Feature Update: Revamped gallery listings, tag watching/flagging/hiding, etc, No major updates in 462 0 days |
Mar 19 2019, 13:25
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QUOTE(Vexxille @ Mar 19 2019, 06:22)  Tenboro, would you please make the flagged tags to show up in search mode just like in the previous layout? At least small colored icons will be enough.
They do as long as you're not in minimal mode, but it looks like you're going to have to re-build your flagged tags.
Mar 19 2019, 13:25
Group: Lurkers
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Thumbnail mode is pretty bad. Titles should be on top, the category tags are huge, and it doesn't show number of files.
Mar 19 2019, 13:25
Group: Gold Star Club
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This has already been said in the thread, but I think it would be nice to have:
- Titles above the thumbnail instead of below - Gallery page count visible in thumbnail view - A way to make the category button smaller
As it is now it feels like a lot of space is wasted, especially with the category button being so oversized when the small button it used to be worked perfectly well. It's also annoying to have to scroll past the thumbnail to see the title.
Mar 19 2019, 13:25
Bay K.W. Arde
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For some reason I lost some access to the gallery I saw yesterday, I check my favorite for a gallery a couple years back which i check too yesterday and now its gone.
Why? Is it hidden by default?
Mar 19 2019, 13:29
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After the update hits, there are tags that when I search will return more results (example: page 1 of 16 results) than what I can see (like 7 results). Is that a bug or something else?
Mar 19 2019, 13:33

QUOTE(rcombs @ Mar 19 2019, 12:22)  I'm on macOS. Looks like you're checking c.ctrlKey||c.shiftKey; you probably just need to add ||c.metaKey (since that's what's used to open a link in a new tab on mac).
Yeah, that's a trivial fix, shouldn't be an issue for long.
Mar 19 2019, 13:34
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Yeah. The category "button" is way too bulky and colorful. By design, it draws way too much from the thumbnails and/or titles.
Can we have some minimalism, please?
I suggest a more subdued color palette for the categories and to make them smaller.
At the very least, the make the colors solid instead of this "shadow" effect. Just add black outlines to the text. It really is too distracting
This post has been edited by Hive-san: Mar 19 2019, 13:45
Mar 19 2019, 13:36
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Ctrl-clicking a gallery still opens it in a new tab but middle click now opens it in the current tab :/
Mar 19 2019, 13:37
Group: Lurkers
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It's genuinely funny to see titles not aligning when the thumbnail is landscape. Please fix this or just keep the title on top. The latter is preferable.
Mar 19 2019, 13:38

QUOTE(TheEden @ Mar 19 2019, 12:24)  - Any chance we get to buy more Tagsets with Hath perks?
Probably not, at least not on the short term. There is a non-insignificant cost in having large tag sets, and I have to get some performance data on the current limits before doing anything else. QUOTE(TheEden @ Mar 19 2019, 12:24)  - Any chance we get to sort the tags added into a tagset via color/name or other parameters? The current sorting looks kinda random
It's sorted by namespace and tagname.
Mar 19 2019, 13:38
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Just wanted to give another input. QUOTE(Tenboro @ Mar 19 2019, 08:10)  The thumbnails were changed to use the same size as the gallery page, among other things for load speed reasons. But if someone wants to take a crack at a better thumbnail-mode display, I would accept mock-up suggestions, as I was never entirely happy with it.
The old design was pretty much perfect by showing all info where it had to be, modernize it a bit by getting rid of the rounded edge boxes around everything and I assume you should be able to get something more satisfying. Doing away with that specific grid function which requires a modern web browser and heavily limits functionality for a specific group of users would be nice too.
Mar 19 2019, 13:38
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Adding my voice to say there's something wrong with the way information is displayed in thumbnail mode:
- The title should be above, it's a more relevant information than category and user rating to identify content - the category button really doesn't need to be that big and eye-catching, especially in thumbnail mode where 99% of the time a look at the thumbnail will already tell you what category it falls under - Page count isn't displayed which is a shame because it lets you at a glance differentiate between samples, complete book and compilation for doujin or individual chapters and full volumes for manga for instance
Mar 19 2019, 13:39
Group: Gold Star Club
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Where i can find my old tags? I want to move it to new settings, but dont see them anywhere.
Mar 19 2019, 13:39
Group: Lurkers
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I can no longer open pages in a new tab with safari. Holding down on the links does not bring up the menu anymore.
Also, the new indicator is no longer there.
Mar 19 2019, 13:43
Group: Gold Star Club
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UI is OK,but I prefer the old one...
And asia IP got banned ... again. Even GoldStar Member got IP Banned! Seriously??? But this reply probably will be ignored. Sigh...
Mar 19 2019, 13:44
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QUOTE(rcombs @ Mar 19 2019, 19:25)  They do as long as you're not in minimal mode, but it looks like you're going to have to re-build your flagged tags. Thanks for pointing that out, I've just rebuilt my flagged tag list. I forgot to specify it in my previous post: TenB, Please make the flagged tags appear on minimal mode, just like in the previous layout. Also, I noticed that in a certain gallery, only one out of many flagged tags is displayed in the compact layout. For example, I flagged bdsm and torture and yet those do not appear. This post has been edited by Vexxille: Mar 19 2019, 13:53
Mar 19 2019, 13:49
Group: Lurkers
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I like the idea for this new look, since it gives you more information on a gallery upfront. That said, the compact skin still feels like it takes up too much space. You could probably shrink the font sizes for the gallery titles and tags a bit and that would fix the issue.
The gallery type buttons are also weirdly huge feeling now, but I think they'd shrink in compact mode with smaller font sizes, right? That would take care of my only problem.
Mar 19 2019, 13:49
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One more item - it seems it's much harder (shading issue) to see which namespaces are active. I generally limit my view to 2-3 (dojins, artistcg, gamecg, maybe western) and before it was easy to see which are toggled on. Now it's much more difficult, as instead of dark shade for off, it's a very light dark shade...
Mar 19 2019, 13:49
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QUOTE(hzqr @ Mar 19 2019, 11:35)  I think I understand why the titles have been moved to below the thumbnail in thumbnail mode, but I still feel like having them above the thumbnail would work better. Maybe add a flag in the future to move them back to the top and have them be fixed height somehow (hidden overflow, have them overflow onto the thumbnail, etc.)? PoC: (using mostly [ pastebin.com] flexboxes) (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/FiGjDs4.png)
Mar 19 2019, 13:52
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Page load is a mess, but my friends like it
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