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> Feature Update: Revamped gallery listings, tag watching/flagging/hiding, etc, No major updates in 462 0 days

post Mar 19 2019, 15:22
Post #121

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Is it possible for the compact view to have all the tags. By default it would get hidden by the CSS anyway, but if it gave all the tags, it's possible to make a userscript to style the tags however we want.
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:23
Post #122
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I was wondering what the people saying "smaller category buttons" were seeing.
Then I saw the ones in the search are smaller now.
Good, but the same thing should be done in the search results too.
They don't have to fill all the space.
A height equal to a line of text is enough.

Also, colors.
I want to see uareader's idea.

My idea is a legacy option, for visuals at least.
For functionality of course, update = good! (as long as it doesn't break).
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:24
Post #123

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Thanks a lot! Right about time. This is essential to every site, it saves so much time and mental health.
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:26
Post #124


QUOTE(Lexander @ Mar 19 2019, 14:18) *

In the old thumbnail mode, if I hovered over a title that didn't fit I would get the full title in a tooltip. That no longer happens and it would be really useful if it was to be reintroduced.

That was actually re-added in the patch. For the thumbnail, anyway.
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:27
Post #125

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I'd like glass buttons again, even if exclusive to minimal display. The current buttons shadow contrast very much hurts my eyes, especially for buttons "Artist CG", "Non-H", "Western". It gets even worse of AdobeRGB colourspace too. Another fix would be to mute the button saturation for clearer text contrast, or with a text outline, etc.

This post has been edited by AZ-Lefty: Mar 19 2019, 15:28
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:31
Post #126

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Mar 19 2019, 16:21) *

There are some new limitations to searching in favorites for performance reasons, but some of these are temporary and awaiting some backend/database changes.

Hope it works soon. I don't want to type "louise francoise le blanc de la valliere" to search for Louise doujins. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:31
Post #127

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Mar 19 2019, 15:48) *

Mkay, so I've tweaked the thumbnail mode a bit, moving the title back to the top, re-adding the page counter at the expense of the allegedly grossly oversized category button, and some other minor stuff. Let me know if it looks less shit.

This should also fix the meta-clicking to open tabs on macOS.

Looks better and having number of pages is useful.
Design wise I'd prefer infopane to be at the very top or very bottom [my.mixtape.moe] https://my.mixtape.moe/znpztv.JPG
Though having it directly after image leaves more space for watched tags, so idk, if people don't want it on top, this is fine.

This post has been edited by Nayas: Mar 19 2019, 15:32
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:31
Post #128

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I can't understand HOW to create a new tagset (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:33
Post #129

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Mar 19 2019, 19:55) *
Tags do need to have a voted score of 10 or more to be shown in the list views.

Fair point, the BDSM tag score was below 10. However, the torture tag already has around 100 point and it hasn't been displayed yet.

Here's another case of similar erratic behaviour happening. In this screenshot, all three of these galleries are tagged with female:shemale, but only one of them display that tag correctly.
[my.mixtape.moe] https://my.mixtape.moe/qwjask.png
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:35
Post #130

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I like the new category labels over the old image one (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Kinda sad that tag flagging is gone in the minimal layout though.

QUOTE(Vexxille @ Mar 19 2019, 12:44) *

I forgot to specify it in my previous post:
TenB, Please make the flagged tags appear on minimal mode, just like in the previous layout.

I guess we're in the same boat; the current minimal layout with tag-flags is how I usually browse the listing.


Excuses for the off topic:
I made a stylesheet that transforms compact layout into minimal layout with tag-flags.
It's made really quickly so it's a bit wonky in the toplist and fjords.

(IMG:[my.mixtape.moe] https://my.mixtape.moe/rrhvdk.png)
Download: [my.mixtape.moe] eh-legacy-compact-20190319.css

And another one that replaces the download icons with old favourite emblems/diamonds.
I just can't scan the listing rows as fast as before without it.
Download: [my.mixtape.moe] eh-favourite-emblem-20190319.css

This post has been edited by FabulousCupcake: Mar 19 2019, 17:48
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:35
Post #131


QUOTE(Vexxille @ Mar 19 2019, 14:33) *

Fair point, the BDSM tag score was below 10. However, the torture tag already has around 100 point and it hasn't been displayed yet.

The TTL for this information is usually 15 minutes, though I'll look into actually clearing the cache when there are any changes.
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:37
Post #132

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Mar 19 2019, 13:10) *

The thumbnails were changed to use the same size as the gallery page, among other things for load speed reasons. But if someone wants to take a crack at a better thumbnail-mode display, I would accept mock-up suggestions, as I was never entirely happy with it.

I love the old thumbnail mode, this one is way to big. With the old one you can see a lot more in just one page sigh.
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:39
Post #133

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Hi, thanks for the new look, I like it a lot, but may you set the bottom bar on the same line (in Thumbnail mode)? It looks kinda messy
(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/gbKrDWO.png)

Thanks again!
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:40
Post #134

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The favorites category's 2px colored border visual indicator is very hard to see. The old circle visual indicator was more noticeable and can be recognized at a glance unlike the new one.

This post has been edited by Recon_: Mar 19 2019, 15:48
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:41
Post #135

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Please, give back old category buttons. It's looks now too bright at night...
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:44
Post #136

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I wish there was an option to tag a gallery as "read", instead of adding it to my favorites, because sometimes i'll read a gallery that I don't necessarily like, and it feels wrong to classify it as a favorite.
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:46
Post #137

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Found another thing. Since the thumbs are so big and only 4 are displaying, there's one left over at the bottom. Poor girl.

[my.mixtape.moe] https://my.mixtape.moe/sanihr.JPG

Is there no way you can get the old scale back without ruining performance? Even shrinking the thumbnail when you open a page would be better than this in my opinion.
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:49
Post #138

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>That default new theme


I appreciate the option to switch back to compact at least but if you could add one for classic category buttons to make it 100% like the old style I promise to stop shitting on MLP.
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:52
Post #139

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The new category buttons are hideous, just no. Also bring back tag flagging, that function where you can set a coloured icon for tags, it was something that made this site stand out and easy to use and you've ruined it.

This entire upgrade screams: "if it isn't broke don't fix it, but we messed around with it anyways teehee"

Edit: oh God I just found the new tagging system. Why?

Edit2: Alright, now that I've broken my fingers setting my tags again on my phone this isn't bad. Only real changes I'd recommend are to enable tags in minimal mode as mention above and to have an option to change back the buttons.

This post has been edited by Orion9137: Mar 19 2019, 16:09
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post Mar 19 2019, 15:57
Post #140

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QUOTE(misery13 @ Mar 19 2019, 22:44) *

I wish there was an option to tag a gallery as "read", instead of adding it to my favorites, because sometimes i'll read a gallery that I don't necessarily like, and it feels wrong to classify it as a favorite.

Use a seperate favorite catagory for that, no need for entirely new system.
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