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> Feature Update: Revamped gallery listings, tag watching/flagging/hiding, etc, No major updates in 462 0 days

post Mar 19 2019, 11:42
Post #1


Revamped gallery list modes

A new gallery listing system has been implemented, which is used everywhere galleries are listed in some way. It has 4 display modes, which can be switched between at any time:

Minimal - Similar to the old List Mode. Tags and page count are not shown, but tag-based filtering still works.
Compact - Default. New taller list style, which adds room and support for showing flagged tags. This also pulls a selection of non-flagged tags until the row is full. (Toplists will always use this mode.)
Extended - Shows the thumbnail and all gallery information and tags.
Thumbnail - Similar to the old Thumbnail Mode.

The "new" and "expunged" icons were removed. Instead, new uploads since your last visit are now indicated by bolding the published time, while expunged galleries are indicated by a strike-through.

Favorites are now indicated with a colored border and background around the published time. This can now be clicked even if it is not currently favorited, meaning that you can now add new favorites without going to the gallery page.

The timestamps used for last visit displays are now stored with your session rather than in a cookie; the front/search page and watched page are tracked separately.

It now uses the larger cover thumbnails that have been used on the gallery page for some time. Scaling behavior for smaller screens has also been significantly improved for gallery list views as well as the navbar.

Note that this requires fairly modern browser support. Older browsers (including all versions of IE) will not work at all and will not be supported. Upgrade if you are having display issues.

Tag flagging and watching

A new system for flagging, watching and filtering galleries based on tags has been added. This is available for everyone, and replaces the old limited tag flagging functionality and associated perk, which will eventually be refunded. The new system is universal and works everywhere galleries are listed, including on the toplists and in favorites.

You can manage your watched and flagged tags from My Tags. This interface allows you to create and name tagsets, set colors per tag and/or tagset, mark tags as watched or hidden, set weights (importance) per tag, as well as delete and move tags between tagsets.

Changing the default weight is optional, but this can be used to set the importance of a tag to a number between -99 and 99, where negative numbers are considered "bad" and positive numbers are considered "good"; this is used for soft tag filtering and watching thresholds, which are described further below. The order flagged tags are shown also depends on the (absolute) weight.

Gold stars and above can have up to 10 sets of watched/flagged tags with up to 100 tags per set. Everyone else can have one set of up to 100 tags.

Soft and hard gallery tag filters

Galleries can now be filtered based on tags in two separate ways by adding the tag to My Tags.

Hard filtering is enabled by toggling the "hidden" checkbox. Galleries with these tags are filtered regardless of the presense of other tags.

Soft filtering is enabled by setting a negative "weight" (importance) for a tag. If the sum of weights of tags that appear in the gallery is less than a threshold that can be set under My Settings (defaults to 0), the gallery is filtered.

Filtered tags will not show up on the front page, in search results, on the popular page, or on the watched page. Filters are always off on the toplist and favorite pages.

Tag filters can be temporarily disabled with the advanced search "Disable default filters for tags" checkbox. This turns off both the hard and soft filters.

The Watched Tags Screen

Tag watching works similar to favorites, except that the list is automatically populated with recently uploaded galleries based on a list of tags you specify. Galleries with watched tags will show up on the new Watched page.

Language/uploader filtering and all the normal search functionality is available for use with watched tags, except for file search, which would have limited utility anyway.

Unlike normal searches, searches in watched tags support using only negative search terms.

By default, a recently uploaded gallery will show up on the watched screen if at least one of its tags are marked as watched, and the total weight of its watched tags sum up to 0 or more. The default tag filtering is also applied, which can be temporarily disabled with the "Disable default filters for tags" checkbox.

You can optionally change the weight threshold mentioned above from My Settings. This allows you to have "weakly watched" tags where you need more than one matching tag to have it show up.

The watched weight threshold only includes tags marked as watched, which means that having watched tags with a negative weight makes sense if you want to be even more advanced - these tags will never by themselves make a gallery show up on the watched page, but they will detract from the watched score of other tags. Note however that this would also contribute towards soft tag filtering in general.

For gold stars and above, watched tags cover galleries from the last ~30 days. For everyone else, watched tags cover galleries from the last ~7 days.

The Recently Popular Screen

The old recently posted popular galleries display previously found at the bottom of the front page is now a separate page, can use all the new display modes, and applies all the different types of filtering.

It will now show up to 50 galleries posted in the last 24 hours that are currently popular, sorted by traffic in the last minute. Depending on the severity of your filters, fewer results may be displayed.

Search engine changes

The search engine has been rewritten to allow for graceful second-stage filtering, primarily to enable the tag filtering functionality. The system will show how many results were filtered from a particular page of results.

Note that when second-stage filtering is applied, result "pages" are somewhat ambiguous. Going to the next "page" in a result set will start from the next gallery as expected, but if you jump around between "pages" non-sequentially, you may see results at the end of a "page" appearing at the start of the next one.

- Added a page count filter.

- Galleries that are expunged or replaced also no longer have to wait for an index sweep to disappear from search listings. Note that these are silently filtered and are not included in the "filtered" count.

- Upload and rating filtering are now second-stage filters, and will be included in the "filtered" count.

- Exclusion searches will no longer exclude tags that are the master of matching slave tags to prevent unwanted exclusions in some cases.

- Search URL logic has been reworked and the resulting URLs are now much shorter. Note that while this was done in a mostly backwards-compatible way, and old links will still work fine for the most part, the behavior may be different for some types of search URLs that were not generated by the site (like, say, if only some of the category arguments were provided).

Other changes

- The old "glassy" category buttons were replaced with a set of CSS buttons inspired by a theme from LadyChocolatine, mostly to allow for different sized buttons.

- Gold stars and above can now have up to 1000 excluded uploaders. The current and max number of exclusions are now also displayed.

- Various functionality that still used an older pseudo-session system was integrated into the new one.

- If a gallery rename only differs from the current name with whitespace characters, it will now count as a trivial rename and will not grant the base rename toplist points for the petition starter. (This only applies for petitions started from now on. It will still grant the single vote point for both the starter and other voters.)

- Tool tag stats are now broken down into an approximate lower bound for strong (10+ power) and weak/downvoted tags for Visible, Expunged and Unlisted galleries, reflecting changes in the internal tag statistics gathering. (Some pages only show strong index counts, for readability reasons.)

- Minor layout changes to the Donation page to split the large tl;dr at the top and make room for bech32/cashaddr addresses.

- Minor improvements to H@H quality calculations.

- Max number of favorites has been re-capped to 100000 for performance reasons. While there were a number of performance improvements made, this is about the point where it still starts to struggle.

- Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallet addresses will soon default to using the cashaddr format. If you have an old wallet that does not support it yet, you can use [cashaddr.bitcoincash.org] this tool to convert the new wallet address to the old format.

Note that while this update has been in closed beta for about a week, there are almost certainly lurking issues due to the sheer magnitude of new/changed code. Please report any issues in this thread.
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post Mar 19 2019, 11:46
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Change the layout back!

Edit: Eh, minimal looks fine.

This post has been edited by Gogetters: Mar 19 2019, 11:52
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post Mar 19 2019, 11:49
Post #3

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Found an issue with the front page settings.

When trying to change the display options to minimal, it changes to the compact option instead. Compact, extended and thumbnail options are working as intended though. Just not minimal.
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post Mar 19 2019, 11:50
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It would be better if ratings would still be present in minimal mode.
Nevermind, they are.

This post has been edited by KISLEEY: Mar 19 2019, 11:51
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post Mar 19 2019, 11:54
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Why are the thumbnails even bigger now? They are way too big, as are the category buttons above each thumbnail.
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post Mar 19 2019, 11:55
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Cool new features, but can we get the old """glassy""" category buttons back?
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:00
Post #7


QUOTE(DonkeyFace @ Mar 19 2019, 10:49) *

Found an issue with the front page settings.

When trying to change the display options to minimal, it changes to the compact option instead. Compact, extended and thumbnail options are working as intended though. Just not minimal.

On the settings screen you mean? Corrected.
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:03
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QUOTE(aurst @ Mar 19 2019, 05:54) *

Why are the thumbnails even bigger now? They are way too big, as are the category buttons above each thumbnail.

I agree with this.
I feel like i'm on a colorful touchscreen or something.
Wayyyyy too bulky. Something like 75% of the size is about right.
The giant category tags is just bleh. And distracts from what's more important , The titles.

Not sure on the reason for separating the popular section from the bottom. I'm not going to go out of my way to see the new page , and it was interesting to see what others were browsing. But can live with that part.

This post has been edited by MaskedFrog: Mar 19 2019, 12:05
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:06
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On tablet before,

the old layout on thumbnail view for checking galleries had 4 columns and 3 rows before before I even scrolldown.

Now, its just the first gallery and half of the 2nd gallery, Then I have to scrolldown the entire thing


[puu.sh] https://puu.sh/D2byt/4a779990cf.jpg

This is how it looks on my tablet right now. You can just imagine how much scrolling down this is.

This post has been edited by noa-noa: Mar 19 2019, 12:18
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:08
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Personal thoughts (fully aware that I'm almost always critical about website layout changes)

In thumbnail mode the title seems to be far too subdued compared to the less important metadata (category/rating). The category button is too big for something that is common to many items on the page whereas the title is a unique descriptor and should be more prominent. Number of files/pictures is also missing now -- would be good to get this back too
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:10
Post #11


The thumbnails were changed to use the same size as the gallery page, among other things for load speed reasons. But if someone wants to take a crack at a better thumbnail-mode display, I would accept mock-up suggestions, as I was never entirely happy with it.
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:11
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Now that popular now has its own page, is there a way to keep that as thumbnail view but keep the front page minimal without having to manually switch every time I browse/refresh the pages?

This post has been edited by CustomX: Mar 19 2019, 12:19
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:18
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Mar 19 2019, 18:00) *

On the settings screen you mean? Corrected.

he mean that after apply a new setting
Click front page then the Front Page Settings will always change to Compact
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:18
Post #14

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The first reply, with the post not five minutes old, is of course a demand for the return of the old and familiar. Such is to be human. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

I do like being able to see the tags up front, though, and the splash of color that shows up when a watched tag is included is quite pleasant. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:21
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I was gonna rage but then I found the minimal option and then all is good in the world.
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:21
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Would it be possible to add the file size to the extended info section? This area [files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/ezdz74.png
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:24
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The fact that thumbnail view only a single huge column now instead of several columns feels like a step backwards... I tend to look at galleries halfway based on tags and halfway based on art style, so this slows/limits how much I look at at once, so I'm less inclined to browse much. I use a tablet to browse most of the time, and this is severly limited by the new layout.
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:25
Post #18


QUOTE(cs987987 @ Mar 19 2019, 11:18) *

he mean that after apply a new setting
Click front page then the Front Page Settings will always change to Compact

There was a bug on the settings screen which was fixed, but I'm not currently seeing this. Can you still reproduce this behavior?

QUOTE(thesinfulcrow @ Mar 19 2019, 11:21) *

Would it be possible to add the file size to the extended info section? This area [files.catbox.moe] https://files.catbox.moe/ezdz74.png

I considered that, but it actually requires a bit of a database change to do it efficiently. It will probably be added at some point.

QUOTE(Kelvren @ Mar 19 2019, 11:24) *

The fact that thumbnail view only a single huge column now instead of several columns feels like a step backwards... I tend to look at galleries halfway based on tags and halfway based on art style, so this slows/limits how much I look at at once, so I'm less inclined to browse much. I use a tablet to browse most of the time, and this is severly limited by the new layout.

It should be at minimum two colums for small screens. What kind of device are you using?
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:27
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Hmmm... I hid parody:neon genesis evangelion and when I search for it I get Showing page 1-5 of 3,448 results. Your filters excluded 118 galleries from this page. and I get 7 results showing instead of none. I don't think that's the expected behavior.
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post Mar 19 2019, 12:29
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I like the new categoryt buttons, much more visible.

This post has been edited by progste: Mar 19 2019, 12:29
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