No idea who still needs help, but whatever.
QUOTE(Vile Mk 2 @ Mar 18 2017, 15:48)

Can anyone help me with these translations?
Thanks for your work

Top Right: (Blue) 「ゆらぁ」 - Sway ; (Red) 「都市伝説妖女」 - The Urban Legend Enchantress
Top Middle: 「ビュルッ」 / 「ズビュルルルッ」 - Splurrrt (Sounds of guy cumming)
Top Left: 「触手娘」 - Tentacle Girl
Middle Right: 「ビチャッ」 - Splish ; 「ビシャッ」 - Splurt (Sounds of guy cumming)
Middle Left: 「ぎちゅっ」 / 「にちゅ」 - (Wet sloppy sounds); 「きゅっ♥ きゅう♥」 - Squeeze squeeze
Bottom Right: 「ゴオン」 - Goooon (Low, foreboding sound)
Bottom Left: 「百鬼夜行」 - "Night Parade of a Hundred Demons", or maybe "Gathering of Demons"
QUOTE(Super Shanko @ Mar 18 2017, 21:37)

Just this little bit.....

この前シズネに聞いたら - When I asked Shizune about it before...
いや~・・・ - Well~
それは綱手様の趣味だと思います - I think that's just Tsunade-sama's hobby.
って言われたってばよ! - what she told me!
QUOTE(N04h @ Mar 22 2017, 04:25)

need help with
人間の味方に属さなければ (it can be taken in two ways) could’ve saved her if I didn’t become a hero! I need to be an ally of humans...! (or the opposite)
and these pages "Let me teach you something useful. Humans and heroes are different types of creatures! Heroes have been artificially evolved and are more advanced than humans! When a creature stronger than them calls for help, they’ll think: ‘He’ll do something about it by himself. He’s stronger than us after all.’"
? "When a parent’s in trouble, he will ask his child for help! The child will then try to help him, right? But when adults are fighting, will a child step in to mediate? Of course not! The adults will see the face of the child, and they’ll solve it by themselves! This is the sort of relationship that heroes and humans have!" Even if it means being alone, there is good that needs to be known... ...Until this body becomes neither good nor bad and without form, and <<something>> is newly created...
1 - Hard to say, but I'm leaning towards "If I wasn't an ally of humans". I see it as a 'If I didn't do this... if I didn't do that... I could've saved her' type of thing.
The rest of the translations seem fine overall, so most of this is just phrasing differences.
2.1 - "Heroes are [the end result]/[what lies at the end] of artificially evolving humans!"
2.2 - Looks good overall, but the last part sounds a bit weird. Maybe "They'd see the child's face, then resolve it themselves! That's the sort of relationship heroes and humans have!"
3.1 - Looks good
3.2 - No real problems, but for an alternative phrasing: "--Until the day this body loses both its good and bad, and even its form, and a new <<something>> is created..."
For the 白/黒: Since it's talking about human nature, Good/Evil seems more fitting to me than Good/Bad, or maybe even Light/Dark, since it's using White and Black.
QUOTE(qberg @ Mar 22 2017, 13:52)

Please help:
チロッ チロ チロ - Lick Lick Lick
(random observation: It looks like the kanji for tongue [舌]...)