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> [Script] Live Percentile Ranges 1.1.0, See how good your equips are at a glance

post Jul 14 2019, 16:04
Post #121

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jul 14 2019, 04:35) *

percental ranges aren't influenced by that setting. Only the stats that are displayed inside the equip box. Not the percentages under the box.

Oh now I understand thanks!
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post Jul 16 2019, 01:17
Post #122

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I had modified the script to add some function for "unforged scaled"
Attached File  Live_Percentile_Ranges_edited.js.txt ( 64.72k ) Number of downloads: 197

The function is sometime useful the situation that both non-soulfused equips are compared, forged and (new) unforged.


- line 37 : add a comment - B to show Unforged Scaled to the equip's current level
- line 782 to 790 : add showUnforgedScaled function
- line 1026 : add key binding ("B") to added function
- line 1173 : add description "Unforged Scaled"

I hope the author don't feel bad.
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post Jul 25 2019, 02:15
Post #123

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I prefer the old version(named without LIVE) rather than this, eventhough it's out of date lol

I dont like to wait even just few seconds lol
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post Aug 11 2019, 03:38
Post #124

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I just installed this script on a Chromium Portable with Tampermonkey and it seems to take a while to process the full percentage ranges (well, so far I haven't gotten a single line of that row), while it does process the 2nd row, the one that has less data (level, IW and ADB, instead of all the ranges).

It's stuck in "Checking...".

The script is also installed on my Firefox browser and it works normally.

You know any clue of what I should have to do? Or if I should do something or just wait with one item window open to let the server load data locally?

I already use custom font.

Anything I'm missing out?

This post has been edited by ahroun: Aug 11 2019, 03:50
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post Aug 13 2019, 04:43
Post #125

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Hello Superlatanium,

I found percentiles of the same equipment may be different in Live Percentile Ranges 1.1.0 and HV toolbox(maybe Percentile Ranges 1.2.1?), so which one is right?

Thanks in advance (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Aug 16 2019, 19:58
Post #126

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After checking out with my Console in Chromium, I got the following error:

userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:2 ERROR: Execution of script 'Live Percentile Ranges' failed! equipDocument.querySelectorAll(...).forEach is not a functionmobile @ userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:2
userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:2 TypeError: equipDocument.querySelectorAll(...).forEach is not a function
at getForging (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:357)
at getEquipInfo (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:297)
at parseEquip (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:492)
at Object.addEquipDocument (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:235)
at addAndRunParser (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:979)
at DocumentInteractor (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:976)
at Object.eval (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:1372)
at <anonymous>:2:494
at mobile (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:2)
at eval (userscript.html?id=3680ec24-00ca-410f-bdee-ce5aaeca256b:3)

Any ideas as what's wrong?
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post Aug 27 2019, 20:52
Post #127

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I have a different kind of problem. It doesn't throw an exception, but it still doesn't work.

For example, when I open [alt.hentaiverse.org] this equipment, the site loads, the script is active and I get "No data available for this equip type" even though it's a recent drop (and I get the same for everything else). When looking at console, I get
Equip is too obsolete, not parsing
Using local database
No equips to parse
Making results...
Results finished

It looks to me like it can't access any kind of database. Anyone knows how to fix it? If it matters, I use Chrome.

EDIT: works now.

This post has been edited by Liexxio: Sep 18 2019, 04:20
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post Sep 19 2019, 14:54
Post #128

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hello, when I open this equip, it has respond:
Request Error: Response code of "0"
what happened?
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post Sep 20 2019, 21:14
Post #129

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QUOTE(acnx365 @ Sep 19 2019, 15:54) *

hello, when I open this equip, it has respond:
Request Error: Response code of "0"
what happened?

It worked for me just now. It's probably your browser/browser extension blocking the request, if it wasn't a temporary server hiccup. Opening your browser's devtools (ctrl-shift-j on chrome) would give more information if you still have the problem.
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post Sep 27 2019, 13:13
Post #130

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Hello, Superlatanium,

Line 543:
if (Date.now() / 1000 - equipsByQuality[quality].lastUpdated < 3600*24*14) //2 weeks

But, DB
  "Legendary": {
    "lastUpdate": 1569450339,

It will be fixed to
if (Date.now() / 1000 - equipsByQuality[quality].lastUpdate > 3600*24*14) //2 weeks

Thank you for your amazing script!

This post has been edited by NerfThis: Sep 27 2019, 13:35
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post Oct 1 2019, 15:04
Post #131

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I changed the 1.1.0 script to work also without custom font enabled. It won't change anything for these who have the custom font enabled. If you're interested, please merge it with your work.

Attached File  Live_Percentage_Ranges_1.1.0_noCustomFont.js.txt ( 66.32k ) Number of downloads: 1722

For future reference and possible usage in other scripts, here is the function to parse custom font and optionally capitalize first letter (as it is with, e.g., equipment name). It should be used on the DOM element that has the text directly inside it as textContent attribute when the custom font is enabled (and bunch of divs otherwise). Feel free to use it however you wish.

function parseCustomFontText(e, capitalize) {
    if (e.textContent !== '') {
        return e.textContent;
    } else {
        let text = '';
        e.firstChild.childNodes.forEach(node => {
            const cls = node.getAttribute('class');
            if (cls !== null && cls.length === 3) {
                const char = cls[2];
                if ('a' <= char && char <= 'z') {
                    text = cls[2] + text;
                } else if (char == '9') {
                    text = ' ' + text;
        if (capitalize) {
            const splitText = text.split(' ');
            text = '';
            for (let i = 0; i < splitText.length; ++i) {
                text = text + (i == 0 ? '' : ' ') + splitText[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitText[i].substring(1);
        return text;
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post Oct 12 2019, 13:49
Post #132

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I made a patch of Live Percentile Range script.



Release notes:

1. Absolute Percentiles (E key): the percentile point between 0 and lmax (legendary maximum value)
- Normal Percentile Ranges are very useful, but the values such as lmin/mmax/mmin are not always correct. This means that the Normal Percentile Ranges can have errors.
- Absolute Percentiles use 0 and pmax (equal to lmax) only, so those values are solid.

2. Fully Forged Base (D key) and Fully Forged Scaled to a custom level (C key)
- Attack Damage Lv.100 for melee weapons, Power armors and Shade armors
- Butcher Lv.5 for weapon of Slaughter (main hand only)
- Magic Damage Lv.100 for staves
- Magic Damage Lv.50 for Radiant Phase armors
- Archmage is disabled by default, but it can be enabled by editing script.
- Lv.50 for all other stats

3. manualRanges
- Some values of the server data are incorrect (even some lmax values are wrong). With this feature, you can overwrite them with the correct values.
- Default uses the lmax values of staves and the special stat values of phases.

4. Calculate more accurate unforged bases
- Better calculation of the effects of Butcher and Archmage
- Assign an average pxp0 to IW 10 equipment
- Important change: ADB/MDB forge factor from 0.278875 to 0.279575

5. Other fixes and changes
- Fixed the bug that prevented the range data from updating
- Changed the browser title to the name of the equipment, and add it to the browser history for searching
- Display pxp0 of the equipment in the summary text
- Display the percentiles of Spell Crit Damage (Mystic Phases)

This post has been edited by sssss2: Oct 12 2019, 15:26
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post Jan 7 2020, 00:10
Post #133

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QUOTE(Liexxio @ Aug 27 2019, 20:52) *

I have a different kind of problem. It doesn't throw an exception, but it still doesn't work.

For example, when I open [alt.hentaiverse.org] this equipment, the site loads, the script is active and I get "No data available for this equip type" even though it's a recent drop (and I get the same for everything else). When looking at console, I get

It looks to me like it can't access any kind of database. Anyone knows how to fix it? If it matters, I use Chrome.

EDIT: works now.

I'm having the same problem.

What did you do to solve it?

Solved. By using custom font in HV instead of default.

This post has been edited by BL.Kunkka: Mar 22 2020, 22:21
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post Jan 7 2020, 00:56
Post #134

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QUOTE(BL.Kunkka @ Jan 7 2020, 01:10) *

I'm having the same problem.

What did you do to solve it?

I join, I have the same problem, it loads; but then immediately puts the message "No data available for this equip type".

*It work's, thanks... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by Arkoniusx: Jan 7 2020, 01:15
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post May 3 2020, 23:42
Post #135

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QUOTE(BL.Kunkka @ Jan 7 2020, 05:10) *

I'm having the same problem.

What did you do to solve it?

Solved. By using custom font in HV instead of default.

Thank you, i have this problem for a long time

now it solved.

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post Jul 1 2021, 16:04
Post #136

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Probably everyone knows it, but to enable it on isekai just add code below to other included sites

// @include https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip*
// @include https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/showequip.php*
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post Jul 19 2021, 07:47
Post #137

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Live Percentile Ranges 1.1.0.s3

Attached File  Live_Percentile_Ranges_1.1.0.s3.user.js.txt ( 84.21k ) Number of downloads: 277550

- Support Isekai (L-key show the correct isekai equip link now)
- New option updateCheckDays: set or disable update checks
- Added some lmax of staves and cloth armors
- Fixed a bug that Comparing equipment can't do Peerless one with other.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Jul 20 2021, 20:00
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post Jul 20 2021, 02:30
Post #138
Pretty anon

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halp please (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
I'm using the newest version of the script but now the comparison graphs no longer appear.

EDIT: Testing it out across different items it seems to happen only on peerless equips whether they're from isekai or persistent.

As soon as I open the console it spits this out:


Uncaught TypeError: rangesByQuality[nativeQuality] is undefined                                                      eval line 4 > eval:1911:26

    buildGraphic moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1911
    buildGraphic moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1888
    addResultsToDocument moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1754
    addResultsToDocument moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1753
    addResultsToDocument moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1741
    makeResults moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1158
    run moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1042
    addAndRunParser moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1615
    DocumentInteractor moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1610
    <anonymous> moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:2018
    s eval:4
    <anonymous> moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1
    <anonymous> moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:1
    <anonymous> moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:2071
    <anonymous> moz-extension://f8b83a56-a460-4dea-b8e7-9fa026d1df4f/userscripts/Live Percentile Ranges.user.js?id=b8fe71a5-ba2e-4f7d-8b02-6c4393de3ebd:2073
    s eval:4
    t eval:3
    E_u eval:4
    create eval line 2 > Function:67
    create eval line 2 > Function:69
    c eval line 2 > Function:7
    s eval:4
    i eval line 2 > Function:5
    s eval line 2 > Function:5
    v eval:13
    v eval:13
    s eval:4
    t eval:12
    s eval:4
    h eval:12
    h eval:12
    send eval:13
    s eval line 2 > Function:5
    setTimeout eval line 2 > Function:6
    run eval line 2 > Function:8
    runListeners eval line 2 > Function:7
    anonymous eval line 2 > Function:70
    v eval:13

Also for this part

Some lmax of the server data are incorrect, so overwrite them with the correct values.

Do I have to do anything else or the values below it are the overwritten ones? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)


This post has been edited by Pretty anon: Jul 20 2021, 10:05
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post Jul 20 2021, 19:53
Post #139

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Jul 20 2021, 09:30) *

halp please (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
I'm using the newest version of the script but now the comparison graphs no longer appear.

EDIT: Testing it out across different items it seems to happen only on peerless equips whether they're from isekai or persistent.

Thanks for reporting.
Updated Live Percentile Ranges 1.1.0.s3

(*This is a bug that LPR itself has.)

If you want to fix yourself, find 2 lines and fix them.

if (quality === infos.quality){

if (quality === infos.quality || quality === 'Legendary' && infos.quality === 'Peerless'){

const nativeQuality = infos.quality;

const nativeQuality = infos.quality === 'Peerless' ? 'Legendary' : infos.quality;

QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Jul 20 2021, 09:30) *

Do I have to do anything else or the values below it are the overwritten ones? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)

You don't need to do something unless you want to fix other values.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Jul 20 2021, 20:16
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post Jul 21 2021, 04:02
Post #140
Pretty anon

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Awesome, everything works perfectly now. With the isekai links stuff it seems there's no reason to not update. Thanks for the explanation and the fix! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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