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> Random translation help

post Mar 3 2017, 14:36
Post #4361

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QUOTE(n0504 @ Mar 3 2017, 06:31) *

You're right about the first one. As for the 2 others

Thanks (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 4 2017, 07:05
Post #4362

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QUOTE(Crystalium @ Feb 23 2017, 18:45) *


I just want to ask here to double-check and get confirmation/clarification some things:

1) I believe the line「弄られてんな大丈夫かあいつ…」 on the bottom right panel means "Will she be alright not being touched by him?", but I am iffy on that for two aspects, and thus I want to ask here for confirmation:
α) I assume 弄られてんな is some sort of negative form, right? Like, perhaps a version of more standard 弄られてないの(が) i.e. ("not getting touched/felt up/groped (by him")?
β) I assume あいつ refers to the guy (and that there is an implied に) and that it is the girl who would be 弄られてんな, correct?

2) I take it that the 出されちまった手前 from the bottom right panel on this other page has the literally meaning of "The me who had been served it" correct? If it is as I imagined, then my rendering of the sentence overall as "I couldn’t have another bite of anything after being served it, you know?" would be a fair one, would it not?

3) Her thoughts in the middle of this page (i.e. the 今更、これからずっと愛おしいもの & 今までもずっと傍にあったのに bits) confuse me. I assume that both of these text boxes are a part of the same sentences and this understand the meaning to be something like "Even though that precious thing that will always be dear to me / has always been by my side since the beginning…", but I don't think I am properly showing the meaning. What is she trying to say? Given the 今更 at the start, and the のに at the end, is there a large unstated implied section like "Even though that precious thing [i.e. him] that will always be dear to me has always been by my side since the beginning, why I am pushing pushing him away (by suggesting he goes make the report)?" or something?

4) Same page as the last one, but bottom left panel: I can't tell if the だって is separate or not from the うそ. Normally, I'd just view 「うそ、だって」as "No way/You're lying. I mean...", but the author has used these random commas multiple times in the story (you can even see another example in the same page) to seperate things that clearly are not semantically seperate; so as a result, should I interpret it as just うそだって "No way/You're lying" without any "I mean"-sort of thing?

5) On panel 1 of the next page, he uses 「あんまこれ…言わねえ約束ってモンだけど/ 俺、どんだけ長いコトお前の前で平然装ってきたと思ってんの?」 with the meaning of "I…promised myself not to talk about it much, but... / just how damn long…do you think I’ve pretended to be composed in front of you?", correct?

Wondering if anyone has any input on any of these...
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post Mar 4 2017, 10:04
Post #4363

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QUOTE(Crystalium @ Mar 4 2017, 18:05) *

Wondering if anyone has any input on any of these...

1. "She's being teased so much by them, I wonder if she's okay." 弄る means to be teased, referring to the Sharu character.

2. 手前 is referring to the service of the food.

3. 愛おしいもの is referring to the 吐息 体温 etc above. I'm guessing those 2 characters have always been close.

4. (我慢)ずっと、してたんだぜ, だって links to the next panel

5. sounds right
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post Mar 4 2017, 17:35
Post #4364

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Is 50on! supposed to be read as "Go on!" or something like that (some pun around 5/go)?
Or maybe it has to do with WAON (one of the two people that form the Aiue Oka duo)
I feel like there's a pun in that name that I'm not getting
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post Mar 4 2017, 17:40
Post #4365

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QUOTE(hzqr @ Mar 4 2017, 17:35) *

Is 50on! supposed to be read as "Go on!" or something like that (some pun around 5/go)?
Or maybe it has to do with WAON (one of the two people that form the Aiue Oka duo)
I feel like there's a pun in that name that I'm not getting

Maybe it's a combination of that and 五十音:
[ja.wikipedia.org] https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%94%E5%8D%81%E9%9F%B3
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post Mar 4 2017, 20:26
Post #4366

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I guess that also makes sense since they're literally called Aiue Oka
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post Mar 6 2017, 08:27
Post #4367

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Wrong post, sorry

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post Mar 6 2017, 12:07
Post #4368

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This isn't exactly 'translation' help per se, but I figured it'd be easiest to ask here.

Is there a single OCR software for Japanese that actually works?

Getting text commissions always ends up a pricing nightmare, since counting the characters is torture, and just spitballing it doesn't feel right.
But every single one I've tried just outputs trash, or only works on extremely short phrases in over-4k resolutions.
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post Mar 8 2017, 22:48
Post #4369

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does realreaderlite 6.0 and translation aggregator work? that was what this individual used https://e-hentai.org/s/b54cce751a/545026-2 unfortuantely i dont have exp myself so i cna't help you there =(

looking for a translation of:

don't need to translate the SFX. just want the out-of-bubble dialogue and the in-bubble sfx+dialogue

paying 100k credits + 10 hath per page. =3
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post Mar 9 2017, 16:37
Post #4370

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Please help:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/XPk0c3T.jpg)
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post Mar 10 2017, 20:09
Post #4371

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QUOTE(Slobber @ Mar 8 2017, 22:48) *

looking for a translation of:

don't need to translate the SFX. just want the out-of-bubble dialogue and the in-bubble sfx+dialogue

paying 100k credits + 10 hath per page. =3

"Anal fuck day"? This is quite relevant to my interests, so here you go:


Sex with me!! (TL note: Engrish... It actually took me a minute or two to make this out, "with" being written with katakana in a slurring fashion, while the rest is in romaji...)

Today's special iiis <3 Saayachan! She's a newcomer!

See, See~<3 Her entire body is so soft

Make sure to cum a lot <3

Ah...<3 It's throbbing so much... <3 So thick... And big...<3<3

It's coming <3 It's coming <3

Cummingh <3 I'm cumming <3

Cuuum- <3 Cummingh <3<3 Cu...Cumh...inggggg <3

sfx: (aha), (nguh), (nnh), (kyun = squeeze)


Thank you for coming~ <3 I'm Miki! Nice to meet you <3 Today is anal fuck day! It's OK to fuck Miki's ass all the way, as much as you like!

Anal Fuck <3 Girl Miki


Nnh, nhyy! A thick cock is going in and out of Miki's assholeee <3

I can't take something like this, I'm gonna cum right awayyy! Aguuh! Cumminghh! Ahee!! Haahaa... Anal fucking really is the beeest <3<3<3

That should cover it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Mar 10 2017, 20:11
Post #4372

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QUOTE(qberg @ Mar 9 2017, 16:37) *

Please help:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/XPk0c3T.jpg)

ガンッ = bam (implying mental shock)
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post Mar 10 2017, 23:08
Post #4373

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@n0504 ty for the trouble. damn phonetic slurs can be pretty damn troublesome i imagine =(
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post Mar 11 2017, 10:45
Post #4374

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post Mar 13 2017, 07:28
Post #4375

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Does anyone could please help me with these lines?


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post Mar 13 2017, 09:28
Post #4376

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QUOTE(facundo2001 @ Mar 13 2017, 01:28) *

Does anyone could please help me with these lines?



Did it feel good, Min-Min?

It wasn't Ippei?
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post Mar 13 2017, 20:48
Post #4377
Vile Mk 2

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Someone knows how to write and translate these texts:

Attached Image

Thank you.

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post Mar 14 2017, 02:00
Post #4378

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Hello, I just wanted to double-check a word from https://e-hentai.org/s/4d8aabb12a/1033405-25

Is the ゆででてりゅ on the left supposed to be ゆでている ("It's boiling")?
(And if you can, what's the topmost kanji on the paper on the cover page?)

EDIT: Ok, now it makes sense. I didn't know 中 would be [stealth edit :^)] written [/stealth edit :^)] like that, thanks miceder.

QUOTE(Vile Mk 2 @ Mar 13 2017, 12:48) *

Someone knows how to write and translate these texts:

The first one is a stroking motion, the second one says "I'm by your side" (I think) and the third one is a squirting/spraying sound effect.

I'm not sure if you actually wanted them typed out too, but here:

This post has been edited by Between3and20chars: Oct 30 2018, 04:13
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post Mar 14 2017, 05:32
Post #4379

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QUOTE(Between3and20chars @ Mar 13 2017, 20:00) *

Hello, I just wanted to double-check a word from https://e-hentai.org/s/4d8aabb12a/1033405-25

Is the ゆででてりゅ on the left supposed to be ゆでている ("It's boiling")?
(And if you can, what's the topmost kanji on the paper on the cover page?)

It says 中ででてりゅ, a slightly slurred "It's coming out inside".

Can't help with the cover kanji, though.
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post Mar 14 2017, 08:26
Post #4380

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What's going on here?

(IMG:[media8.guromanga.com] http://media8.guromanga.com/inline/6500/toy147.jpg)
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