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> Random translation help

post Dec 5 2016, 16:51
Post #4121

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QUOTE(webdriver @ Dec 5 2016, 14:19) *

Need improvement for this translation, especially the fellatio part. this line comparing vagina and fellatio?

入り口を絞め つつ一旦中に入れば スムースに膣へと いざなう まったりマ○コフェラ だと。。。!
The entrance is so tight, but once your dick inside it will slip deeper smoothly. Just like a fellatio!thank you

The entrance is tight, but past that, it's a smooth ride to the womb! It's like some sort of pussy blowjob!
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post Dec 5 2016, 17:15
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Some more help needed:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/k3z9gTu.jpg)
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post Dec 5 2016, 17:24
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QUOTE(qberg @ Dec 5 2016, 22:15) *

Some more help needed:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/k3z9gTu.jpg)

the sound of moving table caused by his sudden act of standing and stump the table with his hand
*rattle, clatter,
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post Dec 5 2016, 17:25
Post #4124

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QUOTE(pundeiu @ Dec 5 2016, 21:51) *

The entrance is tight, but past that, it's a smooth ride to the womb! It's like some sort of pussy blowjob!

thx, blowjob didn't cross my mind until now
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post Dec 5 2016, 17:26
Post #4125

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post Dec 6 2016, 02:47
Post #4126

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Akatsuki Souken/Akatsuki Giken seems to use a lot of onomatopoeia in his speech, randomly. Stuff like "じーーー” i get pretty easily, but one that eludes me is "くねくね。”

any help is much appreciated.
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post Dec 6 2016, 09:16
Post #4127

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QUOTE(Ogodei-Khan @ Dec 5 2016, 19:47) *

Akatsuki Souken/Akatsuki Giken seems to use a lot of onomatopoeia in his speech, randomly. Stuff like "じーーー” i get pretty easily, but one that eludes me is "くねくね。”

any help is much appreciated.

*wiggle wiggle* ?

I typically check here for stuff like that that I'm not sure about.
[thejadednetwork.com] http://thejadednetwork.com/sfx/index/ku/6
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post Dec 6 2016, 10:37
Post #4128
Ser Maggot

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Hello again. Just wanted to have a quick check regarding this line:
好きな人の事で 相談がって言われて部室の裏でそのまま
He told me he wanted advice about the girl he liked and before long... (?)
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post Dec 6 2016, 17:37
Post #4129

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QUOTE(Ser Maggot @ Dec 6 2016, 09:37) *

Hello again. Just wanted to have a quick check regarding this line:
好きな人の事で 相談がって言われて部室の裏でそのまま
He told me he wanted advice about the girl he liked and before long... (?)

A part about where they are is missing, and I'd need context to judge the 'before long' part
overall i'm reading it as something like
and then, in the back of the club room, after telling me they wanted to consult with me about their crush...
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post Dec 6 2016, 18:01
Post #4130
Ser Maggot

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The girl is narrating her first sexual encounter. They're behind a baseball clubroom, where the boy confessed and they eventually had sex.

Next line after that is それが みんなに 見つかって.

For clarification, it's this page: https://e-hentai.org/s/26b041fbc0/922660-313

This post has been edited by Ser Maggot: Dec 6 2016, 18:05
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post Dec 6 2016, 18:33
Post #4131

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QUOTE(Ser Maggot @ Dec 6 2016, 17:01) *

The girl is narrating her first sexual encounter. They're behind a baseball clubroom, where the boy confessed and they eventually had sex.

Next line after that is それが みんなに 見つかって.

For clarification, it's this page: https://e-hentai.org/s/26b041fbc0/922660-313

It's not super easy to translate, since the action of the sentence is omitted, but it's better to make it explicit in english,; plus, the きっかけは from the previous page doesn't have a perfect brief english counterpart
all together it's something like this

it began like this
I was asked relationship advice, and before I knew it I was doing it in the back of the clubroom
That was then found out by everyone else

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post Dec 6 2016, 19:38
Post #4132
Ser Maggot

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Ah, I see. It's been a week since my translator was last online. I figured I should bring some of my questions to this thread.

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post Dec 7 2016, 01:52
Post #4133

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QUOTE(miceder @ Dec 6 2016, 02:16) *

*wiggle wiggle* ?

I typically check here for stuff like that that I'm not sure about.
[thejadednetwork.com] http://thejadednetwork.com/sfx/index/ku/6

Thanks. I know we have our own thread for slang and onomatopoeia that i've used in the past, but this site looks like a great tool too.
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post Dec 7 2016, 14:46
Post #4134
Usagi =

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Can anyone help with this song name?

[荒木 敬一郎] アンロック・モアヌ

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post Dec 7 2016, 16:23
Post #4135

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Please help:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/XHnnbVO.jpg)
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post Dec 7 2016, 19:28
Post #4136

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QUOTE(LOL50015 @ Dec 7 2016, 13:46) *

Can anyone help with this song name?

[荒木 敬一郎] アンロック・モアヌ

[Araki Keiichirou] Unlock Moanu
(I don't know what Moanu's supposed to be, it's just what it ends up as transliterated)

QUOTE(qberg @ Dec 7 2016, 15:23) *

Please help:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/XHnnbVO.jpg)

source for definitions: https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=A...st&id=11330

the first two:
gin, gin gin = 1) twitch or throb from tension. [Ref: Harem x Harem by Zukiki]. 2) to throb or
resound from pain or tension.

so, throb

the one on the shadow:
hita hita = 1) the sound of hitting water repeatedly; lapping (against, on, toward); the way water
surges forward, gradually drawing near. 2) adhering. 3) prompt, smooth, speedy, immediately,
quickly; hastily. 4) precisely, exactly, neatly, sharp, just. 5) steadily, gradually. 6) lightly
submerging something in water; pickling. [Ref: Rikai-chan (a browser tool) and Goo]. 7) waver,
shake, to come in waves. [Ref: Bête Obscene by Tenjiku Rounin].
(but here it's just one hita, so it's worth noting it comes from the verb hitaru, soak)

so, most likely soak / sink (but it could be some other action by the black shadow)
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post Dec 7 2016, 19:33
Post #4137

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Considering the shadow, may it be some kinds of a footsteps sound? It repeats on the next page like this:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/JrXMLmZ.jpg)
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post Dec 7 2016, 20:14
Post #4138

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QUOTE(qberg @ Dec 7 2016, 18:33) *

Considering the shadow, may it be some kinds of a footsteps sound? It repeats on the next page like this:
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/JrXMLmZ.jpg)

From context yeah, that would make the most sense

Trying to look why, I also found this definition, which is an expansion of the 5) from before:
steadily (advancing), gradually (approaching)

So, it's tecnically 'advance...', which doesn't really fit in english so 'step...' would be ok since the idea is basically the same: she's moving
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post Dec 7 2016, 20:27
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Thank you!
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post Dec 8 2016, 07:38
Post #4140
Usagi =

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QUOTE(pundeiu @ Dec 8 2016, 01:28) *

[Araki Keiichirou] Unlock Moanu
(I don't know what Moanu's supposed to be, it's just what it ends up as transliterated)

Thanks. I just figured out that its actually "Unlocked Moon"

At least that's the most plausible guess I have, considering this is an arrange of Flandre's theme
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