HV Questions Thread, For questions about how it works |
Sep 17 2009, 19:11
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Well, lately we've been getting plenty of one shot questions in a bit of a swarm of independent threads, so here is a place to post up a question without cluttering the board. I've got a couple questions myself: Does anyone find the Penny Pincher hath perks particularly useful or should I just save for auras? Does soul type damage from ethereal weapons do anything in particular? Does magic rating effect depreciating spells like Weaken and Sleep, or only damage based spells? I've heard people talk about Meteor as their main offensive spell, what makes it better than the other second tier AOEs? ============== Moderator Edit: Not that it matters a huge amount, but please use this thread only for questions about the actual mechanics of the HentaiVerse - i.e. "how does X work?". If you're looking for advice on playing style, how to set up your character and so on, you can post here. =============== This post has been edited by Sayo Aisaka: Sep 29 2010, 18:23
Sep 17 2009, 19:54
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What brings Shield Proficiency
Sep 17 2009, 20:00
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Certain mobs and bosses have mitigation or resistance to physical damage (piercing etc). No mobs that I have heard of resist soul damage, plus the weapons have no burden or interference.
Deprecating proficiency will increase the duration of both those spells; if you're referring to elemental ratings, then no.
Shield proficiency is gained by taking hits. There is, I believe Tenb said, a base 5% chance to gain proficiency whether for defensive or offensive skills.
I can't answer any of the other questions, not high enough level. But my personal pref would be auras over penny pincher now that it got reduced.
Sep 17 2009, 20:05
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QUOTE(Seeker4015 @ Sep 17 2009, 13:00)  Deprecating proficiency will increase the duration of both those spells; if you're referring to elemental ratings, then no.
I'm talkin bout your actual magic rating you get from the INT and WIS stats, not proficiencies or % boosts. the magic counterpart to attack ratting that you get mostly from STR.
Sep 17 2009, 21:10
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QUOTE(marcho @ Sep 17 2009, 19:11) 
Does anyone find the Penny Pincher hath perks particularly useful or should I just save for auras? Does soul type damage from ethereal weapons do anything in particular? Does magic rating effect depreciating spells like Weaken and Sleep, or only damage based spells? I've heard people talk about Meteor as their main offensive spell, what makes it better than the other second tier AOEs?
Depends on what you want, if you want to lvl faster go for auras, if you want a bit more credits go for penny pincher. For higher lvl ppl auras is needed or else it will take ages to lvl up. For lower lvl go for the perk since you still lvl fast enough anyway and go for auras later on. If im not mistaken no mobs or mini bosses have soul type resistance, not sure of the mini bosses but im sure mobs dont have any. Not sure so i wont answer that. Because most monsters have fire as weakness and some have minor weaknesses vs it. So if you meet a mob of 9 monsters starting with a meteor guarantees at least 1-2 death and 2-3 monsters that only needs to be nudged to death, depends on your proficiency of course.
Sep 17 2009, 22:07
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QUOTE(marcho @ Sep 17 2009, 20:05)  I'm talkin bout your actual magic rating you get from the INT and WIS stats, not proficiencies or % boosts. the magic counterpart to attack ratting that you get mostly from STR.
Still not to my knowledge; I think durations are only affected by proficiency. In the case of deprecating spells, though, it probably would affect poison's damage.
Sep 17 2009, 22:12
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that'd make sense, my poison damage is absolutely pathetic, but then so is my magic rating. i get 5 poison damage per tick D:
Sep 18 2009, 00:00
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Some questions that I haven't been able to find answers to on my own:
1) Do Power Saving, Power Regen, and Power Tank (under Training) have any direct impact on gameplay? For example, do they impact Strength at all, or do they only refer to Power on the forums? I know that Power can eventually increase Spirit Points, but I was wondering if it did anything else.
2) If I'm trying to increase the chances of rare item and equipment drops, is it better to invest in Luck of the Draw, Quartermaster, and Archaeologist, but not Scavenger? Would doing that mean that while my overall chances of drops wouldn't increase, the chances of those few drops being something rare would? (I know DemonEyesBob either answered this or something similar not long ago, but I can't recall where)
3) I've noticed that when I use Legendary in the hourly battles, it takes a while to recharge fully. What's the recharge rate, or does it vary depending on your individual stats and skills? Is there some sort of Training you can do to improve it (either the recharge rate or the base damage), or is it tied to leveling up or post count?
Sep 18 2009, 00:08
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QUOTE(dap00 @ Sep 18 2009, 00:00)  Some questions that I haven't been able to find answers to on my own:
1) Do Power Saving, Power Regen, and Power Tank (under Training) have any direct impact on gameplay? For example, do they impact Strength at all, or do they only refer to Power on the forums? I know that Power can eventually increase Spirit Points, but I was wondering if it did anything else.
2) If I'm trying to increase the chances of rare item and equipment drops, is it better to invest in Luck of the Draw, Quartermaster, and Archaeologist, but not Scavenger? Would doing that mean that while my overall chances of drops wouldn't increase, the chances of those few drops being something rare would? (I know DemonEyesBob either answered this or something similar not long ago, but I can't recall where)
3) I've noticed that when I use Legendary in the hourly battles, it takes a while to recharge fully. What's the recharge rate, or does it vary depending on your individual stats and skills? Is there some sort of Training you can do to improve it (either the recharge rate or the base damage), or is it tied to leveling up or post count?
1) No, other than affecting your power bar on the forums, those trainings do nothing inside the hentaiverse. They still technically have a use if you are playing legacy hourly battles. 2) Of the four, Scavenger and Luck of the Draw are likely the best investments in terms of how quickly you'll see results. If you notice the difference in wording between the two pairs, +drop% chance versus +base% drop chance, you'll realize that Quartermaster and Archaeologist are being multiplied to a percentile. Say you had a 10% base equipment drop chance. With all 20 levels (+100%) of Scavenger, you'd end up getting a 20% total equipment drop chance. While it's nothing to scoff at, the costs in C of getting there are prohibitive. On the other hand, from the wording it seems like Scavenger and Luck would only apply to items like scrolls, potions, etc. One is larger cost for a smaller increase in drop chance, but applies to more worthwhile items, the other is the opposite. 3) The recharge rate on your spirit is listed as "Spirit Regen" in the Derived Attributes section on your Character page.
Sep 18 2009, 00:14
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1) they have no effect except, except as you mentioned, on sp
2) i'm not sure entirely sure (someone correct me if i'm wrong) but this is how i understand it. say for example the base item drop rate is 10%
increasing LotD with give a bonus to the quality roll of all items and equipment that drop increasind QM will increase the number of equipment drops as a percentage of all item drops, likewise arche for atifacts. so say equip is 1% of the items that drop, with maxed QM, now it should be 2% increasing scavenger increases the item drop rate, and, if i understand this correctly, should be effected by QM and arche.
so, base (with made up numbers)
10% item drop rate, of which 1%is equip, and 0.1% artifact -> overall 0.1% equip and 0.01% artifact now say you maxed QM and arche 10% item drop rate, of which 2%is equip, and 0.2% artifact -> overall 0.2% equip and 0.02% artifact now say you maxed QM, arche and scavenger (scavenger adds 50% maxed yeah? im grindan so i can't check at the moment) 15% item drop rate, of which 2%is equip, and 0.2% artifact -> overall 0.3% equip and 0.03% artifact
3) are you still doing legacy battles? o_O
Sep 18 2009, 00:22
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QUOTE(marcho @ Sep 17 2009, 14:14)  3) are you still doing legacy battles? o_O
Yes. I'm lazy and I like not having to open up a new page to fight when I'm doing something else (browsing the galleries, for example). Plus it's a bit more challenging (well, a lot more lately, keep running into monsters with three times my stats...). Anyway, I'll send some karma your way (both of you). ...which actually leads me to another question, heh. I know giving karma drains your power, but what else does? This post has been edited by dap00: Sep 18 2009, 00:28
Sep 18 2009, 00:26
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QUOTE(dap00 @ Sep 18 2009, 00:22)  Yes. I'm lazy and I like not having to open up a new page to fight when I'm doing something else (browsing the galleries, for example). Plus it's a bit more challenging (well, a lot more lately, keep running into monsters with three times my stats...).
Ah, whoops, then I don't know what the power regen rate is for you, you'd have to look around.
Sep 18 2009, 07:34
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I have a question of my own regarding interference: QUOTE(Tenboro) Interference Changes
- Reduced the chance to fail spells outright due to interference.
- Interference now instead applies a penalty on your magical proficiencies: -- Every point of interference above 25 reduces all effective proficiencies by 0.75% of the base proficiency. Since you can't have negative proficiency, this naturally caps at about 154.8 interference.
Does that mean the base interference for spells to start failing was raised to 25, in addition to the chance being reduced? Or does it still start at 20 for failure, and 25 is just the skill reduction starting point?
Sep 18 2009, 18:23
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I believe that the chance to fail still begins at 20, yeah.
Sep 19 2009, 00:46
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Which deprecatin spell has the lowest mana cost?
Sep 19 2009, 01:22
Nexus Wolf
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A: So far as I know poison is, or weaken.
Q: Is it just me, or is running a mage bloody expensive? Doing a cakefest I don't make enough money to cover using the healer to do it straight away again, so I have to wait for it to regen..
Q: Has the drop rate for Mana pots been dropped? I'm seriously beginning to run out of them, loads of hp pots, bearly any mp..
Sep 19 2009, 01:29
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as a mage, investing in a fair to good ether theft staff will quickly pay for itself.
i havn't really noticed a change in droprates, i still have a pretty hefty collection of mp pots
of the spells i have now yeah i think poison and weaken are cheapest, but i think at some point in time i might have seen someone say silence was less, not sure. can i get a 70+ to confirm before i start chugging through my crude mana pots in an attempt to make my depricating proficiency less suck?
Sep 19 2009, 01:57
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Silence costs me 9 MP.
MP items have a lower drop rate than HP, IIRC.
Sep 19 2009, 02:01
Nexus Wolf
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QUOTE(Nexus Wolf @ Sep 19 2009, 00:22)  Q: Is it just me, or is running a mage bloody expensive? Doing a cakefest I don't make enough money to cover using the healer to do it straight away again, so I have to wait for it to regen..
Seems I just answered my own question, as a mage it's much more cost effective to do normal grindfests, seems the exp reduction effects credits too (can't beleive I didn't really notice before...) QUOTE(marcho @ Sep 19 2009, 00:29)  as a mage, investing in a fair to good ether theft staff will quickly pay for itself.
i havn't really noticed a change in droprates, i still have a pretty hefty collection of mp pots
I would get a good staff with either theft, but they usually cost a bucket load, and I don't have that amount of cash floating around, especially after getting this kick-ass one for arenas (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) I seem to be getting tons of hp ones but not many mana ones, and I go through just as many hp and I do mana... naymind, just have to avoid using them until I really need them in the arena (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Sep 19 2009, 02:18
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The drop rate for mana items has always seemed low. Whether is is actually the case or just a matter of mages being sensitive to losing mana is unclear to me.
As for investing hath in auras vs Penny Pincher, it's interesting that you ask; I recently made exactly this decision. If you believe that you will eventually get Penny Pincher, then I recommend getting it first. Why? Because it's a percentage of credits, you get a bigger effect the longer you have it. That black aura will give you the same stat boost whether you get it now or three months from now. If you wait three months to get Penny Pincher, you've lost out on hundreds or thousands of credits. Of course I could say the same thing about the exp you don't get by not having the boost from the auras, but you can get an exp boost from a lot of different sources. PP is the only credit boost around. I also don't think that the effects from the hath auras are as tempting as they used to be (except for that regen boost from Rainbow).
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