SP-Eng translation (this gallery
https://e-hentai.org/g/1069955/faabda426b/)Parenthesis are alternate suggestions I came up with
Having doubts on these ones (
p.2 (top)
Ha passado un tiempo luego del final de la tercera guerra mundial ninja,
guerra donde Naroto se volvió el héroe del mundo y se ganó el agradecimiento de todos en konoha.
My translation: There was a time after the end of the Third Ninja World War,
(war) in which Naruto became (after which Naruto came back as?) a world-class hero (hero known across the world?) and won the gratitude of all everyone in Konoha.p.2 again (2nd from the top)
Luego de varios
acontecimientos [they got married]
My translation:After various big ceremonies (happenings?)
It only takes one ceremony to get married though...
p.7 (3rd from the top)
Acaso ella solo escribe
despues de hacer?...
My translation:Maybe she only writes
after the act (getting laid)?...
p.9 (top)
Resulta que un tal C1B3R3Y3 pago por una mission de asesinato para un tal Danny
Is she really talking about someone named Danny or is it some kind of idiom to mean it wasn't anybody important? (like Tom, Dick and Harry)
p.29 (top)
Podras con nosotros Hinata?
What confuses me is the fact that this line is the first one.
p.30 (top)
Podria ahogarme en tanto placer...
Y no
dejarian de correrse
My translation: I could drown in
such pleasure...
And they
wouldn't stop coming ---> would make more sense to me to use won't instead of wouldn't but I think it matches better the tense used in the comic
Thanks and sorry for the wall of text.