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Random translation help |
Jun 23 2017, 17:52
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あーくーのー かいじゅうー むれをなして せまりきた
This post has been edited by freudia: Jun 23 2017, 17:52
Jun 23 2017, 17:58
Long Hair Enjoyer
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QUOTE(HSamurai @ Jun 23 2017, 17:39)  Hello guys, i have started a translation but i need a little help with a few things if possible . In this Page there are some kanjis that i don't recognize and they are too small for me to read. Can anyone help me fill the gap with the asterisk? (**、*)のロックとやらはどっなったかね , あーくーのーかいじゅうーむれ(*)なしてせまりきた for this I'm not sure if it's a て or a さ and これが(*)さ! これが(**)!. Also how you guys would translate this line 入れただけでオルガしてそんなにコイツの事が好きだったんだ in Page 11And lastly i have 2 bubbles i don't know how to translate at all.. らって and らめっ, are they just SFXs? they seem weird... Thanks in advance ! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) (参謀、例)のロックとやらはどっなったかね あーくーのーかいじゅうーむれ(を)なしてせまりきた これが(若)さ! これが(青春)! 入れただけでオルガしてそんなにコイツの事が好きだったんだ "I love him so much, that I orgasmed just from putting it in." らって and らめっ are slurred versions of だって (but!) and だめっ (no! / don't!)
Jun 24 2017, 04:17
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QUOTE(N04h @ Jun 21 2017, 15:16)  https://e-hentai.org/s/11b1d227b6/801700-54Can I get help with 婚儀の送り ? wedding notification? Couple days late, just saw the post, sorry. I didn't read the whole chapter so I don't know the entire context, but just that bubble, I'm reading it as just "wedding" or "ceremony" where の送り is simply implicating her (or them) as the thing (or things) being sent to the wedding. so, something like top bubble "We need to send you off to the wedding no later than midday!" bottom bubble "It's all been arranged for some time now..." This post has been edited by B.R.R.: Jun 24 2017, 04:17
Jun 24 2017, 12:48
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Had this random sentence while translating an afterword: UCも乗れます。 What could UC stand for here? Exact page for context (last sentence): https://e-hentai.org/s/ec14b1f2ae/991352-25
Jun 25 2017, 00:44
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QUOTE(B.R.R. @ Jun 24 2017, 14:17)  Couple days late, just saw the post, sorry.
I didn't read the whole chapter so I don't know the entire context, but just that bubble, I'm reading it as just "wedding" or "ceremony" where の送り is simply implicating her (or them) as the thing (or things) being sent to the wedding.
so, something like
top bubble "We need to send you off to the wedding no later than midday!" bottom bubble "It's all been arranged for some time now..."
not short for 送り状?
Jun 25 2017, 06:05
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QUOTE(N04h @ Jun 24 2017, 15:44)  not short for 送り状?
Oh yeah, it could be. Does that make more sense contextually? (I was thinking more of what I've seen from shipped goods and the like.)
Jun 25 2017, 14:18
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Got one that has me a bit stumped. It's not a very consequential panel, but I'd like to be sure I'm not translating it wrong. It's three text boxes: - 目が覚めて自分に起きた状況を知り - 前日背伸びして慣れない酒につきあったせいもあり - 彼女は真っ青な顔で帰って行った Now I read that as: - She awoke to find out what had happened to her - Because she'd over-reached the day before with alcohol she wasn't used to - She went home with her face pale as a ghost The middle one is the one that's really doing my head in. Best I can find by googling "せいもあり" and checking the context it's used in: it's used to express a reason for something. So something like 所為も有り if one were to use kanji. Page in question is this one, by the way: https://e-hentai.org/s/7b21c086c4/846631-8
Jun 26 2017, 05:23
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Hey guys, I could use some assistance on this one. Page is here if you want the context. I can't figure out how best to put this: 私が貴方にこうも弱いのは... そう考えないと理解し難い It's the last line in the chapter, so I'd like it to be spot on. Thanks for any help! UF
Jun 26 2017, 05:47
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QUOTE(ultimaflaral @ Jun 26 2017, 13:23)  Hey guys, I could use some assistance on this one. Page is here if you want the context. I can't figure out how best to put this: 私が貴方にこうも弱いのは... そう考えないと理解し難い It's the last line in the chapter, so I'd like it to be spot on. Thanks for any help! UF I'd see that as: - This weakness I have to you... - It's hard to understand how you don't think about it Though I haven't read the rest of the comic and have never seen Fate Stay Night, so I could very well be wrong.
Jun 26 2017, 10:04
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QUOTE(gustmonk @ Jun 25 2017, 08:18)  Got one that has me a bit stumped. It's not a very consequential panel, but I'd like to be sure I'm not translating it wrong. It's three text boxes: - 目が覚めて自分に起きた状況を知り - 前日背伸びして慣れない酒につきあったせいもあり - 彼女は真っ青な顔で帰って行った Now I read that as: - She awoke to find out what had happened to her - Because she'd over-reached the day before with alcohol she wasn't used to - She went home with her face pale as a ghost The middle one is the one that's really doing my head in. Best I can find by googling "せいもあり" and checking the context it's used in: it's used to express a reason for something. So something like 所為も有り if one were to use kanji. Page in question is this one, by the way: https://e-hentai.org/s/7b21c086c4/846631-8Looks fine to me. And yeah, that's pretty much what せいもあり means. It uses も, so it could be saying "Partly because...", but it looks fine as-is. Also, "pushed herself" sounds better than "over-reached" to me (the latter sounds strange for some reason), but that's a preference thing, so it's no big deal. QUOTE(ultimaflaral @ Jun 25 2017, 23:23)  Hey guys, I could use some assistance on this one. Page is here if you want the context. I can't figure out how best to put this: 私が貴方にこうも弱いのは... そう考えないと理解し難い It's the last line in the chapter, so I'd like it to be spot on. Thanks for any help! UF For me to be this weak to you... It's hard to comprehend if I don't think of it like that. (For 理解, you could also try 'understand', or maybe even 'accept')
Jun 26 2017, 11:06
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QUOTE(miceder @ Jun 26 2017, 18:04)  Looks fine to me. And yeah, that's pretty much what せいもあり means. It uses も, so it could be saying "Partly because...", but it looks fine as-is. Also, "pushed herself" sounds better than "over-reached" to me (the latter sounds strange for some reason), but that's a preference thing, so it's no big deal.
Makes sense. Cheers for that.
Jun 27 2017, 20:53
Vile Mk 2
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Can you help me with this tittle?
Jun 28 2017, 18:40
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Can anyone help me to put this in proper english please? It's for a translation I'm working on. Thank you very much
(context, girl 1 is calling a guy to fuck her, he is being titfucked by girl 2 who wants to make him cum, he tries to resist, hasnt cum in 47 days)
Girl 1:
マコちゃんに気に入られたらもうダメね仕方ないから オナ二ー見せてあげるからおイキなさいな
ちつ...違います....ふ..ふんで....ほしいのです しゃ...射精の時間だけでも なんとか...なんとか...ううつ
Girl 2
あたしか精液大好きな こと知つてるでしょ〜 47日分よ〜〜ソ めつたにないわよこれは〜 ドロドロの濃厚なのが ドバドバ出るわよお〜
Jun 29 2017, 08:50
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edit: sorry I was seeing an old post
This post has been edited by 葛の寺: Jun 29 2017, 08:52
Jun 30 2017, 03:56
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Found a vexing name on this page of this work https://e-hentai.org/s/779b146f95/976590-35Something in Russian that i can't parse. Kana is プりェダーチェリストヴぉ、 and they abbreviate it later as プりェダー. Romaji would be something like Priedaa Chelistovo? Does that make sense?
Jun 30 2017, 04:09
Vile Mk 2
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Please, help me. What is the translation of this text?: 鬼ギャルに搾られちゃいました
This post has been edited by Vile Mk 2: Jul 5 2017, 07:02
Jun 30 2017, 04:29
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QUOTE(Ogodei-Khan @ Jun 29 2017, 21:56)  Found a vexing name on this page of this work https://e-hentai.org/s/779b146f95/976590-35Something in Russian that i can't parse. Kana is プりェダーチェリストヴぉ、 and they abbreviate it later as プりェダー. Romaji would be something like Priedaa Chelistovo? Does that make sense? Coming from someone who speaks absolutely no Russian... Looking it up on google gave me предательство, which led to the word "betrayal/treason" Edit: Actually, a name? Probably not it then... Edit 2: Wiktionary gives this pronunciation for it: predátelʹstvo, so full name would be Predatelstvo, Preda for short? This post has been edited by miceder: Jun 30 2017, 04:51
Jun 30 2017, 11:41
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I've got a few questions I hope someone can help me out with.
Context: 厳しさに打ち勝つ心なくして民を導く事など到底出来ぬ そして己の恋路を貫く事ものうー 言っておくが我を始め 姫が好きに婿を選ぶなど周囲の反発 こんな試練の比ではないぞ? …さて姫様 この試練受けるや否や
First question: What does that 言っておくが我を始め part mean? It doesn't seem to really connect to the lines before or after it. My best guess is that the を始め is for listing things, but if so, what else is in that list, and what's the verb?
Second question: Does the 受けるや否や there mean "will you accept it or not"? Most things point me to や否や being "as soon as ~", but that didn't make sense without a second action, so I thought it might just be her style of talking.
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