QUOTE(LOL50015 @ Dec 7 2016, 13:46)

Can anyone help with this song name?
[荒木 敬一郎] アンロック・モアヌ
[Araki Keiichirou] Unlock Moanu
(I don't know what Moanu's supposed to be, it's just what it ends up as transliterated)
QUOTE(qberg @ Dec 7 2016, 15:23)

Please help:
source for definitions:
https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=A...st&id=11330the first two:
gin, gin gin = 1) twitch or throb from tension. [Ref: Harem x Harem by Zukiki]. 2) to throb or
resound from pain or tension.
so, throb
the one on the shadow:
hita hita = 1) the sound of hitting water repeatedly; lapping (against, on, toward); the way water
surges forward, gradually drawing near. 2) adhering. 3) prompt, smooth, speedy, immediately,
quickly; hastily. 4) precisely, exactly, neatly, sharp, just. 5) steadily, gradually. 6) lightly
submerging something in water; pickling. [Ref: Rikai-chan (a browser tool) and Goo]. 7) waver,
shake, to come in waves. [Ref: Bête Obscene by Tenjiku Rounin].
(but here it's just one hita, so it's worth noting it comes from the verb hitaru, soak)
so, most likely soak / sink (but it could be some other action by the black shadow)