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> Random translation help

post Oct 16 2016, 13:20
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QUOTE(giftz @ Oct 16 2016, 11:02) *

For context:

At the beginning of this doujin about 2 shrine maidens working at a shrine it has a small panel with a line of visitors to the shrine pulling the rope and ringing the bell. It says these two lines kinda sloping from that panel into the next panel with the two shrine maidens in fairly big colored text. It's not the title, that's further down the page, but I guess it's the shrine visitors saying this?

春漫々 <3
オメデタ 総天然色 <3 <3

haru manman <3
omedeta sou tennenshoku <3 <3

In the first line is it like they're wishing for a long spring? (spring + vast/boundless)
Something about overall natural color?

So are they wishing for a long spring, with nice natural colors?

Appreciate any help! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Seems to me they are sentences outside of the story, like they do in manga magazines; those editorial comments of sorts, like "the return of *name of author!", or "*multi-part story topic*! The exciting continuation!".
With this in mind, in this case, I'm reading the second sentence as "Let's celebrate! A full color chapter!".
Or, if it's not a full color chapter, just, "Hurray! Full color page(s)!".
But I'm not sure about the first line... I'd guess it refers to a flavor of spring pervading the chapter, so something like "Brimming with spring!".
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post Oct 17 2016, 06:23
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Keep in mind that 春 also has a sexual nuance. See words like 春機, 思春期 and 売春 for example.
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post Oct 17 2016, 08:39
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QUOTE(pundeiu @ Oct 16 2016, 07:20) *

Seems to me they are sentences outside of the story, like they do in manga magazines; those editorial comments of sorts, like "the return of *name of author!", or "*multi-part story topic*! The exciting continuation!".
With this in mind, in this case, I'm reading the second sentence as "Let's celebrate! A full color chapter!".
Or, if it's not a full color chapter, just, "Hurray! Full color page(s)!".
But I'm not sure about the first line... I'd guess it refers to a flavor of spring pervading the chapter, so something like "Brimming with spring!".

Ahhh I see, thank you very much punedeiu and erc_. That makes a lot more sense.

And I think you were like spot on too. The thing is in full color, didn't realize adding that would help add context.

Well the artist's name is "ha-ru", it's even written that way exactly by himself in the title on the page, but maybe they're using the kanji haru to refer to him, idk? haru manman (vast; boundless). Not sure, lol. Thank you very much.
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post Oct 18 2016, 19:44
Post #3964

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Anybody know what あぢぃぃ means? Context is some guy is cooking in a restaurant and gonna bring her the food. I think it might mean "it's ready/i'll bring it to you"

Also パクリチョ does anybody know what it means...based on how I've seen it used it seems like it's the same as パクリ which means to open wide to eat something...but パクリチョ seems also vaguely more sexual. Anybody know anything about these two?
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post Oct 18 2016, 23:20
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QUOTE(JuliusWinnfield @ Oct 18 2016, 20:44) *

Anybody know what あぢぃぃ means? Context is some guy is cooking in a restaurant and gonna bring her the food. I think it might mean "it's ready/i'll bring it to you"

Also パクリチョ does anybody know what it means...based on how I've seen it used it seems like it's the same as パクリ which means to open wide to eat something...but パクリチョ seems also vaguely more sexual. Anybody know anything about these two?

The former is a slang form of 熱い, presumably referring to what he's holding. Not sure about the latter, it may require more context.
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post Oct 19 2016, 03:40
Post #3966

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QUOTE(CapableScoutMan @ Oct 19 2016, 06:20) *

The former is a slang form of 熱い, presumably referring to what he's holding. Not sure about the latter, it may require more context.

It's the subtitle for the doujin I'm translating which is a straight shota story: full subtitle is 「童貞ちんぽをパクリンチョ」
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post Oct 19 2016, 03:59
Post #3967

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Does anyone have any tips for translating moans and the like? I feel like they come out pretty weird when you do a direct transcription into english, like NNN or AUUU or HIGUU, but also that making everything into a AHHH would be pretty repetitive and possibly even worse.

Maybe I'm just weird and those AUUUs don't actually bother anybody.
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post Oct 19 2016, 10:33
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QUOTE(Diddy_ @ Oct 19 2016, 03:59) *

Does anyone have any tips for translating moans and the like? I feel like they come out pretty weird when you do a direct transcription into english, like NNN or AUUU or HIGUU, but also that making everything into a AHHH would be pretty repetitive and possibly even worse.

Maybe I'm just weird and those AUUUs don't actually bother anybody.

You're definitely not weird and I'd like to know too. I hope someone better qualified will give an answer, but in the meantime I'll at least share some options and thoughts.

- Anytime you see some ん, consider writing all or some of them as ms, rather than n. (or some similar guttural sounding letters)
Example: んんん -> mmmh. / Mmnh / Ghmnm/ Hmnn
- As shown above, adding some hs is ok.
Example: あううう -> Auuuh
- Dashes are probably not that used, but they are at least worth considering.
Example: ひぐうう -> Hi-guuuh
- Japanese can sometimes rely on vocals to convey pitch: い is high sounding, う low sounding for instance. In English capiTAL LETters are an option to consider.
Example: ひぐうう -> hGUuh
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post Oct 19 2016, 20:15
Post #3969
Super Shanko

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Just need a title...
[www.toranoana.jp] http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/article/...0030439715.html
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post Oct 19 2016, 22:27
Post #3970

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QUOTE(Super Shanko @ Oct 20 2016, 07:15) *

Dirty Pair no Daiinkei
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post Oct 19 2016, 22:27
Post #3971

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QUOTE(Super Shanko @ Oct 20 2016, 03:15) *

If the title is 「ダーティペアの大陰茎」 then the translation is literally "The Dirty Pair's Huge Penises" => In more natural English it might be, "The Dirty Couple's Huge Cocks."

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post Oct 19 2016, 22:30
Post #3972

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Wondering what these long lines down the whole speech bubble mean...usually you can see some hiragana but to me these are just looking like lines so I'm tempted to translate it as a screaming Ahhh or something

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/p3ld4CB.png)
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post Oct 19 2016, 23:04
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QUOTE(JuliusWinnfield @ Oct 19 2016, 16:30) *

Wondering what these long lines down the whole speech bubble mean...usually you can see some hiragana but to me these are just looking like lines so I'm tempted to translate it as a screaming Ahhh or something

Yeah, those are just lines. With nothing written, it's probably a silent shout or something (not verbally saying anything, but showing excitement). Still, since nothing's written, there's no need for a translation; just leave it as it is.
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post Oct 20 2016, 00:48
Post #3974

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QUOTE(JuliusWinnfield @ Oct 20 2016, 09:27) *

If the title is 「ダーティペアの大陰茎」 then the translation is literally "The Dirty Pair's Huge Penises" => In more natural English it might be, "The Dirty Couple's Huge Cocks."

It's a parody of an anime called Dirty Pair.

"The Dirty Pair's Huge Cocks"

Is better
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post Oct 20 2016, 00:58
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QUOTE(JuliusWinnfield @ Oct 19 2016, 23:30) *

Wondering what these long lines down the whole speech bubble mean...usually you can see some hiragana but to me these are just looking like lines so I'm tempted to translate it as a screaming Ahhh or something

I usually translate that as "...!!" or something.
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post Oct 20 2016, 23:14
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Need a title on this; got it translated but didn't get the title in English:

[s12.postimg.org] https://s12.postimg.org/npgp4wx6j/P131.jpg
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post Oct 21 2016, 06:40
Post #3977

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QUOTE(Shakezoola @ Oct 21 2016, 06:14) *

Need a title on this; got it translated but didn't get the title in English:

[s12.postimg.org] https://s12.postimg.org/npgp4wx6j/P131.jpg

Here ya go:

Outrageous Molester Elementary Schoolgirls:
For the Series Finale, a Loli Pussy Attack
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post Oct 21 2016, 15:08
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Thanks for that
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post Oct 23 2016, 00:06
Post #3979

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Is there a joke between atode and ushiro on this page?
If so, is there a way to convey it?
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post Oct 23 2016, 01:00
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QUOTE(bfrost @ Oct 23 2016, 01:06) *

Is there a joke between atode and ushiro on this page?
If so, is there a way to convey it?

She says 後 as in later or afterwards, but it can also mean "behind" so he takes her from behind. Puns like that are pretty hard to localize in English. Maybe a pun between "but" and "butt"?
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