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post Jul 19 2024, 01:15
Post #21981

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QUOTE(Wululululu-BZZT @ Jul 18 2024, 21:05) *

How does one keep mana up when maging? I have draughts on 24/7 and use potions whenever I can, but I just can't keep up

Keep using mana draughts, and don't be afraid to use elixirs either. They aren't that expensive considering they restore all your mana, and even if you chug potions whenever they're available, you'll need elixirs regularly early on. When your gear improves and prof increases, you'll find yourself using less mana consumables - but you'll still need some. That's just the cost of faster and more convenient clearing, and it's not that big of an expense.
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post Jul 19 2024, 03:29
Post #21982

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QUOTE(Noni @ Jul 18 2024, 07:19) *

read this to learn about mage gear / staff: https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=246193
your dark and holy prof is high for your level, but not high enough to matter much. If you start playing elemental mage, that elemental prof will catch up fast. Holy mage is the absolute worst if you don't have a lot of credits. It shines when you can get good gear, which is very expensive. Dark is at your level a little bit worse than elemental, as the mana costs are higher. Elemental is what I recommend for you. But whatever you do: don't play Holy AND Dark at the same time. Even as 1h, casting only Holy spell would be faster than casting both. But as mage, it's just very inefficient to combine them. Only way is to go full dark mage and use the T3 spell of Holy at start of round. That's not faster, but not slower either.


That writeup in the link should be in the wiki.

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post Jul 20 2024, 17:36
Post #21983

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thanks for all previous advice everyone, can finally do IWBTH while being somewhat comfy

i've got a couple more noob questions
- what to do with trophies and artifacts? keep hoarding or is it worth donating them?
- what's the meaning of terms like adb/mdb and such? I assume its related to gear quality but is there anywhere that explains how these were calculated and what they mean?

also i've checked the WTS section but cant see much gear for my level range that's better than what I can buy from the equipment shop. is there a better way of getting gear right now or just keep grinding levels? I havent tried isekai yet
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post Jul 20 2024, 17:50
Post #21984

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QUOTE(wanwan42 @ Jul 20 2024, 23:36) *

thanks for all previous advice everyone, can finally do IWBTH while being somewhat comfy

i've got a couple more noob questions
- what to do with trophies and artifacts? keep hoarding or is it worth donating them?
- what's the meaning of terms like adb/mdb and such? I assume its related to gear quality but is there anywhere that explains how these were calculated and what they mean?

also i've checked the WTS section but cant see much gear for my level range that's better than what I can buy from the equipment shop. is there a better way of getting gear right now or just keep grinding levels? I havent tried isekai yet

- sell it to a market,it will give you big cash if you have many of it (especially noodly appendage since it expensive rn)


1.ADB = Attack Damage Bonus
2.MDB = Magic Damage Bonus

you can find more acronym here :

- use Rental shop right now and keep grind until your level is 350 or more.
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post Jul 20 2024, 18:24
Post #21985

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QUOTE(Tumbres @ Jul 20 2024, 18:50) *

- sell it to a market,it will give you big cash if you have many of it (especially noodly appendage since it expensive rn)


1.ADB = Attack Damage Bonus
2.MDB = Magic Damage Bonus

you can find more acronym here :

- use Rental shop right now and keep grind until your level is 350 or more.

so if an item says ADB 80% does it mean it's 80% of its maximum potential for the attack stat or something else?
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post Jul 20 2024, 18:48
Post #21986

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(wanwan42 @ Jul 20 2024, 18:24) *

so if an item says ADB 80% does it mean it's 80% of its maximum potential for the attack stat or something else?

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post Jul 20 2024, 20:19
Post #21987

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Ironically, the only Stat in the wiki guide that is actually numerically specified for mage is STR, the stat that can be kept at 0. Can I get a bit more specific stat distribution for (beginner arena) mage?

Also what's the gameplay plan? Imperil the SG (do you use imperil if there are no SG BTW?), then just spam spells with some consideration to monster amount and mana cost until everyone dies, aiming for a monster with the mana discount status effect when possible? Are staff attacks ever used? The staff attack ability?
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post Jul 20 2024, 20:54
Post #21988

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Ser6IjVolk @ Jul 20 2024, 20:19) *

Ironically, the only Stat in the wiki guide that is actually numerically specified for mage is STR, the stat that can be kept at 0. Can I get a bit more specific stat distribution for (beginner arena) mage?

Also what's the gameplay plan? Imperil the SG (do you use imperil if there are no SG BTW?), then just spam spells with some consideration to monster amount and mana cost until everyone dies, aiming for a monster with the mana discount status effect when possible? Are staff attacks ever used? The staff attack ability?

Simple. INT=WIS=END=AGI, DEX a bit lower and STR whatever - you don't need it.

Gameplay: Imperil all, then start Monsterbation spell rotation hover. Heal with space bar. Examples are in the code of the script. No monsterbation? no mage. (okay it is technically possible, but why would anybody do that?)

Aiming? You're mage dude. We don't aim. We blast.
Staff attack? Never, don't be silly. Ability 'staff attack damage' does not get any ability points and is not slotted.

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post Jul 20 2024, 20:56
Post #21989

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QUOTE(Ser6IjVolk @ Jul 20 2024, 18:19) *

Ironically, the only Stat in the wiki guide that is actually numerically specified for mage is STR, the stat that can be kept at 0. Can I get a bit more specific stat distribution for (beginner arena) mage?

Also what's the gameplay plan? Imperil the SG (do you use imperil if there are no SG BTW?), then just spam spells with some consideration to monster amount and mana cost until everyone dies, aiming for a monster with the mana discount status effect when possible? Are staff attacks ever used? The staff attack ability?

For stats, I think something like int >= wis >= end = agi >= dex >> str. (Usually you have some points left over that can't be used to up anything else, so str shouldn't actually be at 0.) But you can mess with this a bit if you need more survivability.

For gameplay, if it's an SG round, imperil only the SGs, by the time it's dead you probably have killed everything else with splash damage. If there's no SGs, imperil everything. Usually it doesn't matter what mob you target, just pick targets to maximize the number of mobs hit. If you can pick a mob with coalesced mana, that can help a tiny bit but usually isn't terribly important.

Staff attacks are never used.
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post Jul 20 2024, 22:10
Post #21990

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Thanks for the answers!

Regarding monsterbation, I managed fine using alt+numpad so far, but I guess I can get that script if it comes so highly recommended.
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post Jul 21 2024, 04:55
Post #21991

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QUOTE(Ser6IjVolk @ Jul 20 2024, 14:19) *

aiming for a monster with the mana discount status effect when possible? Are staff attacks ever used?

I would if I'm below lvl 400. It saves a lot of mana. Now, I don't need it.
I only used staff attacks when I played as holy for draining more mana
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post Jul 21 2024, 09:23
Post #21992

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I managed to spot this in the bazaar Magnificent Ruby Phase Pants of Niflheim.
Is it a good purchase? I currently don't have phase pants at all as I'm still cobbling together a cold mage set.
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post Jul 21 2024, 10:27
Post #21993

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Wululululu-BZZT @ Jul 21 2024, 09:23) *

I managed to spot this in the bazaar Magnificent Ruby Phase Pants of Niflheim.
Is it a good purchase? I currently don't have phase pants at all as I'm still cobbling together a cold mage set.

gone already. But if it would be your level, buy immediately. If lv500 leave it.
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post Jul 22 2024, 18:44
Post #21994

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How should a beginner mage increase spell damage besides buying phase? I have my prof factor where I wanted it (0.81 for elemental), but SG arenas still take a long time. It's like 1h but without vital strike.
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post Jul 22 2024, 19:55
Post #21995

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Wululululu-BZZT @ Jul 22 2024, 18:44) *

How should a beginner mage increase spell damage besides buying phase? I have my prof factor where I wanted it (0.81 for elemental), but SG arenas still take a long time. It's like 1h but without vital strike.

forge forge forge your gear
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post Jul 23 2024, 01:29
Post #21996

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Ok, so, I got another (potentially very dumb) question.

The wiki suggests that the best way to handle monsters is to open up as many slots as possible and have as many monsters active as possible to maximize gift chances and get as many gifts as possible per day or whatnot.

However, as a not particularly active player in HV, I've noticed that my one, PL 524 monster, rarely gives me any good stuff. In fact, I can't even remember when I last got a binding off of it, much less one of the valuable ones, or rare materials like Shade fragments and whatnot.

I'm asking because, well, looking at the market, unless you're going mage, stuff like leather and metal are dirt cheap, and even for high grade leather, you can buy something like 30 pieces of it for the value of a single Shade Fragment (and you're gonna need a lot of those if you're using full Shade gear) and let's not even get how many you could get for the value of a single binding of slaughter. (and you're gonna need a lot of THOSE too if you want to seriously upgrade a lot of Shade gear... and weapons on top of everything else)

So doesn't it make sense to have fewer, higher leveled monsters that bring better gifts? Even if you get stuff you don't need, you can then sell it for the stuff you DO need. (Like Crystallized Phazons, those seem to go for quite a bit, so getting more of those from monsters would be nice, in lieu of bindings and whatnot.)
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post Jul 23 2024, 03:06
Post #21997
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(Iexist @ Jul 22 2024, 17:29) *

Ok, so, I got another (potentially very dumb) question.

The wiki suggests that the best way to handle monsters is to open up as many slots as possible and have as many monsters active as possible to maximize gift chances and get as many gifts as possible per day or whatnot.

However, as a not particularly active player in HV, I've noticed that my one, PL 524 monster, rarely gives me any good stuff. In fact, I can't even remember when I last got a binding off of it, much less one of the valuable ones, or rare materials like Shade fragments and whatnot.

I'm asking because, well, looking at the market, unless you're going mage, stuff like leather and metal are dirt cheap, and even for high grade leather, you can buy something like 30 pieces of it for the value of a single Shade Fragment (and you're gonna need a lot of those if you're using full Shade gear) and let's not even get how many you could get for the value of a single binding of slaughter. (and you're gonna need a lot of THOSE too if you want to seriously upgrade a lot of Shade gear... and weapons on top of everything else)

So doesn't it make sense to have fewer, higher leveled monsters that bring better gifts? Even if you get stuff you don't need, you can then sell it for the stuff you DO need. (Like Crystallized Phazons, those seem to go for quite a bit, so getting more of those from monsters would be nice, in lieu of bindings and whatnot.)

Yes indeed, given the monster lab has a sort of pity system where monsters give stuff automatically more or less every 3 days it's better to go for numbers when you haven't opened yet all the slots as you said.

There's a common advice about leaving them at low PLs as those low PL monsters do have a chance to appear in battles and fight low level players, people experimenting and ultra casual players who don't have a single care about the game (namely those grinding for GP exclusively) among other individuals, your monsters will every once in a while bring extra gifts besides the pity ones, however from experience ever since a monster reaches ~PL 200-750 it enters an ultra dead zone where it has a hard time facing anyone, both from that PL zone being extremely saturated and because the players who get to face those are in their player phase of attempting to challenge higher difficulties and speedy leveling meaning they barely get a chance to face them. So in the case of your monster it's no wonder why it has poor performance regarding gifts, it just simply finds it difficult to get in the spotlight as many have observed in isekai.

Also monsters can only carry a limited number of gifts, I have seen old screenshots with around 8 and other users have commented a similar number, which means even if you rely on pity gifts only if you don't check them frequently they'll simply be unable to hold any more than that and you will "lose" out on those.

And you may also know that PL affects what kind of materials they bring, so around PL 500 they start bringing High grade mats whereas at PL 750 they stop bringing low grade ones, and while it may seem interesting to get them above 500 for the high grade chance there seems to be a linear correlation regarding mats and PL, so a PL 500 has a very little chance to get a high grade (~1%?) and with it being in deadzone and only bringing a gift every 3 days you may spend a long time before seeing it bring a single one compared to a higher leveled monster. Naturally this doesn't include bindings or rare materials like phazons and fragments as those are unaffected by PL whatsoever.

So going back to your question, few high leveled monsters may have a better performance, but only at very high investment both in crystals and tokens (min PL 1550) which means they'll take some time to "pay off", say a couple years or more depending on how much you invest in them and if you need 2000+ tokens to get your monster in shape, wouldn't it be better to just use them to unlock more slots since again, bindings and rares are unaffected by PL? Surely 50 monsters bringing gifts, which may include rares, every 3 days are better than 3 bringing one gift everyday.

On that note a PL 2250 takes some 10-12 years to pay off so those are mostly done as fashion, goal, hatred towards other users, etc. rather than as a high reward investment.

TL;DR: Quantity > Quality when monster slots aren't fully unlocked. Check monsters frequently for gifts. Rares unaffected by PL. High investment takes years to pay off. PL 2250 only as hobby.
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post Jul 23 2024, 04:10
Post #21998

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Jul 23 2024, 04:06) *

Yes indeed, given the monster lab has a sort of pity system where monsters give stuff automatically more or less every 3 days it's better to go for numbers when you haven't opened yet all the slots as you said.

There's a common advice about leaving them at low PLs as those low PL monsters do have a chance to appear in battles and fight low level players, people experimenting and ultra casual players who don't have a single care about the game (namely those grinding for GP exclusively) among other individuals, your monsters will every once in a while bring extra gifts besides the pity ones, however from experience ever since a monster reaches ~PL 200-750 it enters an ultra dead zone where it has a hard time facing anyone, both from that PL zone being extremely saturated and because the players who get to face those are in their player phase of attempting to challenge higher difficulties and speedy leveling meaning they barely get a chance to face them. So in the case of your monster it's no wonder why it has poor performance regarding gifts, it just simply finds it difficult to get in the spotlight as many have observed in isekai.

Also monsters can only carry a limited number of gifts, I have seen old screenshots with around 8 and other users have commented a similar number, which means even if you rely on pity gifts only if you don't check them frequently they'll simply be unable to hold any more than that and you will "lose" out on those.

And you may also know that PL affects what kind of materials they bring, so around PL 500 they start bringing High grade mats whereas at PL 750 they stop bringing low grade ones, and while it may seem interesting to get them above 500 for the high grade chance there seems to be a linear correlation regarding mats and PL, so a PL 500 has a very little chance to get a high grade (~1%?) and with it being in deadzone and only bringing a gift every 3 days you may spend a long time before seeing it bring a single one compared to a higher leveled monster. Naturally this doesn't include bindings or rare materials like phazons and fragments as those are unaffected by PL whatsoever.

So going back to your question, few high leveled monsters may have a better performance, but only at very high investment both in crystals and tokens (min PL 1550) which means they'll take some time to "pay off", say a couple years or more depending on how much you invest in them and if you need 2000+ tokens to get your monster in shape, wouldn't it be better to just use them to unlock more slots since again, bindings and rares are unaffected by PL? Surely 50 monsters bringing gifts, which may include rares, every 3 days are better than 3 bringing one gift everyday.

On that note a PL 2250 takes some 10-12 years to pay off so those are mostly done as fashion, goal, hatred towards other users, etc. rather than as a high reward investment.
TL;DR: Quantity > Quality when monster slots aren't fully unlocked. Check monsters frequently for gifts. Rares unaffected by PL. High investment takes years to pay off. PL 2250 only as hobby.

Rare drops are not affected by PL? At all? Seriously...?!

The wiki doesn't mention this AT ALL... and I honestly think that this is some pretty important information to include... because, yeah, if bindings and rare mats are not affected by PL at all, then MOAR monsters is the way to go for sure... though I'm not entirely sure how sustainable that is for a low activity player, because the cost of Happy Pills is gonna go up like mad, and you can't relly on crystals because that might level your monster over the low threshold you want to keep. (It's how I got the 524 PL monster to begin with. Using crystals to cover the morale bar...)

Gonna have to think about this, even if I barely do anything every day, I do check the monster(s) every day...

But the removal of the low level arenas was highly demotivational for me in terms of being active every day...
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post Jul 23 2024, 05:14
Post #21999
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(Iexist @ Jul 22 2024, 20:10) *

Rare drops are not affected by PL? At all? Seriously...?!

The wiki doesn't mention this AT ALL... and I honestly think that this is some pretty important information to include... because, yeah, if bindings and rare mats are not affected by PL at all, then MOAR monsters is the way to go for sure... though I'm not entirely sure how sustainable that is for a low activity player, because the cost of Happy Pills is gonna go up like mad, and you can't relly on crystals because that might level your monster over the low threshold you want to keep. (It's how I got the 524 PL monster to begin with. Using crystals to cover the morale bar...)

Gonna have to think about this, even if I barely do anything every day, I do check the monster(s) every day...

But the removal of the low level arenas was highly demotivational for me in terms of being active every day...

Uh-oh, if it doesn't mention it well yeah, that's the reason why it's always recommended to have more monsters anyway so now you know. I personally found troublesome keeping up with food expenses but I guess if they've been alive long enough then keeping up morale is quite a nuisance. There's ways to slow both of those like star or perks or trainings but the price is high and I would seriously stay away from the trainings regarding monsters no matter what, like seriously.

If costs are unsustainable I would recommend just cutting out the amount of monsters active or sell whatever they bring that you don't need immediately and make the monsters cover their expenses as much as possible.
And if that's not enough then probably just go with basic stuff like upping the difficulty and getting some scripts to facilitate monlab management and battling so you can get more credits and keep your mons alive with less hassle. Can also try to get some money from the events around here.

But the point of it all is that having a self-sustaining monlab is possible but it requires some investment and a lot of time so at times its better to just buy the stuff needed to upgrade your stuff than waiting for it to drop for years.
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post Jul 23 2024, 09:21
Post #22000

Tentacle Lover, Bodysuits Admirer
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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Jul 23 2024, 06:14) *

Uh-oh, if it doesn't mention it well yeah, that's the reason why it's always recommended to have more monsters anyway so now you know. I personally found troublesome keeping up with food expenses but I guess if they've been alive long enough then keeping up morale is quite a nuisance. There's ways to slow both of those like star or perks or trainings but the price is high and I would seriously stay away from the trainings regarding monsters no matter what, like seriously.

If costs are unsustainable I would recommend just cutting out the amount of monsters active or sell whatever they bring that you don't need immediately and make the monsters cover their expenses as much as possible.
And if that's not enough then probably just go with basic stuff like upping the difficulty and getting some scripts to facilitate monlab management and battling so you can get more credits and keep your mons alive with less hassle. Can also try to get some money from the events around here.

But the point of it all is that having a self-sustaining monlab is possible but it requires some investment and a lot of time so at times its better to just buy the stuff needed to upgrade your stuff than waiting for it to drop for years.

Yeeeeah, I definitely don't have millions to throw at monster training of all things. If I had those kinds of credits, I'd finish all the other relevant training first. Like proficiency rate training and exp training and drops related training etc. As for stars, I don't have the credits to buy those either. I'd probably be able to work my way up via application of wallet, since donations are cumulative... but... uh... the donation system for e-hentai is cancer and I don't really like to deal with bitcoin shenanigans unless I absolutely have too.

In any case, for the monster thing, I guess I'll slowly, sloooooooooooooooooooowly expand the monster roster and see when it gets annoying to manage and whatnot. Me being "not that active" also means that Chaos tokens have been in short supply too, and I'm not one of those "wins a lottery prize once a week" people either.

Thank you VERY much for all the help you provided.
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