Random translation help |
Jan 4 2017, 17:11
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Need helpt to get the first part of the title Romanized: いっぱいいってね・勇者さま I know the "勇者さま" (Yuusha sama) part Just don't know about the "いっぱいいってね" part Is it "itsupaiitsutene" or "Ippai itte ne"? (got the latter part via Google translate)?
Jan 4 2017, 19:01
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QUOTE(sheep999 @ Jan 4 2017, 18:11)  Need helpt to get the first part of the title Romanized: いっぱいいってね・勇者さま I know the "勇者さま" (Yuusha sama) part Just don't know about the "いっぱいいってね" part Is it "itsupaiitsutene" or "Ippai itte ne"? (got the latter part via Google translate)?
Definitely the latter.
Jan 4 2017, 19:23
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Jan 4 2017, 21:01
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Any help translating this title? [ postimg.org] https://postimg.org/image/a9y9teohz/夜の顔は緩交少年~アキちゃんの一人仕事編 Is that 緩交 a made up word, maybe a pun with another word read as かんこう? (the possible reading if I'm not much mistaken) 夜の顔, according to what I read, it could mean having a night job, although it looks like it also means the side, behavior of someone at night. and about 一人仕事, dunno kinda confused since there are two characters who appear here beside アキちゃん lol
Jan 4 2017, 21:35
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QUOTE(bfrost @ Jan 4 2017, 19:23)  I think it's the 擬音語 for something like a spike, smash in tennis or volleyball [ sitetm.com] http://sitetm.com/blog/blog/2016/12/08/matsutomo/ctrl+f 打ち込む there if you want
Jan 4 2017, 21:58
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QUOTE(Vilis @ Dec 31 2016, 19:49)  (IMG:[ i.share.pho.to] http://i.share.pho.to/28fd4ada_o.png) (IMG:[ i.share.pho.to] http://i.share.pho.to/54fefd21_o.png) Can someone translate this SFX? QUOTE(JuliusWinnfield @ Jan 2 2017, 02:22)  First two are "Spurt"
No, they're not. They're "ヒュー", not "ピュー". Maybe some kind of wheezing sound. QUOTE(dullian @ Jan 4 2017, 20:01)  Any help translating this title? [ postimg.org] https://postimg.org/image/a9y9teohz/夜の顔は緩交少年~アキちゃんの一人仕事編 Is that 緩交 a made up word, maybe a pun with another word read as かんこう? (the possible reading if I'm not much mistaken) 夜の顔, according to what I read, it could mean having a night job, although it looks like it also means the side, behavior of someone at night. It's "援交", not "緩交". Should help. As for "夜の顔", I'm pretty sure your second interpretation's the right one. QUOTE and about 一人仕事, dunno kinda confused since there are two characters who appear here beside アキちゃん lol
Dunno. 一人仕事 sounds pretty clear to me, though I have no idea if it makes sense in the doujin. Maybe the other two characters don't appear during the same "job"? Maybe he was supposed to be alone at first, but then the other characters arrived?
Jan 5 2017, 08:34
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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 3 2017, 17:21)  Can someone tell what is meant by "人間の・・・しかも" Also she is referring to herself as 場末 (outskirt)? https://e-hentai.org/g/988156/51779a381c/can anyone figure it out? Also this line This post has been edited by N04h: Jan 5 2017, 08:49
Jan 5 2017, 11:00
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I believe "人間の…" is just a trailing off sentence and it could be read something like "Are you OK with this? A human's... On top of that, a virgin's first time taken by this loose pussy." or something like that, where 場末 would mean something like "really used", "not in prime condition", etc (I think "loose" is fine as slang for this).
Same with that next box, basically. "Nfu. My first human in a while... On top of that, a virgin, so I wanna get a good taste... I'll make you feel so much pleasure you'll never be able to get hard from anyone but me... I'll drill it into your body." or something like that.
Anyway, I came to ask a simple question:
How do people translate onii/onee(san)(chan)(sama) etc when used as an honorific:
[ a ] used by itself, when referring to someone who isn't actually a big brother and if you don't just transliterate it (leave it as onii-chan, for example), does your translation change depending on the intimacy of the relationship (e.g. a neighbour, a family friend, a complete stranger, etc)?
[ b ] used with a name, referring to an actual big brother. e.g. XXお兄ちゃん?
[ c ] used with a name, referring to someone who isn't actually a big brother (same as [ a ] but with name like in [ b ])?
I tend to just transliterate all honorifics but I don't know how much of a distraction that can be to a reader (it's never bothered me).
This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Jan 5 2017, 11:09
Jan 5 2017, 18:17
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QUOTE(dullian @ Jan 4 2017, 22:35)  I think it's the 擬音語 for something like a spike, smash in tennis or volleyball [ sitetm.com] http://sitetm.com/blog/blog/2016/12/08/matsutomo/ctrl+f 打ち込む there if you want Ah. Nice catch! Thanks a lot. pow or something. QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Jan 5 2017, 12:00)  I believe "人間の…" is just a trailing off sentence and it could be read something like "Are you OK with this? A human's... On top of that, a virgin's first time taken by this loose pussy." or something like that, where 場末 would mean something like "really used", "not in prime condition", etc (I think "loose" is fine as slang for this).
Same with that next box, basically. "Nfu. My first human in a while... On top of that, a virgin, so I wanna get a good taste... I'll make you feel so much pleasure you'll never be able to get hard from anyone but me... I'll drill it into your body." or something like that.
Anyway, I came to ask a simple question:
How do people translate onii/onee(san)(chan)(sama) etc when used as an honorific:
[ a ] used by itself, when referring to someone who isn't actually a big brother and if you don't just transliterate it (leave it as onii-chan, for example), does your translation change depending on the intimacy of the relationship (e.g. a neighbour, a family friend, a complete stranger, etc)?
[ b ] used with a name, referring to an actual big brother. e.g. XXお兄ちゃん?
[ c ] used with a name, referring to someone who isn't actually a big brother (same as [ a ] but with name like in [ b ])?
I tend to just transliterate all honorifics but I don't know how much of a distraction that can be to a reader (it's never bothered me).
I once used japanese honorifics but not anymore since they don't make sense in English. I now use mister, miss, bro, sis, dad, daddy, mom, mommy, boss, etc. and/or names of the character when known. But they don't bother me when reading a translation so I guess it's just up to you. Still, I'd say it's okay to use them when characters are close, with or without the name, but I wouldn't advice using them when people aren't close. Not sure I'm clear, not sure that's what you wanted to know though... This post has been edited by bfrost: Jan 5 2017, 20:55
Jan 5 2017, 23:36
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QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Jan 5 2017, 22:00)  I believe "人間の…" is just a trailing off sentence and it could be read something like "Are you OK with this? A human's... On top of that, a virgin's first time taken by this loose pussy." or something like that, where 場末 would mean something like "really used", "not in prime condition", etc (I think "loose" is fine as slang for this).
Same with that next box, basically. "Nfu. My first human in a while... On top of that, a virgin, so I wanna get a good taste... I'll make you feel so much pleasure you'll never be able to get hard from anyone but me... I'll drill it into your body." or something like that.
Thanks for the reply. 1. Strange word choice though (場末 ). Could be taken as reference to their location. 2. That's what I thought, but it can also be taken as- "Nfu. You're the first human in a while... On top of that, a virgin, so you should get a good taste [of your first time]... " This post has been edited by N04h: Jan 5 2017, 23:45
Jan 6 2017, 03:56
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I'm back! Probably coming at you with some navy jargon and Russian-isms. I'll probably have a few before i'm through here.
In this case, チェキスト、which sounds like Chekist, but that has little meaning for me (thought it was some kind of Soviet-era term for the Cheka, the precursor to the NKVD). Is that a slang term used for Russian sailors, does anyone know?
More Russian, this time ヴェールヌイ、veerunui? Which the protagonist seems to see as 信頼する、or "trust."
This post has been edited by Ogodei-Khan: Jan 6 2017, 04:21
Jan 6 2017, 04:37
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QUOTE(Ogodei-Khan @ Jan 6 2017, 14:56)  I'm back! Probably coming at you with some navy jargon and Russian-isms. I'll probably have a few before i'm through here.
In this case, チェキスト、which sounds like Chekist, but that has little meaning for me (thought it was some kind of Soviet-era term for the Cheka, the precursor to the NKVD). Is that a slang term used for Russian sailors, does anyone know?
More Russian, this time ヴェールヌイ、veerunui? Which the protagonist seems to see as 信頼する、or "trust."
チェキスト Chekist ヴェールヌイ Verniy
Jan 6 2017, 04:52
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Thank you sir. Crazy what other languages you have to learn sometimes :-P
Jan 6 2017, 07:08
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QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 6 2017, 08:36)  1. Strange word choice though (場末). Could be taken as reference to their location. I agree it's an odd choice of words, but it would be more awkward if describing the place with こんな場末の膣コキ. It seems more likely to me that it's describing the state of her pussy, especially given the dialogue at the end of that page. QUOTE(N04h @ Jan 6 2017, 08:36)  2. That's what I thought, but it can also be taken as- "Nfu. You're the first human in a while... On top of that, a virgin, so you should get a good taste [of your first time]... " I don't think it's directive, given the first part of the box. I think it's a connecting sentence. QUOTE(bfrost @ Jan 6 2017, 03:17)  Still, I'd say it's okay to use them when characters are close, with or without the name, but I wouldn't advice using them when people aren't close. Not sure I'm clear, not sure that's what you wanted to know though...
Yes, I am just trying to get an idea about how other people tend to approach お兄ちゃん/お兄さん in particular, since these don't really work well with any English words I can think of. For example, I read something recently that basically used おにいさん throughout the entire thing to describe a stranger. Which is fine. "Mister" or something could be used as a substitute for that and make sense, I guess. It's just that when it comes down to intimate acts and they're still using おにいさん, it starts reading a little awkward IMO if they're still using "mister" (the nuance of "mister" implies lack of intimacy, I think, but yeah, it's still probably the closest English equivalent - I just feel it loses the meaning of the original text). But mainly I was asking because yesterday I read something that used 良お兄ちゃん multiple times throughout to describe the older sister's boyfriend. I cannot think of a sensible way of translating that without either dropping お兄ちゃん entirely (which loses the affectionate nuance) or transliterating it (which just looks awkward - "Ryou-oniichan"). There's just no real English equivalent I can think of. As a side note, with no furigana or indication of the correct reading, should 良 just be "Ryou"? Is there a more common reading of that name?
Jan 6 2017, 09:10
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ゴプ and ドププ just signify a thick liquid sound like "glup" or "blup" or whatever floats your boat, really.
This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Jan 6 2017, 09:10
Jan 6 2017, 12:31
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The girl being fucked is like: "I'm all riled up now after watching you fuck these other two so if you don't make me cum properly now I won't get us dinner." The rest of the conversation on the page is below, I'm looking for help with the last phrase: Aah...! Ahhhhhhh. Here it is, here it is! A penisss. <3 <3 It’s going in and out with such force. Uwaa, what’s with this. Aren’t you being way more intense than when you fucked me earlier? ここぞとばかりにキメにきてるわねkokozo to bakari ni kime ni kiteru wa ne Looking it up it says: "at the critical moment; when it counts Usually written using kana alone, often used as ここぞというとき or ここぞとばかり" So is kime: "決めagreement; rule"? and it's basically saying: "He only does this when it counts." ? Thank you for the help! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Jan 6 2017, 20:39
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QUOTE(KirbyDances @ Jan 4 2017, 21:58)  No, they're not. They're "ヒュー", not "ピュー". Maybe some kind of wheezing sound.
It's "援交", not "緩交". Should help. As for "夜の顔", I'm pretty sure your second interpretation's the right one.
Dunno. 一人仕事 sounds pretty clear to me, though I have no idea if it makes sense in the doujin. Maybe the other two characters don't appear during the same "job"? Maybe he was supposed to be alone at first, but then the other characters arrived?
the 手 and 糸 radicals fucking with me again ちくしょう! lol xD Thanks! About this (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/8YvMf2F.png) what is おっぴ~んっ ? It was translated simple as "OK!" but I'd like a bit more info, like if it's a deformed/slurred word.
Jan 7 2017, 01:23
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Need help with どうしたらそれをお前に責めて喧嘩ができるんだ?p10 This post has been edited by N04h: Jan 7 2017, 01:24
Jan 7 2017, 10:16
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Hello, I need help to identify this name : 横園
I asked my friend, and he told me it's either Yokoen, or Yokosono. Is it true?
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