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> [Script] HV Utils 3.0.0 (31 December 2023), A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse and ISK

post Dec 16 2021, 19:23
Post #421

Fluffy Tail Fox
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With TamperMonkey 4.14.6147 (Beta), TamperMonkey's sandbox has been improved a lot, the built-in object like Array, String, Object has been guarded more carefully, resulting in many utility methods (using constructor) being affected (e.g. $element).

Here is an example of re-written $element which will works with lastest TamperMonkey:

function $element(t, p, a, f) {
  let e;
  if (t) {
    e = document.createElement(t);
  } else if (t === "") {
    e = document.createTextNode(a);
    a = null;
  } else {
    return document.createDocumentFragment();
  if (a !== null && a !== undefined) {
    if (typeof a === "number" || typeof a === "string") { // Do not use a.constructor
      e.textContent = a;
    } else if (Array.isArray(a)) {
      a.forEach((a) => {
        const an = {
          " ": "textContent",
          "#": "id",
          ".": "className",
          "!": "style",
          "/": "innerHTML",
        if (an) {
          e[an] = a.slice(1);
    } else if (typeof a === "object") {
      Object.entries(a).forEach(([an, av]) => {
        if (typeof av === "object") { // Do not use av.constructor here
          let a;
          if (an in e) {
            a = e[an];
          } else {
            a = e[an] = {};
          Object.entries(av).forEach(([an, av]) => {
            a[an] = av;
        } else {
          if (an === "style") {
            e.style.cssText = av;
          } else if (an in e) {
            e[an] = av;
          } else {
            e.setAttribute(an, av);
  if (f) {
    if (typeof f === "function") {  // Do not use f.constructor
      e.addEventListener("click", f, false);
    } else if (typeof f === "object") {
      Object.entries(f).forEach(([ft, fl]) => {
        e.addEventListener(ft, fl, false);
  if (p) {
    if (p.nodeType === 1 || p.nodeType === 11) {
    } else if (Array.isArray(p)) {
      if (
        ["beforebegin", "afterbegin", "beforeend", "afterend"].includes(p[1])
      ) {
        p[0].insertAdjacentElement(p[1], e);
      } else if (!isNaN(p[1])) {
        p[0].insertBefore(e, p[0].childNodes[p[1]]);
      } else {
        p[0].insertBefore(e, p[1]);
  return e;

This post has been edited by OnceForAll: Dec 16 2021, 19:26
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post Dec 16 2021, 20:45
Post #422

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QUOTE(OnceForAll @ Dec 17 2021, 02:23) *

With TamperMonkey 4.14.6147 (Beta), TamperMonkey's sandbox has been improved a lot, the built-in object like Array, String, Object has been guarded more carefully, resulting in many utility methods (using constructor) being affected (e.g. $element).

Here is an example of re-written $element which will works with lastest TamperMonkey:

Thank you for advice!

It's not a publicly-released version and there are few modifications of HVUT yet, so I'll update it later.
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post Dec 23 2021, 00:49
Post #423

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[About 0.89 Changes]

The Shrine: Selecting the armor slot
- (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
- HVUT is not working in Isekai, so disable SS features: Go to line 6977 and fix it.
if(settings.shrine && _query.s==="Bazaar" && _query.ss==="ss" && !_isekai) {

"Various UI tweaks and improvements."
- (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)
- I have to revise CSS as a whole.
- That input-button design...

Item Backorders?
- It'll take time as I can't test this before the update.

- PAB Reallocator will be removed.
- Catalysts will be removed from Coupon Clipper Service list.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Dec 23 2021, 00:53
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post Dec 23 2021, 01:04
Post #424

Fluffy Tail Fox
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 23 2021, 06:49) *
[About 0.89 Changes]

The Shrine: Selecting the armor slot
- (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
- HVUT is not working in Isekai, so disable SS features: Go to line 6977 and fix it.
"Various UI tweaks and improvements."
- (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)
- I have to revise CSS as a whole.
- That input-button design...

Item Backorders?
- It'll take time as I can't test this before the update.

- PAB Reallocator will be removed.
- Catalysts will be removed from Coupon Clipper Service list.

Also, another reminder that "showCredits" feature is affected as well due to the changes of the HTML. The temporary solution would be:

_bottom.credits_div.textContent = substring(r.responseText, ['<div id="networth" style="width:165px">Credits: ', 39], '</div>') || 'Failed to load';

I will document other changes later.


QUOTE(OnceForAll @ Dec 17 2021, 01:23) *
With TamperMonkey 4.14.6147 (Beta), TamperMonkey's sandbox has been improved a lot, the built-in object like Array, String, Object has been guarded more carefully, resulting in many utility methods (using constructor) being affected (e.g. $element).

TamperMonkey reverts related changes in 4.14.6151 (Beta). However, it is still recommended not to compare with "constructor" (Array.isArray and typeof is definitely better)

This post has been edited by OnceForAll: Dec 25 2021, 08:41
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post Dec 25 2021, 12:44
Post #425

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In the Monster Lab, HVUtils displays the gift summary really well. Can we have an option to suppress the native HV pop-up so we can focus entirely on the more succint and dynamic HVUtils interface?
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post Dec 25 2021, 16:45
Post #426

Fluffy Tail Fox
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QUOTE(Nezu @ Dec 25 2021, 18:44) *

In the Monster Lab, HVUtils displays the gift summary really well. Can we have an option to suppress the native HV pop-up so we can focus entirely on the more succint and dynamic HVUtils interface?

It is doable by execute the following code at the page load:


It is the default behavior of the messagebox's onclick.

Do not use CSS to overwrite it, to prevent other messages from being suppressed.
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post Dec 26 2021, 17:56
Post #427

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QUOTE(OnceForAll @ Dec 23 2021, 08:04) *

TamperMonkey reverts related changes in 4.14.6151 (Beta). However, it is still recommended not to compare with "constructor" (Array.isArray and typeof is definitely better)

I fixed it already.

QUOTE(Nezu @ Dec 25 2021, 19:44) *

In the Monster Lab, HVUtils displays the gift summary really well. Can we have an option to suppress the native HV pop-up so we can focus entirely on the more succint and dynamic HVUtils interface?

Yes, it's very easy.


About 0.89 changes

- The Shrine update
- Forge Upgrader update
- UI changes & code adjustment

- 'Item Backorders'

This post has been edited by sssss2: Dec 31 2021, 00:15
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post Dec 26 2021, 19:10
Post #428

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Dec 26 2021, 16:56) *

I fixed it already.
Yes, it's very easy.


About 0.89 changes

- The Shrine rework
- UI changes

- Forge Upgrader update
- 'Item Backorders'

you're doing all of us a great favor by maintaining HV Utils, sssss2. I for one really appreciate all your work on this script.

By the way, would you mind posting your turns of Secret Pony Level, Post Game Content, DWD with your extremely good gear and +20% isekai damage bonus? Someone needs to give Nezu some real competition! https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=249359
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post Dec 30 2021, 05:46
Post #429

Fluffy Tail Fox
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Dec 24 2021, 15:58) *
Some updates to the riddles/stamina:

- If your riddle accuracy is low enough to sustain a stamina penalty, the "Stamina" readout at the top of the screen now shows in red.

So HV Utils should probably add a new type of warning (alongside fixing equipment, etc.): You have increased stamina drain due to low riddle accuracy.

Here is the new stamina readout looks like:
(IMG:[pic.skk.moe] https://pic.skk.moe/file/sukkaw/eh/76.png)
    <div id="stamina_readout">
        <div title="You have increased stamina drain due to low riddle accuracy"><div class="fc4 far fcr" style="width:102px"><div>Stamina: 12</div></div></div>
        <div><img src="/isekai/y/s/sticon3.gif" title="Stamina: Normal. You are not receiving any bonuses or penalties."></div>
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post Jan 25 2022, 14:11
Post #430

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HVUT 2.13.0

[Update for 0.89 Changes]
- Adjustments for UI tweaks
- Equipment Shop: calculate Equipment Cores values
-- if you have edited the 'Materials' price, you need to revert to the 'Default' or add their values manually

[New Features]
- Forge Upgrade: show stats increasement
-- +NN : additive stats such as Attack Damage, Magic Damage, EDB, PAB
-- ~NN% : multiplicative stats such as pmi, mmi, Evade Chance, Block Chance

[settings changes]
- [new] line 47: warnLowStamina
- [removed] line 65: characterReallocate
- [replaced] line 133: itemShopBot -> itemBackorder
- [new] line 138: monsterLabCloseDefaultPopup

This post has been edited by sssss2: Jan 25 2022, 16:26
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post Jan 25 2022, 14:36
Post #431

Hataraku Noni-sama
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I noticed that the old version (not 2.13.0), the Monster Gift box isn't recognized anymore by the script and monster gifts aren't logged. Haven't tested it with 2.13.0 - I need to wait for gifts....

Edit: 2.13.0 works fine.

This post has been edited by Noni: Jan 25 2022, 17:34
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post Jan 25 2022, 16:08
Post #432

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With HVUtils I not see any my moogle mail ( in inbox, sent, etc). Any suggestions? (firefox)

Also, when change to new version (new to today), I will have to move over any changes I had made to code in old version? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

This post has been edited by monk31: Jan 25 2022, 16:09
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post Jan 25 2022, 16:09
Post #433

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 25 2022, 13:11) *

HVUT 2.13.0

[Update for 0.89 Changes]
- Adjustments for UI tweaks
- Equipment Shop: calculate Equipment Cores values
-- if you have edited the 'Materials' price, you need to revert to the 'Default' or add their values manually

[New Features]
- Forge Upgrade: show stats increasement
-- +NN : additive stats such as Attack Damage, Magic Damage, EDB, PAB
-- ~NN% : multiplicative stats such as pmi, mmi, Evade Chance, Block Chance

Thanks for the new version. The new forge upgrade function is super useful. The white background for locked/valuable equipment is something I need some time to get used to though.
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post Jan 25 2022, 16:47
Post #434

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QUOTE(Noni @ Jan 25 2022, 21:36) *

I noticed that the old version (not 2.13.0), the Monster Gift box isn't recognized anymore by the script and monster gifts aren't logged. Haven't tested it with 2.13.0 - I need to wait for gifts....

It has been fixed.

QUOTE(monk31 @ Jan 25 2022, 23:08) *

With HVUtils I not see any my moogle mail ( in inbox, sent, etc). Any suggestions? (firefox)

By default in Firefox, indexedDB that HVUT uses to manage the MoogleMail is disabled in private browsing mode.
To enable it, open about:config and change dom.indexedDB.privateBrowsing.enabled to true.

QUOTE(monk31 @ Jan 25 2022, 23:08) *

Also, when change to new version (new to today), I will have to move over any changes I had made to code in old version? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

Settings are at the beginning of the script and there are some changes: 2 added, 1 removed, 1 replaced.
I added information about it to a previous post.
Read through that and edit a few lines to keep your current settings.

This post has been edited by sssss2: Jan 25 2022, 16:47
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post Jan 25 2022, 16:59
Post #435

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 25 2022, 16:47) *

It has been fixed.
By default in Firefox, indexedDB that HVUT uses to manage the MoogleMail is disabled in private browsing mode.
To enable it, open about:config and change dom.indexedDB.privateBrowsing.enabled to true.
Settings are at the beginning of the script and there are some changes: 2 added, 1 removed, 1 replaced.
I added information about it to a previous post.
Read through that and edit a few lines to keep your current settings.

I understand. Thanks for helping. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jan 25 2022, 17:22
Post #436
eYe BuRn

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Thanks for the new update.

Line 42
topMenuAlign : "space-around", // "left", "center", "right" (set to "flex-end" in Google Chrome), or "space-between", "space-around", "space-evenly"

doesn't seem to do anything if Line 43
topMenuIntegrate : true, // integrate menus into one button

is set to true. It also shows an extra button for Persistent/Isekai on the far right, which appears to be redundant since the "Menu" already has "Switch to Isekai".
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post Jan 25 2022, 18:08
Post #437

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QUOTE(eYe BuRn @ Jan 26 2022, 00:22) *

Thanks for the new update.

Line 42
topMenuAlign : "space-around", // "left", "center", "right" (set to "flex-end" in Google Chrome), or "space-between", "space-around", "space-evenly"

doesn't seem to do anything if Line 43
topMenuIntegrate : true, // integrate menus into one button

is set to true. It also shows an extra button for Persistent/Isekai on the far right, which appears to be redundant since the "Menu" already has "Switch to Isekai".

Thanks for reporting.

It's not an urgent issue, so I'll update it later. (2.14.0 or so)
Remove a line to fix right now.
.hvut-top-server {margin-left:auto !important} // line 2076

A server indicator is not redundant. It is a default button and a link in the menu is extra.
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post Jan 25 2022, 20:40
Post #438

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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 25 2022, 12:11) *

HVUT 2.13.0

[Update for 0.89 Changes]
- Adjustments for UI tweaks
- Equipment Shop: calculate Equipment Cores values
-- if you have edited the 'Materials' price, you need to revert to the 'Default' or add their values manually

[New Features]
- Forge Upgrade: show stats increasement
-- +NN : additive stats such as Attack Damage, Magic Damage, EDB, PAB
-- ~NN% : multiplicative stats such as pmi, mmi, Evade Chance, Block Chance

[settings changes]
- [new] line 47: warnLowStamina
- [removed] line 65: characterReallocate
- [replaced] line 133: itemShopBot -> itemBackorder
- [new] line 138: monsterLabCloseDefaultPopup

Nice update, thanks very much for your work as always. The forge upgrade feature is very good. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Also thanks for noting which settings changed!
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post Jan 25 2022, 21:54
Post #439

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Thanks for the update! Your work is seriously appreciated. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 26 2022, 01:00
Post #440

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In the equipment shop, what mean the [brackets letters] next to items that this script puts?

like [IW] [SA] [SD] [EA]

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