You'd need to think of some better ideas than modern monetary theory, tax free multinational corporations. There's also the death cult on the left and the right.
edit: Shit is getting real, US army cancelled all of its woke ads and put out a proper army recruitment ad. They also cancelled several drag events and woke policies for abortion and free transitioning. All straight white men in the army ad, Biden is planning for war.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Nov 10 2023, 23:21
Social media is pure cancer. Both for mind, and soul. Porn, same. Eso, just.. Turn da nonsense, and Sugar, off? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Social media is pure cancer. Both for mind, and soul. Porn, same. Eso, just.. Turn da nonsense, and Sugar, off? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
There is such a thing as Medical Ethics..?? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif) An Hippocratic oath, you know... Physicians have duties, toward patients, responsibilities and obligations! In Diagnosing and Treating the Patient.. Abandonment of one's duty is also, a thing!
I'm just eating popcorn as lefties try to convince themselves that they aren't calling for killing all the jews. Its literally in the hamas charter and their publications.
What? Spending your teenage years masturbating to The Watchtower magazine?
Is that why The Watchtower goes into autistic detail on adultery, fornication and prostitution, with translations from hebrew and greek for good measure.
Also is it based that they claim no fault divorce is worse than homosexuality and bestiality?
"If your wife gets a no fault divorce and then remarries shall she forever be known as a ho' - Watchtower 2021
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Nov 14 2023, 06:14