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> Random translation help

post Mar 24 2017, 13:30
Post #4401

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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Mar 24 2017, 09:43) *

くす = giggle/snicker
んもー = more emphatic version of もう = jeez! or however you want to translate a 'slightly annoyed or frustrated' interjection
わーい = yay! (excitement)
このビッチ = this slut (lit. "bitch")

A big thank-you!
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post Mar 25 2017, 01:16
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んもー can also be "aww"
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post Mar 25 2017, 21:48
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QUOTE(N04h @ Mar 25 2017, 00:16) *

んもー can also be "aww"

Thank you. It helped me a lot.

If possible someone could tell me what this means:

I wish you all a good evening.

Edit: Oh another question that has nothing to do. I noticed that we had 10 mb for the attached files. How do we reset that?

This post has been edited by Mysael: Mar 25 2017, 21:51
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post Mar 26 2017, 02:58
Post #4404

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ふー = exhaling (I guess the English equivalent is "phew". I've seen people just leave this untranslated as "fuu").
えー = expressing surprise ("eeeh?" or "huuuh?")
包茎ディルド = a dildo with phimosis (lol)
ありゃ~ = a form or あら = expressing surprise in a somewhat fancier way ("oh my" or something, possibly adding the "~" on the end if you want)
ハハハ = hahaha (laughing)
んふふ = nfufu (laughing)
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post Mar 26 2017, 13:13
Post #4405

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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Mar 26 2017, 01:58) *

ふー = exhaling (I guess the English equivalent is "phew". I've seen people just leave this untranslated as "fuu").
えー = expressing surprise ("eeeh?" or "huuuh?")
包茎ディルド = a dildo with phimosis (lol)
ありゃ~ = a form or あら = expressing surprise in a somewhat fancier way ("oh my" or something, possibly adding the "~" on the end if you want)
ハハハ = hahaha (laughing)
んふふ = nfufu (laughing)

It's super nice! Thank you for your quick reply. I am not a translator so I can not help on that side but if you need a redrawn on occasion do not hesitate. I will be happy to help you in my turn.
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post Mar 29 2017, 01:26
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Please help me with these two bubbles

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post Mar 29 2017, 06:57
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I am in need of assistant. Can someone please tell what is being said in the red circle.
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post Mar 29 2017, 09:00
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QUOTE(gansta @ Mar 28 2017, 19:26) *

Please help me with these two bubbles

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ko...kou ka?
sou sou~

Li...like this?
That's right, that's right.

QUOTE(tkhang @ Mar 29 2017, 00:57) *

I am in need of assistant. Can someone please tell what is being said in the red circle.
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ahaha 三つ子の魂mitsugo no tamashii nan to yara ne-

The phrase apparently comes from 三つ子の魂百まで / the child is father to the man; the soul of a child of three (is the same) at 100.

Which I looked up further explanation to be sure and someone explained it as: 3歳までの性格は歳をとっても変わらない。

Seems to be saying that the nature of a person is the same / doesn't change from the way it was since they were 3 years old.

The toyara means she's quoting a phrase.

So she's saying something like:

Ahaha, it's like they say: 'Your nature is the same from when you were three years old'.

Or however you can phrase it better.

Hope it helps. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 29 2017, 19:12
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@giftz thank you for the clarification. That helps a lot.
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post Mar 30 2017, 09:50
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Can anyone make sense of the first sentence?

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Book is (くろっくすた~) PIKA PIKAデイズ
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post Mar 31 2017, 01:04
Post #4411

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QUOTE(giftz @ Mar 29 2017, 01:00) *

ko...kou ka?
sou sou~

Li...like this?
That's right, that's right.
ahaha 三つ子の魂mitsugo no tamashii nan to yara ne-

Thanks for the help
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post Mar 31 2017, 15:23
Post #4412

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How would you translate いっぺん犯してみかった ? "Seemed like a one-time rape"?

Context is two guys raping a girl. This is one of the guys talking. It's from the middle of: /s/848e777475/860315-15

This post has been edited by Between3and20chars: Mar 31 2017, 15:24
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post Mar 31 2017, 15:33
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"I've always wanted to try raping her once ♪"
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post Apr 1 2017, 03:31
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I need help with this sentence:


Thanks KirbyDances.

This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Apr 1 2017, 12:54
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post Apr 1 2017, 12:34
Post #4415

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QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Apr 1 2017, 03:31) *
"You'll very soon be drooling while begging (me/us/...) to fuck you in the ass."

This post has been edited by KirbyDances: Apr 1 2017, 12:35
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post Apr 1 2017, 15:47
Post #4416

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QUOTE(miceder @ Mar 31 2017, 07:33) *

"I've always wanted to try raping her once ♪"

Oh shoot, みたかった was being used like that? Thanks a lot.
(I also now notice I spelled it incorrectly in the original post...)
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post Apr 1 2017, 16:56
Post #4417

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Can someone help me. It the last two translation on this page.
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post Apr 1 2017, 17:46
Post #4418

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Hello everyone,
Can anyone tell me what this means? That would be very nice.
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post Apr 1 2017, 20:42
Post #4419

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QUOTE(tkhang @ Apr 1 2017, 16:56) *
Can someone help me. It the last two translation on this page.
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"How can you be so good at this?"
Literal: "Teach me a lot, Mom! I want to learn a lot!", which you could probably translate as: "Teach me all you know, Mom! I want to learn it all!"
QUOTE(Mysael @ Apr 1 2017, 17:46) *
Hello everyone,
Can anyone tell me what this means? That would be very nice.
It doesn't mean anything, it's just a moan. The ッ characters aren't even pronounced in Japanese. When they're on their own (as it is the case here), they usually indicate muffled screams/moans or more generally someone trying to speak but producing no sound.
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post Apr 2 2017, 10:59
Post #4420

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QUOTE(KirbyDances @ Apr 1 2017, 20:42) *

"How can you be so good at this?"
Literal: "Teach me a lot, Mom! I want to learn a lot!", which you could probably translate as: "Teach me all you know, Mom! I want to learn it all!"
It doesn't mean anything, it's just a moan. The ッ characters aren't even pronounced in Japanese. When they're on their own (as it is the case here), they usually indicate muffled screams/moans or more generally someone trying to speak but producing no sound.

A big thank you, this allowed me to finish my project.
I wish you a good day.

This post has been edited by Mysael: Apr 3 2017, 17:30
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