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post Mar 14 2023, 09:44
Post #51081

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QUOTE(Noni @ Mar 14 2023, 18:03) *

Welcome to the forum! Did you know that really old stuff can be valuable? Obsolete equipment and trophies can be valuable to collectors

yeah i found out i got a few unique bits and pieces that i'll probably hold onto till i figure out what to do with them. I'm looking to donate some of my unused gear soon once i sort stuff out too.
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post Mar 16 2023, 05:38
Post #51082

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QUOTE(EromancerX @ Mar 8 2023, 11:17) *

Toooo mush EXP for leveling up...
such a long way to go

btw 2H really needs something to offset its inablility of keeping spirit stance

2H and niten with higher uptime on spirit stance would be nice, but unlikely to happen any time soon (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif)
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post Mar 17 2023, 14:18
Post #51083

Swimsuit Girl
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Suddenly, my Private Messages limit has increased to 4x what it was before. No longer will I have to keep deleting valuable messages and live on the brink of a 98%~99% full inbox.

I don't see anything about this on the News site or the forum? Did we perhaps get other upgrades too? Maybe I can make bigger head now so everyone can see my swimsuit body and that my picture isn't a boy?

QUOTE(Pretty anon @ regular vtubers are all guys using voice changers) *
I used the elevenlabs thingy...I would still recommend you a voice changer by all means, if nothing else for privacy.

So it was basically a more intelligent synthesized voice reading script, I see. I tried out that site and when I made it speak myself, it didn't have any of the minor audio quality issues that your recording did. Thus, it would not be identifiable as some voice changers are, due to audio quality degradation.

I guess weaknesses of elevenlabs are: 1) they want you to pay money 2) the more complex AI needs a longer sentence to think about in order to work properly, and it's still not absolutely guaranteed to speak well 3) there is a super long delay to synthesize speech at least on the website version, which would make it not worth it to use on streams in my opinion.

In any case, I do see a lot of the "regular" vtubers that I interact with, use basic speech synthesis for all the chatters. It's common when you have a small youtube channel that won't flood with crap from thousands of chatters.

Another common thing is to use an automatic speech recognition program on your own speech, then generate subtitles in Japanese (for yourself) then machine translate to English (for overseas viewers). Most of the commonly available programs for this suck, though. The last time a vtuber tried to use this for me, he immediately started saying "this program sucks, it's totally meaningless, can't translate a single thing correctly" and he was right. I think it might have been his voice though, because I saw other similar vtubers use that same thing and it was coherent at least once in a great while. He was using an incredibly strange voice changer to a girl, that I've not heard anyone else use, but still sounds like a guy.

Hmm, seems the other big aspect of this elevenlabs thingie is that it's supposed to be a quickly trainable AI that can copy other people's voices, both the sound of the voice and the way they speak.

So if you could automatically transcribe your spoken words into text, you could have elevenlabs spit out some out anime girl's voice. But my guess is that it would have a huge delay for this which would make it not useable in realtime applications. There would be a delay both in the process of transcribing speech to text, then another huge delay to transcribe multiple full sentences back to proper speech.

Just use a voice changer. The "good" ones that I've heard don't have any audio quality issues. They are only identifiable because these ones tend to be commonly heard bank voices (which sound almost exactly the same independent of how different the input voice is) but eventually there will be so many bank voices you won't be able to identify them that way anymore.

But if I used a voice changer then I'd be not much different from all the other thousands of Japanese guys using girl voice changers. My natural voice is rare and probably worth using. My biggest problem might be how to prepare people beforehand so they don't go nuts if they realize at some point they misidentified what I was. Maybe I can prefix my name "Simp Crusher Splash" for those occasional times I might ruin people's lives.
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post Mar 17 2023, 14:32
Post #51084

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It was mentioned briefly on IRC the other day that it'd be increased, could you confirm your current PM limit please, if you don't mind? I'm assuming 1000? (Or if anyone else with enough donations for a star but less than gold could confirm, I'd appreciate)

I've updated the wiki with the information I have, that being:

Lurkers/Recruits: 50
Members: 1,000
Gold Star: 5,000
Catgirl: 10,000
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post Mar 17 2023, 22:47
Post #51085

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QUOTE(Shank @ Mar 17 2023, 20:32) *

It was mentioned briefly on IRC the other day that it'd be increased, could you confirm your current PM limit please, if you don't mind? I'm assuming 1000? (Or if anyone else with enough donations for a star but less than gold could confirm, I'd appreciate)

I've updated the wiki with the information I have, that being:

Lurkers/Recruits: 50
Members: 1,000
Gold Star: 5,000
Catgirl: 10,000

I've got a bronze star and 1000 limit

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/phXwUNB.png)
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post Mar 17 2023, 22:48
Post #51086

Swimsuit Girl
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You have 245 messages out of 1000 maximum storable messages

It'd be even nicer if bronze/silver star increased the message limit further some. But 1000 should be good for me for a long time, maybe forever since I no longer play often.

All the messages I had to delete in years past are still going to be deleted unfortunately.
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post Mar 17 2023, 23:02
Post #51087

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There is an Archive Messages function.
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post Mar 17 2023, 23:09
Post #51088

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QUOTE(Byza @ Mar 17 2023, 20:47) *

I've got a bronze star and 1000 limit

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/phXwUNB.png)

QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Mar 17 2023, 20:48) *

You have 245 messages out of 1000 maximum storable messages

Ta for that, all should be updated properly then

QUOTE(Necromusume @ Mar 17 2023, 21:02) *

There is an Archive Messages function.

Yeh, it's not particularly great, but it is there. It gets messy with quotes, at least with the html file. I haven't really used the csv option.
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post Mar 21 2023, 07:46
Post #51089
Pretty anon

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Shade Fragment @ 9k per piece

Woah, they used to cost less than 1500c (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) Inflation be crazy.
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post Mar 21 2023, 09:10
Post #51090

Swimsuit Girl
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Hmm looks like heavy materials are inflated slightly from I last remember (though still a lot lower than the longtime prices).

By the way, have you guys voted in my voice gender poll? I probably shouldn't subject myself to crucification, but for now this was a pretty good test. (Search carefully and my real voice might be in there until I'm sane enough to remove it. I just bought my first PC microphone for cheap).

There is also some [voicegender.herokuapp.com] questionable AI for detecting voice gender, but it pretty much returned what I already suspect with my own voice. Usually it is pretty sure I'm a guy but a lot of that comes from my speech inflection rather than my voice tone, which alone pushes its lower limit of becoming female.

Aside from that its spectral analysis is kind of useful. Any real spectrum analyzer will give more detail, but at least this AI directly tells you the frequencies it thinks you are talking at. I tried doing the same puke test as the hololive girls and come back at exactly the same low frequency deep voice limit (about Aâ™­2 or 100 Hz) as the gorilla girl, so my natural voice isn't fake/gay right? If I talk just slightly higher than normal, I might almost become a real girl.
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post Mar 22 2023, 09:57
Post #51091
Pretty anon

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Attached Image

Why now, just let me finish dude. Always appearing at the most annoying moments like the very next turn after using an elixir or just before fleeing and such.
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post Mar 25 2023, 10:41
Post #51092

Hataraku Noni-sama
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UPDATE IN PERSISTENT: https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?s=&am...t&p=6277493

Energy Drinks are now given to Gold Star donators and catgirls, and can't be found in battle.

Candies are tradable on market, ED's are tradable on market - but not in Moogle Mail

Precursor Artifacts are now, well, kinda useless when you have the full +50 stats.... but for new players, chance of getting stat + is increased I guess
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post Mar 25 2023, 11:02
Post #51093

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It is really funny timing considering i am currently winning auction for 500 precursor artifacts with 9 mil bid (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/anime_cry.gif)

This post has been edited by ranpers35: Mar 25 2023, 11:02
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post Mar 25 2023, 11:40
Post #51094

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I shouldn't hoarded items, but anyway, my next goal is too far to reach, so what difference (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Mar 25 2023, 13:05
Post #51095

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QUOTE(Noni @ Mar 25 2023, 11:41) *

UPDATE IN PERSISTENT: https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?s=&am...t&p=6277493

Energy Drinks are now given to Gold Star donators and catgirls, and can't be found in battle.

Candies are tradable on market, ED's are tradable on market - but not in Moogle Mail

Precursor Artifacts are now, well, kinda useless when you have the full +50 stats.... but for new players, chance of getting stat + is increased I guess

According to new in game description the bonus stats are capped to 1/10 of your lvl so they are even worse
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post Mar 25 2023, 13:33
Post #51096
Sad Penguin

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QUOTE(ranpers35 @ Mar 25 2023, 09:02) *

It is really funny timing considering i am currently winning auction for 500 precursor artifacts with 9 mil bid (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/anime_cry.gif)

Guess you can cancel the order, given that PA no longer link with ED, and mat01 ED cannot sent by MM. Probably the auctioned items will be suspended this time.
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post Mar 25 2023, 15:38
Post #51097

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Do you guys think this change makes energy drinks more or less expensive? I sold like 600 energy drinks a few weeks ago when getting +50 stats (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Also im glad i only spent 2m on Archaeologist to lvl.6

This post has been edited by -terry-: Mar 25 2023, 15:42
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post Mar 25 2023, 15:43
Post #51098

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(-terry- @ Mar 25 2023, 14:38) *

Do you guys think this make energy drinks more or less expensive? I sold like 600 energy drinks a few weeks ago when getting +50 stats (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Also im glad i only spent 2m on Archaeologist to lvl.6

more expensive, I think. But it could also lead to an exit of many high grinders, and then it'll settle back or even drop. We'll see. But for now, I'm not selling untill I see some the first movement on the market
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post Mar 25 2023, 18:57
Post #51099

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So sad, that I never hoarded Energy Drinks (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

Thats a really huge impact on the game

I think that will also raise the price of the Goldstar, but at the same time will it be more difficult to gain money for people who want to get their first Goldstar, with loosing this income source

This post has been edited by Fap.Fap: Mar 25 2023, 19:03
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post Mar 25 2023, 19:31
Post #51100

MagNet Magnate
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QUOTE(ranpers35 @ Mar 25 2023, 11:05) *

According to new in game description the bonus stats are capped to 1/10 of your lvl so they are even worse

It's always been that way though
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