOTE(Crystalium @ Sep 25 2017, 20:14) *

I have three questions. Help with any would be appreciated:

On another page, in the second panel, the latter bubble particularly confuses me. As of the moment, I am interpreting the first bubble's 「俺の友達は拗らせてる感じが」 as "My friends’ complicated feelings", and the latter bubble's 「だいぶHに出てて見ててキュンとしたいにゃー。」 as "manifested in a very perverse fashion and they had sex, nya.", but for the latter bubble, I don't know how to incorporate the 見てて, and I am not 100% sure if キュンとした means "had sex". Any ideas?

Can't help you with all of it, but キュンとする means to to be overcome with emotion, to feel one's chest tightening up. Additionally, your text has したいにゃー which would make it "want to", but the original is したにゃー。

Both of the lines together could be "When I saw that my friend's conflicted feelings would probably be expressed sexually, it was so cute I thought I would die, nyaa."

QUOTE(8055 @ Sep 25 2017, 22:00) *

I have a number of SFX that I am seeking onomatopoeia suggestions for to finalize a script for typesetting. They all come from (C88) [Nekohigetei (Nekohige)] Ai Love Okachii (Yuyushiki) https://e-hentai.org/g/964082/dd87024899/
I need SFX/onomatopoeia suggestions for the following:

# SFX for heavy rain (ザァー..)

# SFX for dead-silence (シーン...)

# SFX for water-spraying from shower nozzle (シャアアアアア)

# SFX for creamy/syrupy[?] (トロォー...)
# Entering water splash SFX (チャポン)

# SFX for wind blowing[From Fan] (ぶおー)
# SFX falling/landing [on bed], whump, pomf (ドサッ)

# SFX for arms locking in, snap[?] (プチン)

# SFX for grabbing (グイッ)

If someone has input on these, please let me know. Anyone who does will be credited on the translated gallery for assisting me.

p3: fsssssh
p5: silence... no good way to deal with this one
p8: fsssssh also
p10: gooop, drooop, ooze
p10: plunk
p12: whoosh
p12: thud
p14: it's the bra being opened. click.
p15: yoink, tug, grab
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