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> Random translation help

post May 27 2017, 12:15
Post #4581
Long Hair Enjoyer

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QUOTE(qberg @ May 27 2017, 12:09) *

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/njssJcC.png)
Some more SFX help needed!

thrusting and sliding sfx. Try "zoop"
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post May 27 2017, 12:53
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post May 27 2017, 22:30
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QUOTE(N04h @ May 24 2017, 19:03) *

さらにコングラッチュだったぜ 直触りぃ!?
Wow! I knew it felt soft, but I was luckier than I thought, I touched it directly!?

小娘(共) you brats?

Just what I needed. Thanks!
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post May 29 2017, 06:22
Post #4584
Hunter Nightblood

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Can anyone tell me what the Kanji is here? It's so pixilated that OCR is failing.
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/4nu1Opv.png)

This post has been edited by Hunter Nightblood: May 29 2017, 06:23
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post May 29 2017, 07:32
Post #4585
Long Hair Enjoyer

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桃色生徒会室 桃色


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post May 29 2017, 18:51
Post #4586
Hunter Nightblood

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QUOTE(Blurk @ May 29 2017, 07:32) *

桃色生徒会室 桃色



Thank you.
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post May 30 2017, 06:00
Post #4587

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(IMG:[puu.sh] https://puu.sh/w5bPm/53e6ed8202.jpg)

Maaan am I stumped as hell on the fourth dialogue bit. What the hell is the guy talking about before "not losing to the anime" and after "That's great!"
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post May 30 2017, 07:53
Post #4588
Long Hair Enjoyer

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QUOTE(kargarok1 @ May 30 2017, 06:00) *

(IMG:[puu.sh] https://puu.sh/w5bPm/53e6ed8202.jpg)

Maaan am I stumped as hell on the fourth dialogue bit. What the hell is the guy talking about before "not losing to the anime" and after "That's great!"


That part?

光で飛ばす means increasing the brightness of the shot to hide birthmarks, acne or wrinkles etc. but in this case I think it means the mysterious censoring light you see in ecchi anime.

I think he's saying that the scene in the anime where she gives a vaccuum blowjob was too hot for regular broadcast tv (and got edited out) even though it was censored. So she's gonna have to try real hard to top that.
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post May 30 2017, 08:00
Post #4589

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QUOTE(Blurk @ May 29 2017, 21:53) *


That part?

光で飛ばす means increasing the brightness of the shot to hide birthmarks, acne or wrinkles etc. but in this case I think it means the mysterious censoring light you see in ecchi anime.

I think he's saying that the scene in the anime where she gives a vaccuum blowjob was too hot for regular broadcast tv (and got edited out) even though it was censored. So she's gonna have to try real hard to top that.

Thanks man that helps a ton. By any chance do you know what anime he's talking about? I tried finding stuff on my own but no bananas
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post May 30 2017, 08:19
Post #4590
Long Hair Enjoyer

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Pretty sure it's made up just for the story since I couldn't find anything on it. I'm guessing HAぷにんぐ (ハプニング) is a parody on To LOVEる (トラブル)
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post May 30 2017, 08:39
Post #4591

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QUOTE(Blurk @ May 29 2017, 22:19) *

Pretty sure it's made up just for the story since I couldn't find anything on it. I'm guessing HAぷにんぐ (ハプニング) is a parody on To LOVEる (トラブル)

You the man stan. Was also having trouble with the bunny frame dialogue boxes on this page. I know she's saying she thought that they'd sell like her other videos without showing much skin or ecchi, but the grammar is messing me up and I could be mistranslating. 三分の一もいかず and the first part of the next box is messing me up. If you can't or don't feel like helping thats fine (IMG:[puu.sh] https://puu.sh/w5hX2/3db45d7957.jpg)
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post May 30 2017, 08:51
Post #4592
Long Hair Enjoyer

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QUOTE(kargarok1 @ May 30 2017, 08:39) *

You the man stan. Was also having trouble with the bunny frame dialogue boxes on this page. I know she's saying she thought that they'd sell like her other videos without showing much skin or ecchi, but the grammar is messing me up and I could be mistranslating. 三分の一もいかず and the first part of the next box is messing me up. If you can't or don't feel like helping thats fine (IMG:[puu.sh] https://puu.sh/w5hX2/3db45d7957.jpg)

She thought it'd sell despite showing less skin and sexiness but it turned out they only managed to sell less than 1/3 of what they sold last time.
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post May 30 2017, 09:31
Post #4593

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QUOTE(Blurk @ May 29 2017, 22:51) *

She thought it'd sell despite showing less skin and sexiness but it turned out they only managed to sell less than 1/3 of what they sold last time.

Can't thank you enough. (Trying to pump this thing out, if I can.) Really quick is the bottom one just basically saying the compliments came flooding in by storm on her social media profile and that she was on cloud 9 from it (IMG:[puu.sh] https://puu.sh/w5jSm/549975c6de.jpg)

Wanna make sure I'm not omitting anything

This post has been edited by kargarok1: May 30 2017, 09:32
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post May 30 2017, 10:16
Post #4594
Long Hair Enjoyer

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Yup, pretty much.
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post May 30 2017, 19:27
Post #4595

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(IMG:[puu.sh] https://puu.sh/w5H6K/c761fa08bb.jpg)

What is she telling him to do with her tits after saying she'll hold the condom?
Also what does the next speech box say? "His skill with sex... The compatibility between our bodies... My hobbies (she means otaku culture, as described in the comic) and lewd club activities became one with the real me (her being a really erotic person). And just like that..." (the first thing on the next page is "I was indulging in him completely" (彼に溺れた)

Do I got this right or am I off by a long shot
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post May 30 2017, 23:03
Post #4596

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Kind of confused with the bottom part of /s/b3c2b3dfa8/899666-3 when the girl with the ahoge says "でこちゃん倦怠期なの." The next panel shows the other girl shocked, but why?
Is ahoge girl directly telling the other girl that her relationship is in a rut (Shock! My relationship's in a rut?!) or is it just her guessing that the other girl is in a relationship at all (Shock! She knew I was in a relationship with someone?!).

なの is the ahoge girl's vocal tick, so I'm not sure if it's a "real" なの or not. (If it's real, I'd lean toward the first situation, but if it came from her vocal tick I'd lean toward the second...)

"I'll even put it (the condom) on for you
Using my breasts I'll quickly make your cock hard"
Yeah, that's probably right...
Don't know about the second one though, sorry.

Edit: I see, thanks Blurk.

This post has been edited by Between3and20chars: Jun 1 2017, 01:42
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post May 31 2017, 10:18
Post #4597
Long Hair Enjoyer

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QUOTE(Between3and20chars @ May 30 2017, 23:03) *

Kind of confused with the bottom part of /s/b3c2b3dfa8/899666-3 when the girl with the ahoge says "でこちゃん倦怠期なの." The next panel shows the other girl shocked, but why?
Is ahoge girl directly telling the other girl that her relationship is in a rut (Shock! My relationship's in a rut?!) or is it just her guessing that the other girl is in a relationship at all (Shock! She knew I was in a relationship with someone?!).

なの is the ahoge girl's vocal tick, so I'm not sure if it's a "real" なの or not. (If it's real, I'd lean toward the first situation, but if it came from her vocal tick I'd lean toward the second...)

Looks like she knows Iori's relationship with Producer is in a rut, so on the next page she gives her a present that she thinks will help.

The ガーン sfx means her reaction is as much a shock as a depressing realization that she's in a rut. I'm guessing she asked Miki for some relationship advice off-panel.

Yep, you got it right.

This post has been edited by Blurk: May 31 2017, 10:24
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post Jun 1 2017, 17:03
Post #4598

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Anyone have any idea what the kanji in this pic are?
Attached Image
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post Jun 1 2017, 17:13
Post #4599
Long Hair Enjoyer

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No kanji from what I can see. [I] like [it] more than [...]-kun's.
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post Jun 1 2017, 17:27
Post #4600

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Thanks for the help.
My mistake to believe it was kanji
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