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Random translation help |
Nov 9 2016, 22:09
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QUOTE(benjiotaku @ Nov 9 2016, 02:48)  Hello!
I need help with a little translation of this text in japanese into Romaji and English:
QUOTE(JuliusWinnfield @ Nov 9 2016, 13:40)  But I'd never heard that you'd pee a little!
Chotto Oshikko Suru Nante Kiitenain dakedo
Probably more accurate, especially if ちょっと is on a separate line: "Hey, you never said [you/I/we]'d (have to ?) pee!"
Nov 10 2016, 12:10
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QUOTE(sensualaoi @ Nov 9 2016, 22:54)  How do I translate the red text? [ www.tiikoni.com] http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=bb43f15"Shi...Shinu...." Also this part: [ www.tiikoni.com] http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=7e5da1d"Konnna no shiranai....okashiku naru...." My guess is: "I didn't know it'd be like this....I'm gonna go crazy" You are on the right track I'd say; Shinu is literally I'll die, but in English one wouldn't really say that in that context, it would sound too literal. Something like 'I can't take this' could work. 'Oh no' is ok too, and so are 'this is too much', 'I can't do this' and the like... anything that expresses doubt in own capability to live through the experience unscathed. Shiranai is 'I don't know', but it can help searching for Japanese definitions to grasp exactly in what way; in this case I think the relevant definition is その物事について今まで聞いたことがないさま 'I never heard of something like this before' (from [ thesaurus.weblio.jp] here) So, 'This is new' roughly gets the idea across. 'I've never felt like this', to go a step further. Personally, for the full sentence I'd probably go with something like 'I've never felt anything like this... I think I'm going crazy'
Nov 10 2016, 13:19
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Oh yeah, Japanese like to say I'm gonna die when they feel a lot (happiness or otherwise.) I was overthinking it and trying to figure out if 知る or some other verb had a nu form, since the last page used 知らない。
Nov 11 2016, 05:10
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I'm having some trouble with そのままふんふん 言いながらいっちゃえ in page https://e-hentai.org/s/f74ff9bffd/977078-16Thanks for any help I translated the bubble as That's right, keep gasping like that. I say you're a good boy but this thing down here is being a bad boy ♥ While my translator translated this as While you're gasping like that, just let it all out ♥ This post has been edited by chung2795: Nov 11 2016, 05:57
Nov 11 2016, 10:15
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QUOTE(chung2795 @ Nov 11 2016, 04:10)  I'm having some trouble with そのままふんふん 言いながらいっちゃえ in page https://e-hentai.org/s/f74ff9bffd/977078-16Thanks for any help I translated the bubble as That's right, keep gasping like that. I say you're a good boy but this thing down here is being a bad boy ♥ While my translator translated this as While you're gasping like that, just let it all out ♥ Your translator 's version makes sense: ふんふん言いながら: while saying gasps -> while you are gasping イッっちゃえ: come completely -> let it all out そのまま: like that (i'm not sure if it goes with the gasp or come part)
Nov 11 2016, 10:26
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QUOTE(pundeiu @ Nov 11 2016, 16:15)  Your translator 's version makes sense: ふんふん言いながら: while saying gasps -> while you are gasping イッっちゃえ: come completely -> let it all out そのまま: like that (i'm not sure if it goes with the gasp or come part)
Okay thanks (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Nov 12 2016, 06:31
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Got another live one. This one feels like an idiom, possibly? Or a game reference (would be "Overlord.") 瞳待つ者 like, "eye hold person" or something. Context is that the person in question had a very weird dream, so does it have something to do with that? context: https://e-hentai.org/s/3fe2580924/899092-13Edit 2: Yeah, this is some sort of "third eye" future sight or dream-sight ability or something in the context of the verse. Still don't know how i should translate it exactly. This post has been edited by Ogodei-Khan: Nov 12 2016, 06:38
Nov 12 2016, 13:00
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QUOTE(Ogodei-Khan @ Nov 12 2016, 05:31)  Got another live one. This one feels like an idiom, possibly? Or a game reference (would be "Overlord.") 瞳待つ者 like, "eye hold person" or something. Context is that the person in question had a very weird dream, so does it have something to do with that? context: https://e-hentai.org/s/3fe2580924/899092-13Edit 2: Yeah, this is some sort of "third eye" future sight or dream-sight ability or something in the context of the verse. Still don't know how i should translate it exactly. If it's an idiom or reference I have no luck finding it with google, so I'd assume she's simply saying 'one that has the eye' meaning what you say: having the ability to have precognitive dreams. I'd go with 'seer'.
Nov 12 2016, 15:23
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Got a couple of bubbles that the translator missed, and he seem to have fallen off the face of earth so I can't really contact him  Can anyone confirm if these are correct? QUOTE Top: Geez... you perv...
Bottom: That's because... I wanted to see Ayanami onee-chan so bad...
Nov 12 2016, 17:02
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QUOTE(hzqr @ Nov 12 2016, 14:23)  Got a couple of bubbles that the translator missed, and he seem to have fallen off the face of earth so I can't really contact him  Can anyone confirm if these are correct? They correspond, yes.
Nov 12 2016, 17:29
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Cheers, much appreciated
Nov 13 2016, 04:01
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I want to make super sure of somethings on this page. My understanding is that: (1) She is the writer of the 戦これ books (2) He was acting as her assistant at her booth and a lot of people were buying from that booth (3) He also got some 戦これ books for himself Furthermore, the first panel of this page also suggests he is a mangaka as well? Am I mistaken about anything? This post has been edited by Crystalium: Nov 13 2016, 04:17
Nov 13 2016, 11:48
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QUOTE(Crystalium @ Nov 13 2016, 03:01)  I want to make super sure of somethings on this page. My understanding is that: (1) She is the writer of the 戦これ books (2) He was acting as her assistant at her booth and a lot of people were buying from that booth (3) He also got some 戦これ books for himself Furthermore, the first panel of this page also suggests he is a mangaka as well? Am I mistaken about anything? My understanding is that: - 3rd/4th bubbles: she asked one of her friends to come with her to the event (but her friend couldn't come, so she went with the guy), and since she bought a lot of Sen Colle books, so she really needed someone to help her carry them, - 5th bubble: he says Sen Colle's getting very popular, and that he plays it too, - 6th bubble: she plans to draw a Sen Colle book too in the future. And yeah, they're both doujin authors, from what I can tell.
Nov 16 2016, 10:10
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How do you guys translate ふひっ?
Nov 18 2016, 13:37
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QUOTE(JuliusWinnfield @ Nov 16 2016, 11:10)  How do you guys translate ふひっ?
Depends on the context, but it's often used as a stereotypically nerdy laugh. So maybe the appropriate way to localize it is thinking of the nerdiest short laugh that comes to mind. Or if you just want to translate it more literally, try "fhee!" This post has been edited by Blurk: Nov 18 2016, 13:38
Nov 23 2016, 21:31
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Looking to confirm a double meaning/translation on the block of text at the bottom-left of: For 幼い頃から揉まれて来たんだから, it leads up by mentioning that she was picked up as an orphan by the adventurer's guild. 幼い頃から揉まれて来たんだから would be "I have been trained since I was young" in that context, but 揉まれて could also be "massaged", which is the more common reading. Any recommendation for how best to translate it and somehow keep the double meaning?
Nov 24 2016, 11:38
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QUOTE(Szayedt @ Nov 23 2016, 20:31)  Looking to confirm a double meaning/translation on the block of text at the bottom-left of: For 幼い頃から揉まれて来たんだから, it leads up by mentioning that she was picked up as an orphan by the adventurer's guild. 幼い頃から揉まれて来たんだから would be "I have been trained since I was young" in that context, but 揉まれて could also be "massaged", which is the more common reading. Any recommendation for how best to translate it and somehow keep the double meaning? If the context was more comedic or there was a second reading furigana, I'd try to work out some pun (like, 'rearing' could evoke some double sense of that sort); But, here she sounds serious, boasting how she's prepared to handle this because of her training; the nature of what she's facing alteady suggests what kind of training it could have been, so I feel a simple vague mention of training would do the job (I 'd go with something around 'they trainedme well', just to emphasize it a bit)
Nov 24 2016, 16:22
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What would you guys translate えい to
as in the sound girls make
I'm having a lot of trouble with this
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