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> Random translation help

post Sep 13 2017, 15:04
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post Sep 13 2017, 21:51
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Anyone know a good translation for

I thought about "slim macho" but I'm not that satisfied with it.
Anyone knows a better term or can come up with one?
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post Sep 14 2017, 01:14
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I need help with these sentences:
1. あのキモい幼馴染にも見せてやりてなーザーメンパックされたチワワちゃんの顔
2. こんなことになるんだったらえーくんに素直に…
Thank you shadow_moon!

This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Sep 15 2017, 00:57
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post Sep 14 2017, 17:32
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4 things I could use some help with. Thanks in advance!

About a martial arts competition.
I know it means "(2 teams), 3 one-on-one matches, the team with the most victories/points wins", but is there a good way to put that? I know nothing about sports, so I don't know what that type of thing is usually called.

Context: At the end of the battle, a commentator is explaining why the flat girl won.
勝負を決したのは「天・地・人」 天の時 地の利 人の技
...[Rant on how flat girl won because she's flat, while the other girl has big boobs]...

Fairly straightforward, but I'm hoping someone has a clever idea on how to phrase it, so I can avoid TL notes to explain the joke.

Context: Remembering back to when she was taken skydiving from the edge of space.
What does that 危険国 (きけんこく) mean?

And finally, the last one.
Context: Guy volunteered for something dangerous to save Girl-A. Girl-B (who likes him) is concerned, and asks the one who planned it why they sent him.
Planner: You upset that I sent him? But didn't he also save you before?
Girl-B: He did, but...
Planner: …ふ。 考えあってのことだ まぁそう言うな
Planner: Or are you upset that he's helping some other girl?

What does the 考えあってのことだ まぁそう言うな mean?
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post Sep 14 2017, 23:18
Post #4905

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QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Sep 14 2017, 01:14) *

I need help with these sentences:
1. あのキモい幼馴染にも見せてやりてなーザーメンパックされたチワワちゃんの顔
2. こんなことになるんだったらえーくんに素直に…
Thank you!

Is the first phrase transcribed correctly?
Anyway, seems to be saying something along the lines of wanting to show to the disgusting childhood friend the face of the chihuahua made into a semen bag.
Second is something like "If this is how things were going to unfold, I [do/be/have done/have been, depends on the context] more honestly with Ee-kun

QUOTE(miceder @ Sep 14 2017, 17:32) *

4 things I could use some help with. Thanks in advance!

About a martial arts competition.
I know it means "(2 teams), 3 one-on-one matches, the team with the most victories/points wins", but is there a good way to put that? I know nothing about sports, so I don't know what that type of thing is usually called.

Best of 3?

QUOTE(miceder @ Sep 14 2017, 17:32) *

Context: At the end of the battle, a commentator is explaining why the flat girl won.
勝負を決したのは「天・地・人」 天の時 地の利 人の技
...[Rant on how flat girl won because she's flat, while the other girl has big boobs]...

Fairly straightforward, but I'm hoping someone has a clever idea on how to phrase it, so I can avoid TL notes to explain the joke.

Can't think of much.
You could bend like, a lot, the first part and try to come up with some kind of acronym like:
'The match was decided on the three pillars of battles. "Divine Blessing", "Optimal Outlook" and "Best Strategy".
In other words, it was decided by the "Divine Boobs"'
Though I have no clue if this fits with the rest of the rant on how the flat girl won because she's flat.

QUOTE(miceder @ Sep 14 2017, 17:32) *

Context: Remembering back to when she was taken skydiving from the edge of space.
What does that 危険国 (きけんこく) mean?

Maybe it just mean "dangerous country".

QUOTE(miceder @ Sep 14 2017, 17:32) *

And finally, the last one.
Context: Guy volunteered for something dangerous to save Girl-A. Girl-B (who likes him) is concerned, and asks the one who planned it why they sent him.
Planner: You upset that I sent him? But didn't he also save you before?
Girl-B: He did, but...
Planner: …ふ。 考えあってのことだ まぁそう言うな
Planner: Or are you upset that he's helping some other girl?

What does the 考えあってのことだ まぁそう言うな mean?

It means "It's all according to keikaku. So don't say that."
Or, more seriously, something closer to "We're doing it this way to reach our goals."
[thesaurus.weblio.jp] http://thesaurus.weblio.jp/content/%E8%80%...%81%A3%E3%81%A6
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post Sep 15 2017, 10:58
Post #4906
Vile Mk 2

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Thanks mundomuñeca and miceder! (and sorry for the delayed response)
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post Sep 15 2017, 11:05
Post #4907
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lol...I would very much like to read a manga about a chihuahua being made into a semen bag (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)

This post has been edited by LOL50015: Sep 15 2017, 11:06
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post Sep 15 2017, 13:18
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わかんだい means わかんない ?
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post Sep 15 2017, 22:44
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How do I translate 見栄剥き?
Are there any specific terms for this?

QUOTE(N04h @ Sep 15 2017, 13:18) *


わかんだい means わかんない ?

Maybe it's 和姦だい?
Not a usual form but...
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post Sep 16 2017, 06:37
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how I translate "まん毛ハミだしの恥ずかしオマンコめがけておチンチンをシコシコしごきたてるのねぇ..." ?
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post Sep 16 2017, 08:15
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Can anyone please help translate these 2 into english?
It's from https://e-hentai.org/s/f9e42c9edd/831676-109 if you need to see the raw. (Warning: Contains loli)
Attached Image

This post has been edited by CustomX: Sep 16 2017, 08:16
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post Sep 16 2017, 12:07
Post #4912

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QUOTE(N04h @ Sep 15 2017, 13:18) *


わかんだい means わかんない ?

I doubt it. They're speaking about a girl he knew, and わかんだい means flaky/abrasive or even (metaphorically) crazy/excentric, referred to her character, imho.

EDIT : No relation with わかる (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by mundomuñeca: Sep 16 2017, 12:08
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post Sep 16 2017, 12:13
Post #4913

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QUOTE(CustomX @ Sep 16 2017, 08:15) *

Can anyone please help translate these 2 into english?
It's from https://e-hentai.org/s/f9e42c9edd/831676-109 if you need to see the raw. (Warning: Contains loli)
Attached Image

1st is : Kimochi wa yorokoshii, kedo ...

Depending on context, it means something along the line of "Nevertheless, I feel delighted."

EDIT : having taken a look at the gallery, both are thoughts of Mina (in her mind, not expressed, that's why they are out of bubbles).
So given context, the second is "Even if I really wanna do it, it's so big ..."

This post has been edited by mundomuñeca: Sep 16 2017, 12:23
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post Sep 16 2017, 13:44
Post #4914

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Awesome, thank you mundomuñeca.
Just have one more that I need translated to english if anyone can help out.
Here's the actual page. https://e-hentai.org/s/9976758344/831676-117
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post Sep 16 2017, 14:53
Post #4915
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Hi guys, need some help. I'm confused about the second sentence.

It seems to say that he's anxious about printing because the tone of the work is grayscale?
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post Sep 16 2017, 15:57
Post #4916

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QUOTE(CustomX @ Sep 16 2017, 21:44) *

Awesome, thank you mundomuñeca.
Just have one more that I need translated to english if anyone can help out.
Here's the actual page. https://e-hentai.org/s/9976758344/831676-117
Attached Image

Something like "I guess I'll return the favour next time" or "I guess I'll give her something in return next time"

QUOTE(LOL50015 @ Sep 16 2017, 22:53) *

Attached Image

Hi guys, need some help. I'm confused about the second sentence.

It seems to say that he's anxious about printing because the tone of the work is grayscale?

Because it went from "greyscale" to "tone". I'm not an artist and not 100% on the terminology, but I believe it's referring to changing a standard drawing into one with all the tiny box patterns for shadows and stuff (which I believe is meant to make printing easier but I guess can potentially mess it up?). Not sure on the specifics. Google image グレースケールとトーンの違い to see what I mean.

This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Sep 16 2017, 16:09
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post Sep 16 2017, 16:24
Post #4917
Usagi =

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Oh thank you!

After a bit of googling, it would seem the correct terms are Grayscale and Halftone (not tone!) and they are both methods to indicate colour tones.
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post Sep 16 2017, 16:58
Post #4918

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QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Sep 12 2017, 02:23) *

Yeah, he's asking, kind of looking down on the guy, if he's working hard in whatever place he was transferred to (which seems to be some South America country), which is a place hard to get used to, or hard to adapt.

Thank you but why do he says "Asahina" at the beginning of the sentence which is the name of the girl. For what it is used for ?
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post Sep 16 2017, 19:30
Post #4919

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Asahina is her and her husband's family name, not her given name.

And I forgot to mention it earlier, but thank you shadow_moon for the help!

This post has been edited by miceder: Sep 16 2017, 19:32
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post Sep 17 2017, 01:52
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Thanks again to mundomuñeca and rqwrqw for the translations.
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