I just want to ask here to double-check and get confirmation/clarification some things:
1) I believe the line「弄られてんな大丈夫かあいつ…」 on the
bottom right panel means "Will she be alright not being touched by him?", but I am iffy on that for two aspects, and thus I want to ask here for confirmation:
α) I assume 弄られてんな is some sort of negative form, right? Like, perhaps a version of more standard 弄られてないの(が) i.e. ("not getting touched/felt up/groped (by him")?
β) I assume あいつ refers to the guy (and that there is an implied に) and that it is the girl who would be 弄られてんな, correct?
2) I take it that the 出されちまった手前 from the
bottom right panel on this other page has the literally meaning of "The me who had been served it" correct? If it is as I imagined, then my rendering of the sentence overall as "I couldn’t have another bite of anything after being served it, you know?" would be a fair one, would it not?
3) Her thoughts in
the middle of this page (i.e. the 今更、これからずっと愛おしいもの & 今までもずっと傍にあったのに bits) confuse me. I assume that both of these text boxes are a part of the same sentences and this understand the meaning to be something like "Even though that precious thing that will always be dear to me / has always been by my side since the beginning…", but I don't think I am properly showing the meaning.
What is she trying to say? Given the 今更 at the start, and the のに at the end, is there a large unstated implied section like "Even though that precious thing [i.e. him] that will always be dear to me has always been by my side since the beginning,
why I am pushing pushing him away (by suggesting he goes make the report)?" or something?
4) Same page as the last one, but bottom left panel: I can't tell if the だって is separate or not from the うそ. Normally, I'd just view 「うそ、だって」as "No way/You're lying. I mean...", but the author has used these random commas multiple times in the story (you can even see another example in the same page) to seperate things that clearly are not semantically seperate; so as a result, should I interpret it as just うそだって "No way/You're lying" without any "I mean"-sort of thing?
5) On
panel 1 of the next page, he uses 「あんまこれ…言わねえ約束ってモンだけど/ 俺、どんだけ長いコトお前の前で平然装ってきたと思ってんの?」 with the meaning of "I…promised myself not to talk about it much, but... / just how damn long…do you think I’ve pretended to be composed in front of you?", correct?
This post has been edited by Crystalium: Feb 24 2017, 01:57