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> Random translation help

post Jun 6 2017, 15:32
Post #4621

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QUOTE(mero12 @ Jun 6 2017, 08:36) *

頼むフヨウ ヤ!!
Fuyou, I'm asking you to do this for me!
I do not know what you are going to do other than comforting him!
is this translation correct?

The よく知らん is "I don't really understand", and the 慰めてくれ is asking/begging to comfort.

I don't really get it [alt: I don't really know what's going on], but just comfort him!
I'm begging you, Fuyou!!
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post Jun 7 2017, 06:17
Post #4622
-The Dashing Dash-

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SP-Eng translation (this gallery https://e-hentai.org/g/1069955/faabda426b/)

Parenthesis are alternate suggestions I came up with

p.2 (top)
Ha passado un tiempo luego del final de la tercera guerra mundial ninja, guerra donde Naroto se volvió el héroe del mundo y se ganó el agradecimiento de todos en konoha.
My translation: There was a time after the end of the Third Ninja World War, (war) in which Naruto became (after which Naruto came back as?) a world-class hero (hero known across the world?) and won the gratitude of all everyone in Konoha.

p.2 again (2nd from the top)
Luego de varios acontecimientos [they got married]
My translation:After various big ceremonies (happenings?)

It only takes one ceremony to get married though...

p.7 (3rd from the top)
Acaso ella solo escribe despues de hacer?...
My translation:Maybe she only writes after the act (getting laid)?...

p.9 (top)
Resulta que un tal C1B3R3Y3 pago por una mission de asesinato para un tal Danny
Is she really talking about someone named Danny or is it some kind of idiom to mean it wasn't anybody important? (like Tom, Dick and Harry)

p.29 (top)
Podras con nosotros Hinata?
What confuses me is the fact that this line is the first one.

p.30 (top)
Podria ahogarme en tanto placer...
Y no dejarian de correrse
My translation: I could drown in such pleasure...
And they wouldn't stop coming ---> would make more sense to me to use won't instead of wouldn't but I think it matches better the tense used in the comic

Thanks and sorry for the wall of text.
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post Jun 7 2017, 20:54
Post #4623

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...I wonder if it will be enough with me listening to him as comfort...

I think I got this translated correctly, but this part "耳かき = earpick​" is throwing me off.
What does it mean?

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post Jun 9 2017, 06:58
Post #4624
Vile Mk 2

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Someone can help me translating this:

触装 淫辱 の星女
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post Jun 9 2017, 13:16
Post #4625

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I need help with second panel..



(its because he calls himself jibun instead of ore)
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post Jun 9 2017, 14:19
Post #4626
Long Hair Enjoyer

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QUOTE(N04h @ Jun 9 2017, 13:16) *

I need help with second panel..



(its because he calls himself jibun instead of ore)

he's talking pretty formally so maybe instead of mocking his pronoun, you could make his line something like "You may call me ..." and she responds with "pff... "you may"..."
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post Jun 10 2017, 00:57
Post #4627

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QUOTE(Blurk @ Jun 10 2017, 00:19) *

he's talking pretty formally so maybe instead of mocking his pronoun, you could make his line something like "You may call me ..." and she responds with "pff... "you may"..."

thats a nice idea, thanks.
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post Jun 11 2017, 03:15
Post #4628

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Somebody could help me with these lines for complete a translation.





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post Jun 11 2017, 08:21
Post #4629

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hello again. I'm done with the translation for a EROQUIS + friends doujin except for a few of the profile cards. I was hoping I could get some help reading the tiny, illegible handwriting (for me, anyway).
it's this page
I'll post a couple cut-ups of the specific bits.

[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/XbyFNaA.png
the character starting the third line. it also appears on the card in the following image.
[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/6YnTZOG.png
(second full line, last character)

it's probably something super-common, like 内, just looks funny in that handwriting.
edit: actually I think it's 間. I forgot about the whole, gate radical, handwritten thing.

and there's also this card, the last on the page.
[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/cymWBJu.png
there are two I need help with, both highlighted with arrows. the first is immediately after アメリカで and before (テックダンス). I have no clue what that is. and the second, I think, is 携えてもらい。but I'd appreciate confirmation.

This post has been edited by B.R.R.: Jun 11 2017, 09:43
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post Jun 11 2017, 14:25
Post #4630

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QUOTE(facundo2001 @ Jun 10 2017, 21:15) *

Somebody could help me with these lines for complete a translation.





Without context, these translations are fairly rough. Just a heads up.

Ah geez!
I hate you!!

No way...

We'll end it here for today...

Your whole body is wet, though

QUOTE(B.R.R. @ Jun 11 2017, 02:21) *

hello again. I'm done with the translation for a EROQUIS + friends doujin except for a few of the profile cards. I was hoping I could get some help reading the tiny, illegible handwriting (for me, anyway).
it's this page
I'll post a couple cut-ups of the specific bits.

[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/XbyFNaA.png
the character starting the third line. it also appears on the card in the following image.
[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/6YnTZOG.png
(second full line, last character)

it's probably something super-common, like 内, just looks funny in that handwriting.
edit: actually I think it's 間. I forgot about the whole, gate radical, handwritten thing.

and there's also this card, the last on the page.
[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/cymWBJu.png
there are two I need help with, both highlighted with arrows. the first is immediately after アメリカで and before (テックダンス). I have no clue what that is. and the second, I think, is 携えてもらい。but I'd appreciate confirmation.

Yeah, first is 間 (in shorthand), I think the second is DJ (テックダンス), and the third looks like 教えてもらい.

This post has been edited by miceder: Jun 11 2017, 14:41
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post Jun 11 2017, 22:01
Post #4631

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QUOTE(miceder @ Jun 11 2017, 05:25) *

Yeah, first is 間 (in shorthand), I think the second is DJ (テックダンス), and the third looks like 教えてもらい.
of course. thanks, mate.
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post Jun 12 2017, 00:10
Post #4632

The Happiest Jellyfish
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More handwritten help, please!

Attached Image

I'm having issues with both sets of unbubbled text. I can read "あの宝石ひとつ欲しい" and I know the name 衛宮くん. The rest of it is giving me grief, though. Can anyone help with the rest?

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post Jun 12 2017, 00:50
Post #4633

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QUOTE(ultimaflaral @ Jun 12 2017, 10:10) *

More handwritten help, please!

Attached Image

I'm having issues with both sets of unbubbled text. I can read "あの宝石ひとつ欲しい" and I know the name 衛宮くん. The rest of it is giving me grief, though. Can anyone help with the rest?



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post Jun 12 2017, 01:09
Post #4634

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You're my hero, No4h!

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post Jun 12 2017, 01:44
Post #4635

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[stealth edit] :^) [/stealth edit]

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post Jun 12 2017, 04:22
Post #4636

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me again. last of the last bits left on this EROQUIS piece.

this page:

I've highlighted the bits on these segments:

アンナ's card is terrible:
[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/77hQz6N.png

only one character on both

アリサ's card (these two characters are also on ゆい's card, to the left. is it 基質? and why? I don't know many too SM terms in japanese.):
[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/xtCsViT.png


ミキ's card:
[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/udsfFfF.png

edit: Oh and there's one more, the character right after 系キス on ルカ's card. It ends the first sentence of the paragraph description on her card. right before the line 受け攻めOK。

This post has been edited by B.R.R.: Jun 12 2017, 06:02
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post Jun 12 2017, 05:03
Post #4637
God Revan

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Need a quick translation of this.

[prntscr.com] http://prntscr.com/fip89n
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post Jun 12 2017, 17:16
Post #4638
Usagi =

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Attached Image

Hi, would anyone be kind enough to tell me roughly what it says?

I think its...err...important to the plot (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
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post Jun 12 2017, 19:20
Post #4639
Long Hair Enjoyer

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アンナ's card is terrible:
[i.imgur.com] [i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/77hQz6N.png


アリサ's card (these two characters are also on ゆい's card, to the left. is it 基質? and why? I don't know many too SM terms in japanese.):
[i.imgur.com] [i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/xtCsViT.png

Looks like it. Possibly a misuse of 気質 (trait / characteristic)

ミキ's card:
[i.imgur.com] [i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/udsfFfF.png

looks like 重度

edit: Oh and there's one more, the character right after 系キス on ルカ's
card. It ends the first sentence of the paragraph description on her card. right before the line 受け攻めOK。

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post Jun 12 2017, 20:23
Post #4640
Long Hair Enjoyer

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QUOTE(God Revan @ Jun 12 2017, 05:03) *

Need a quick translation of this.

[prntscr.com] http://prntscr.com/fip89n

Obtained the "fast-talk to get a girl in the mood, make her wear naughty clothes and eventually land some POV sex."-skill.
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