Wow, that looks lazy and awful. Fuck your boy, Brandon, and his titless Ayane looking ass, with his gimped arm, misproportioned thighs and clubbed foot.
The TDS sufferer killed an immigrant whamen WITH A GUN WTFBBQ??
How will democrats explain this.
You know, a few weeks ago i was watching animal attack videos on jewtube and found out Harambe dragged a kid around, dicks out for Harambe wasn't so funny after that.
This post has been edited by Pillowgirl: Oct 22 2021, 13:54
Explain what? Media doesn't report on things that go against the agenda. Biden's administration directly informs reports of their correct think reports. Most people don't even know that Hunter Biden was accepting bribes directly into Joe Biden's bank account.
QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Oct 22 2021, 01:51)
You know, a few weeks ago i was watching animal attack videos on jewtube and found out Harambe dragged a kid around, dicks out for Harambe wasn't so funny after that.
Kid was an asshole, RIP Harambe.
Humans were retarded and screaming at the gorilla.
Well on topic; Here is Robin Williams explaining the problem with Brandon
Wow, that looks lazy and awful. Fuck your boy, Brandon, and his titless Ayane looking ass, with his gimped arm, misproportioned thighs and clubbed foot.
I'll be honest, I had no Idea who Brandom was until someone made the connection hours later in this very same thread. I just wanted to post anime slutz.