QUOTE(Between3and20chars @ Apr 16 2017, 06:03)

Tentacle guy: 快楽に揺れる ツインテールは 戦場で見るのとは斯くも 違った趣があるものか
"I didn't know that the elegance of twintails would be so different when they sway in pleasure than when they sway on the battlefield."
Tentacle guy: それでいい 容易く流されぬ その精神こそ 真に汚し甲斐の ある宝よ
"This is fine too. The very fact that you won't easily let your mind drown in pleasure is what makes it a treasure truly worth corrupting." (yeah, I know, the 流されぬ part is a bit liberal)
(As a side question, is it wrong to say 趣がある and 趣のある are interchangeable?)
No, in the sense that they mean the same thing. Yes, in the sense that they aren't interchangeable from a grammatical point of view: you can only use 趣のある if there is a noun to qualify, while 趣がある doesn't require one.
This post has been edited by KirbyDances: Apr 16 2017, 10:44