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> Random translation help

post Aug 20 2017, 11:41
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Ok, thanks.
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post Aug 20 2017, 12:09
Post #4842

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Me again,
Can I have help on this sentence please,


I'm specially struggling on the "デカさ"
Tell me if you need context informations.

This post has been edited by Comoop: Aug 20 2017, 12:09
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post Aug 20 2017, 13:34
Post #4843

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デカさ is "hugeness" (でかい turned into a noun).

Literal translation: Unsuited to its big size (bigness), the sensitivity is good too!
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post Aug 20 2017, 14:25
Post #4844

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QUOTE(miceder @ Aug 20 2017, 13:34) *

デカさ is "hugeness" (でかい turned into a noun).

Literal translation: Unsuited to its big size (bigness), the sensitivity is good too!

Thanks ! But why dekai isn't writed in hiragana ?
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post Aug 20 2017, 16:12
Post #4845

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Right now I'm translating one work, but I'm having trouble with punctuation and choosing the appropriate variant for the title.
Original: 戦隊ヒーロー最弱ダメ彼氏から黒ビッチGAL彼女を奪姦レイプ
Here are the variants:
Bitchy Gyaru Girlfriend of Her Loser Boyfriend, Weakest Sentai Hero, Kidnapped and Raped.
Bitchy Gyaru, Girlfriend of the Sentai Hero, Weakest Loser, Kidnapped and Raped.
Weakest Loser Sentai Hero's Girlfriend, Bitchy Gyaru, Kidnapped and Raped.
Which one would you pick? What are your variants?
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post Aug 20 2017, 20:11
Post #4846

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QUOTE(Comoop @ Aug 20 2017, 22:25) *

But why dekai isn't writed in hiragana ?

Usually katakana is used to emphasise a particular quality of something - you often see this being the case with the word "dekai" because "dekai" itself is usually only used to emphasise size in the first place (as opposed to "ookii" and "okisa" or "takai" and "takasa" etc etc).

QUOTE(CrowKarasu @ Aug 21 2017, 00:12) *

Right now I'm translating one work, but I'm having trouble with punctuation and choosing the appropriate variant for the title.
Original: 戦隊ヒーロー最弱ダメ彼氏から黒ビッチGAL彼女を奪姦レイプ
Here are the variants:
Bitchy Gyaru Girlfriend of Her Loser Boyfriend, Weakest Sentai Hero, Kidnapped and Raped.
Bitchy Gyaru, Girlfriend of the Sentai Hero, Weakest Loser, Kidnapped and Raped.
Weakest Loser Sentai Hero's Girlfriend, Bitchy Gyaru, Kidnapped and Raped.
Which one would you pick? What are your variants?

"Bitchy" has different connotations in English than what the term ビッチ implies (which is closer to "slut").

Also it's not entirely obvious but is 最弱ダメ彼氏 the actual hero name? Or is it just a descriptor along with 戦隊ヒーロー?
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post Aug 20 2017, 20:14
Post #4847

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Okay thank you !
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post Aug 20 2017, 20:20
Post #4848

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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Aug 20 2017, 21:11) *

Usually katakana is used to emphasise a particular quality of something - you often see this being the case with the word "dekai" because "dekai" itself is usually only used to emphasise size in the first place (as opposed to "ookii" and "okisa" or "takai" and "takasa" etc etc).
"Bitchy" has different connotations in English than what the term ビッチ implies (which is closer to "slut").

Also it's not entirely obvious but is 最弱ダメ彼氏 the actual hero name? Or is it just a descriptor along with 戦隊ヒーロー?

It's a descriptor (ダメ彼氏) by which the narraion goes. His actual name is Red. I think 'bitchy' is a bit closer to the truth, given the context of the story.
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post Aug 20 2017, 21:08
Post #4849

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Then just try to keep the title as plain and simple as possible.

e.g. anything along the lines of "the <slutty/bitchy/whatever> gyaru girlfriend of the weakest loser sentai hero is kidnapped and raped"

To be honest, I don't think it matters what you choose as long as it's obvious what it means.
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post Aug 20 2017, 22:12
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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Aug 20 2017, 22:08) *

Then just try to keep the title as plain and simple as possible.

e.g. anything along the lines of "the <slutty/bitchy/whatever> gyaru girlfriend of the weakest loser sentai hero is kidnapped and raped"

To be honest, I don't think it matters what you choose as long as it's obvious what it means.

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post Aug 24 2017, 07:12
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Can I get some help with these lines? The "ピンときた" bit is especially confusing to me. Thanks.

Attached Image Bit of context.

This post has been edited by frontsex: Aug 24 2017, 07:18
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post Aug 25 2017, 02:02
Post #4852

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Can someone help me with this line?


I'm not sure how I should read 超絶倫 Is it 超絶 倫, 超 絶倫 or is 超絶倫 a word itself?

QUOTE(frontsex @ Aug 24 2017, 07:12) *



Today I'll receive as myself
The prince's dick that I couldn't receive yesterday...

(I'm considering these lines are together and that the second line actually comes first in the original)
QUOTE(frontsex @ Aug 24 2017, 07:12) *



Can I get some help with these lines? The "ピンときた" bit is especially confusing to me. Thanks.

(I'm assuming this is part of the author's note and not the story itself.)
At the plotting stage I was going with Nanari and the doppelganger but as the parts came to be, the second Nanari appeared and it all come together.

I honestly didn't think I'd finish writing the modifications.
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post Aug 25 2017, 05:29
Post #4853

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超 being an amplifier, meaning "very" or "extremely", and 絶倫 (depending on the context) could refer to a strong sex drive/libido, in addition to its standard definition.
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post Aug 26 2017, 03:16
Post #4854

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QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Aug 25 2017, 04:02) *


Tyvm sir/ma'am.
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post Aug 27 2017, 00:08
Post #4855
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So I'm retypesetting an old scanlation, and I found out that the original translators forgot that page 7 of the work existed.
So... if anyone is willing enough to translate this page for me, I'd appreciate it.

[i.imgpile.com] https://i.imgpile.com/nbc4Bo.png
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post Aug 27 2017, 01:22
Post #4856

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Roughly the following

If I could buy your time with money... I'd definitely go broke...
(Lit. says "Natsuki's time" but assuming Natsuki is the one being spoken to)

(SFX) ムカ

Huh!? Listen here... Even as a joke, that's...

Rather pure.

... Hey.

(SFX) つーん

... Eh?

Why is she the one sulking all of a sudden?

Aren't I the victim here? // Shouldn't I be the one who's angry?

(SFX) ぷく―――っ

Even though I'm the one she's been playing with...? // Even though she's been doing whatever she wants to do with me...?


... Are you perhaps... // Did you perhaps
(Depends on what's said next)
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post Aug 27 2017, 02:03
Post #4857
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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Aug 27 2017, 01:22) *


Thank you.
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post Aug 29 2017, 10:18
Post #4858

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Any clue wth the kanji is? I can read の子宮, but the characters before that are a mystery. It's a shot in the dark but I came up with 兄巨孚し. It definitely doesn't make any sense though, I must be missing something.

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This post has been edited by nikkuh: Aug 29 2017, 10:30
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post Aug 29 2017, 11:12
Post #4859

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With the second and third, you were close - it's definitely 巨乳. But I'm not sure how the first character relates to it. I would have guessed it was 兄 but that doesn't make a lot of sense unless it's unrelated - hard to tell without context.
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post Aug 29 2017, 11:54
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QUOTE(nikkuh @ Aug 29 2017, 20:18) *

Any clue wth the kanji is? I can read の子宮, but the characters before that are a mystery. It's a shot in the dark but I came up with 兄巨孚し. It definitely doesn't make any sense though, I must be missing something.

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