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> Random translation help

post Apr 3 2017, 17:36
Post #4421

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I wanted to edit my previous post but I realized that this did not update the thread. So I apologize for the double post.

I started to restore a well translated but unedited project. And a lot of moans and sfx are not translated. I can decipher some but not all, others are totally unknown to me. If anyone can help me this would be nice.
I apologize for the inconvenience because there are a number of them.
If ever you need any financial compensation for this let me know because I would not abuse your help. I realize that I often solicit your help but I have a little time currently, so I do as many projects as possible.

I wish you all a great day.

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post Apr 5 2017, 12:01
Post #4422

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Please help:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/Zat7B10.jpg)
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/OiRqx9J.jpg)
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post Apr 5 2017, 14:26
Post #4423

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QUOTE(qberg @ Apr 5 2017, 13:01) *

Please help:

The first is a "pointing strictly" SFX.
The second is the "SFX" of being in a state of tranquility, or something to that effect.
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post Apr 5 2017, 17:25
Post #4424
Long Hair Enjoyer

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QUOTE(Mysael @ Apr 3 2017, 17:36) *

I wanted to edit my previous post but I realized that this did not update the thread. So I apologize for the double post.

I started to restore a well translated but unedited project. And a lot of moans and sfx are not translated. I can decipher some but not all, others are totally unknown to me. If anyone can help me this would be nice.
I apologize for the inconvenience because there are a number of them.
If ever you need any financial compensation for this let me know because I would not abuse your help. I realize that I often solicit your help but I have a little time currently, so I do as many projects as possible.

I wish you all a great day.

Attached Image

I think it's better if you post the full pages (or at least the panel) and draw a red circle or something around the sfx and moans you need help with. Simple moans usually don't need much context, but the same onomatopoeia can refer to different things depending on the situation.

It's possible to translate them all willy-nilly without any context but then the translations might be off.
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post Apr 5 2017, 17:52
Post #4425

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QUOTE(CapableScoutMan @ Apr 5 2017, 15:26) *
The first is a "pointing strictly" SFX.
The second is the "SFX" of being in a state of tranquility, or something to that effect.

Thank you very much!
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post Apr 5 2017, 22:27
Post #4426

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Yes you're right, it's on that out of context, it does not make sense. Here are the pages, so I surrounded in red everything that has not been translated or that I have never seen before. Thanks for your help anyways.

[we.tl] https://we.tl/AI7a6dJt5a

Sorry but it's too heavy to put in the post so I use wetransfer.

I wish you all a good evening.
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post Apr 6 2017, 07:03
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Can someone tell me what's going on here?



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post Apr 7 2017, 16:17
Post #4428

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Please help:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/zrItaYe.jpg)
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post Apr 7 2017, 18:58
Post #4429

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QUOTE(qberg @ Apr 7 2017, 17:17) *

Please help:

It's the SFX for slow insertion (or pulling out), I assume. A variant of ミチミチ.
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post Apr 7 2017, 19:30
Post #4430

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Thank you!

And another question:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/hy4IFtY.jpg)
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post Apr 7 2017, 21:13
Post #4431

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QUOTE(qberg @ Apr 7 2017, 20:30) *

Thank you!

And another question:

Those seem to be thrusting SFX. Schlick, squelch, that sort of thing.
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post Apr 8 2017, 07:56
Post #4432

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Please Help:[attachmentid=101335] [attachmentid=101336][attachmentid=101337][attachmentid=101338]

This post has been edited by 1990incubus: Apr 8 2017, 07:58
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post Apr 8 2017, 09:29
Post #4433

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QUOTE(CapableScoutMan @ Apr 7 2017, 22:13) *
Those seem to be thrusting SFX. Schlick, squelch, that sort of thing.

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post Apr 10 2017, 00:11
Post #4434

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Can someone help with

also this

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post Apr 15 2017, 06:42
Post #4435

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'lo. Looking for help with the line
確定的かつ ご都合主義的に 明らかです
https://e-hentai.org/s/423ab87c9b/1018496-3 (bottom of the page)

If I had to take a stab, it seems like, "It's definitely (確定的) and (且つ?) opportunistically (ご都合主義的に) clear (明らか)." but that feels like an odd thing to say.
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post Apr 15 2017, 11:48
Post #4436
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QUOTE(freudia @ Apr 15 2017, 06:42) *

'lo. Looking for help with the line
確定的かつ ご都合主義的に 明らかです
https://e-hentai.org/s/423ab87c9b/1018496-3 (bottom of the page)

If I had to take a stab, it seems like, "It's definitely (確定的) and (且つ?) opportunistically (ご都合主義的に) clear (明らか)." but that feels like an odd thing to say.

She's just confirming that it's definitely and conveniently the case that they have to fuck. Conveniently as in they have to contrive a way to have a sex scene in a dj somehow, so it's a meta-ish line.

This post has been edited by Blurk: Apr 15 2017, 11:52
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post Apr 15 2017, 18:21
Post #4437

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Thanks Blurk!
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post Apr 16 2017, 06:03
Post #4438

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Could I please have help with these two lines?
They're both from /s/747d9cc360/774436-13 .

Tentacle guy: 快楽に揺れる ツインテールは 戦場で見るのとは斯くも 違った趣があるものか
Tentacle guy: それでいい 容易く流されぬ その精神こそ 真に汚し甲斐の ある宝よ

(As a side question, is it wrong to say 趣がある and 趣のある are interchangeable?)

EDIT: Thank you very much, KirbyDances.

This post has been edited by Between3and20chars: Apr 17 2017, 18:52
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post Apr 16 2017, 10:43
Post #4439

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QUOTE(Between3and20chars @ Apr 16 2017, 06:03) *
Tentacle guy: 快楽に揺れる ツインテールは 戦場で見るのとは斯くも 違った趣があるものか
"I didn't know that the elegance of twintails would be so different when they sway in pleasure than when they sway on the battlefield."
Tentacle guy: それでいい 容易く流されぬ その精神こそ 真に汚し甲斐の ある宝よ
"This is fine too. The very fact that you won't easily let your mind drown in pleasure is what makes it a treasure truly worth corrupting." (yeah, I know, the 流されぬ part is a bit liberal)
(As a side question, is it wrong to say 趣がある and 趣のある are interchangeable?)
No, in the sense that they mean the same thing. Yes, in the sense that they aren't interchangeable from a grammatical point of view: you can only use 趣のある if there is a noun to qualify, while 趣がある doesn't require one.

This post has been edited by KirbyDances: Apr 16 2017, 10:44
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post Apr 16 2017, 19:56
Post #4440

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Can I please ask for help in translating this better:
裏筋を通って 小指と薬指が球を揉んできた
親指がカリの根を掻くように 刺激してくる

The guy's describing how he masturbates or something? Thank you
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