QUOTE(giftz @ Jan 12 2017, 11:51)

I'll try my best to help as much as can at least a little: (IMG:[
Here.つかさあ バックれようと思ったのに面倒くさくね?
tsukasaa bakkure you to omotta no ni mendou kusaku ne?
Tsukasa, bakkure = (feigning ignorance Slang, evading one's responsibilities), mendoukusai (bothersome; tiresome; bother to do)
Not really sure how to piece that together but hopefully those words help you?
I already did word by word search so, no, it doesn't really help me for this one.
QUOTE(giftz @ Jan 12 2017, 11:51)

ryou ni kudaranee koto fukikomi yagatta na
Ryou(person's name not the word for volume i assume), kudaranai (stupid/trivial/worthless), things, from fukikomu(can mean "to inspire; to indoctrinate (means to teach or instruct someone)" i think in this case) from yagaru "verb suffix indicating hatred and contempt, or disdain for another's action"
Something like "You're teaching Ryou stupid shit aren't you" (?)
This one makes sense.
QUOTE(giftz @ Jan 12 2017, 11:51)

Here.松ちゃんとこの若いの なかなかやるねえ
matsu chan to kono wakai no nakanaka yaru nee
Matsu-chan and this young guy are pretty impressive, (huh). (?)
It doesn't really fit the conversation but maybe you're right.
QUOTE(giftz @ Jan 12 2017, 11:51)

Here.松っ わかってじゃん!
matsu wakatte jan!
Matsu you know don't you! (?)
Hm, it doesn't make sense to me/doesn't fit the conversation.
Thanks for trying anyway!