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> Random translation help

post Jul 30 2017, 09:45
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QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Jul 30 2017, 02:29) *

そ in 5 different fonts.
Attached Image

Ah, gotcha, thanks! I've never really typed in any form of Japanese, so didn't know the fonts would change the hiragana like that. It's weird that that one font changes it so much though, compared to the others that all still look the same, just with slight variations.
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post Jul 31 2017, 09:22
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I wanted to ask multiple people their opinion on this if possible. When you see "kawaigatte/kawaigaru" how do you choose to translate it?

Like I've heard guys and girls say it, usually to a girl being raped or something:

可愛がってやる / kawaigatte yaru

I was reminded because I saw it in a video recently and I'm pretty sure the translator had no idea how to translate it so they translated it as like "Well ain't you damn cute", which I'm pretty sure is completely wrong / they just heard kawaii in it.

Doesn't it have the meaning of more "to torment; to tease; to be rough with​"

I just don't know a good way to phrase it usually. - "I'll tease/play with you thoroughly" or such seems to fit. What do you think?
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post Jul 31 2017, 10:03
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QUOTE(giftz @ Jul 31 2017, 09:22) *

I wanted to ask multiple people their opinion on this if possible. When you see "kawaigatte/kawaigaru" how do you choose to translate it?

Like I've heard guys and girls say it, usually to a girl being raped or something:

可愛がってやる / kawaigatte yaru

I was reminded because I saw it in a video recently and I'm pretty sure the translator had no idea how to translate it so they translated it as like "Well ain't you damn cute", which I'm pretty sure is completely wrong / they just heard kawaii in it.

Doesn't it have the meaning of more "to torment; to tease; to be rough with​"

I just don't know a good way to phrase it usually. - "I'll tease/play with you thoroughly" or such seems to fit. What do you think?

Your assumption is indeed entirely spot on. The possible translation you listed is how the expression should be translated.

This is because, first of all, you should know that "可愛がる" is actually a verb, meaning "to show someone a lot of affection". Second of all, てやる indicates a desire of some sort, so will always be translated as, for example, "I want to.../I'm going to...".

Therefore, your translation is in fact correct, while the fansubbers just threw in some wild guess.
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post Jul 31 2017, 13:04
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what does this mean? 着ずっぱり

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post Jul 31 2017, 19:48
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QUOTE(N04h @ Jul 31 2017, 13:04) *

what does this mean? 着ずっぱり

It means "to wear something continuously for a long time".
Example of use in the title of this blog post: [plaza.rakuten.co.jp] https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/ykudo001/diary/201101100000/
Not sure why, though. Maybe the meaning derived from the meaning of item 1㋑ of the definition given by デジタル大辞泉 here: [kotobank.jp] https://kotobank.jp/word/%E7%AA%81%E3%81%A3...E3%82%8B-571950 but I really don't know...
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post Aug 3 2017, 04:40
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QUOTE(KirbyDances @ Aug 1 2017, 05:48) *

It means "to wear something continuously for a long time".
Example of use in the title of this blog post: [plaza.rakuten.co.jp] https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/ykudo001/diary/201101100000/
Not sure why, though. Maybe the meaning derived from the meaning of item 1㋑ of the definition given by デジタル大辞泉 here: [kotobank.jp] https://kotobank.jp/word/%E7%AA%81%E3%81%A3...E3%82%8B-571950 but I really don't know...


What about 馬房宿 ?
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post Aug 3 2017, 09:23
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Not quite sure how it would have happened, but 馬房is possibly a typo of 馬屋 (or some sort of variant of it that's read the same way). I guess it would just be a barnhouse.

This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Aug 3 2017, 09:33
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post Aug 3 2017, 23:46
Post #4788

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I'm having some trouble with one line in a translation I'm doing. Basically, after the girls have been raped and the entire thing has been captured on video, one of the ringleaders tells them:


I don't understand what そしたら断続が決まった学校もろとも means. 断続 means intermittent, but 断続が決まった doesn't appear to make sense. (It's a Love Live doujin, if that helps).

Thanks in advance.
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post Aug 4 2017, 10:07
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Seeing as the plot of love live is essentially about becoming an idol group to stop the school shutting down, my guess is the line is meant to refer to the school having decided to continue (being open) - are you sure it's 断続 and not something like 継続?
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post Aug 4 2017, 22:39
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I'm having some trouble with some slang which appears in a LINE conversation. LINE is an instant messaging app. The background is that two girls are guiding their friend on what to do on her first enjo kousai date.


Girl 1 says: 観覧車のったらおっぱいな! !卍
Meaning: Once on the ferris wheel, tits out!! (swastika icon)
Comment: I think the swastika is used just because it looks a bit like a ferris wheel.

Girl 2 says: PTG
Meaning: ???
Comment: I have no idea. I can't find any explanation of this expression. Does anyone here know?

This post has been edited by HonyakuSands: Aug 4 2017, 22:42
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post Aug 4 2017, 23:38
Post #4791

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Google says "printing"

[kotobank.jp] https://kotobank.jp/ejword/ptg
[dictionary.goo.ne.jp] https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/ej/688150/meaning/m0u/
[eow.alc.co.jp] https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=ptg
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post Aug 4 2017, 23:50
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Can someone tell me what these characters are?

Attached Image
Attached Image

Thank you freudia!

Also how about these?
Attached Image

This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Aug 5 2017, 00:31
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post Aug 5 2017, 00:09
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QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Aug 4 2017, 17:50) *
Can someone tell me what these characters are?

Thank you!

Looks like 朝浮気

Edit: Second set looks like 忘想 although I haven't a clue what that means.

This post has been edited by freudia: Aug 5 2017, 00:43
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post Aug 5 2017, 00:21
Post #4794

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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Aug 4 2017, 23:38) *

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't see how that fits in the conversation. Why would someone say "printing" in response to her accomplice suggesting that their friend should go on a ferris wheel and show tits?

It feels like there must be some other (maybe LINE-specific) meaning.
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post Aug 5 2017, 01:50
Post #4795

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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Aug 4 2017, 01:07) *

Seeing as the plot of love live is essentially about becoming an idol group to stop the school shutting down, my guess is the line is meant to refer to the school having decided to continue (being open) - are you sure it's 断続 and not something like 継続?

You're right, it was 継続 after all. I must have misread it. Thanks for that!
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post Aug 5 2017, 02:15
Post #4796

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QUOTE(HonyakuSands @ Aug 5 2017, 00:21) *

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't see how that fits in the conversation. Why would someone say "printing" in response to her accomplice suggesting that their friend should go on a ferris wheel and show tits?

It feels like there must be some other (maybe LINE-specific) meaning.

I've searched around a bit as well, but alas, I couldn't find anything about it either.

Though, I dunno, it may sound a bit strange, but isn't it possible that it could simply just be an abbreviation for "Photograph"? I mean, the line that precedes this one is talking about tits, so it could very well be that the next poster was like: "PICTURE PLS!!!".

It's just a guess, though.


Also, I've got a bit of a question myself. In this sentence, "親子関係ほぼゼロの状態から一足飛びに深淵まで来てしまったけれど", shouldn't "深淵" actually be "深遠" instead? Though both are read the same way as "Shinen", the latter means "profound, deep, serious" while the former translates to "abyss". Now, when you take a look at the context, the only one that remotely makes sense is "深遠". This is why I'm led to believe that the "深淵" in the sentence above is just a typo. Am I correct in assuming this is the case here, or am I not understanding the phrase the way I actually should?

https://e-hentai.org/s/087096f65f/1041813-6 (Read here for more context)

This post has been edited by Fukukaze: Aug 5 2017, 02:30
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post Aug 5 2017, 03:23
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Well an abyss is something that's considered deep and/or profound. The way I'm reading it, 深淵 would be referring to 状態 (the condition of the relationship) and not 関係 (the relationship itself), so it would be saying that the condition of the relationship has gone from nothing to something (a thing that is) deep.

Or I'm wrong and it is just a typo - either way, the interpretation in English is the same.
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post Aug 5 2017, 09:03
Post #4798
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Can you help me translating these texts, please:

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post Aug 5 2017, 10:58
Post #4799

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Roughly the following:

Onago no Ikie
Compilation Contents

キヅカレヌサイゴ - Final moments without being noticed (気付かれぬ最後)
シンニュウシャ - Intruder (侵入者)
ボウカン - Spectating (probably 傍観)
ヒトミゴクウ - Human sacrifice (人身御供)
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post Aug 5 2017, 18:52
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What does this mean?


Thank you Quilloasa!

This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Aug 5 2017, 23:43
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